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Power Savings in Digital Filters for Wireless Communication

This paper presents a methodology to reduce the power consumption, silicon area, as well as increasing the performance, in digital filters that are feasible for wireless communication circuitries. The method is based on arithmetic reductions in a wave digital filter. Basically, the multipliers are removed to reduce the number of arithmetic operations. All parameters including the dynamic and stati

An XML representation of DAE systems obtained from continuous-time Modelica models

This contribution outlines an XML format for representation of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) models obtained from continuous time Modelica models and possibly also from other equation-based modeling languages. The purpose is to offer a standardized model exchange format which is based on the DAE formalism and which is neutral with respect to model usage. Many usages of models go beyond wh

Finns det skillnader i kvinnliga och manliga teknologers inställning till samarbetslärande i matematikundervisningen?

Efter ett par terminers erfarenhets med en lättare variant av samarbetslärande inom matematikundervisningen på LTH, har försöket utvärderats via en enkät. I utvärderingen fokuserade vi på genusaspekten för att försöka ge svar till frågan om kvinnliga och manliga teknologer hade olika inställning till arbetssättet. Resultaten visar att det finns ett överlag positivt mottagande till metodiken bland

Max- and Sum-Separable Lyapunov Functions for Monotone Systems and Their Level Sets

For interconnected systems and systems of large size, aggregating information of subsystems studied individually is useful for addressing the overall stability. In the Lyapunov- based analysis, summation and maximization of separately constructed functions are two typical approaches in such a philosophy. This paper focuses on monotone systems which are common in control applications and elucidates

Concrete Roofing Tiles

Good roofing materials are both difficult to find and expensive in developing countries. Roofing tiles using cement as the binding agent have been produced in Europe for over 150 years, and have partially replaced burnt ceramic tiles for purely economic reasons. Although modern factories can produce 10,000 tiles per person per day with a few workers, small-scale hand production still offers both g