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Proton-Conducting Sulfonated and Phosphonated Polymers and Fuel Cell Membranes by Chemical Modification of Polysulfones

Popular Abstract in Swedish Polymerelektrolytbränslecellen utmärker sig som en framtida effektiv och miljövänlig kraftkälla för bland annat fordon. Den bakomliggande teknologin är dock komplex och grundar sig till stor del på material och komponenter som kräver ytterliggare utveckling. En av de största hindren för bränslecellsteknologins utveckling är kravet på nya, långlivade och billiga polymermThe proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is currently emerging as an efficient and environmentally friendly power source. The technology is very complex and relies ultimately on materials and components which need further development. One of the major hurdles for advancing the PEMFC technology is currently the demand for new durable low-cost polymeric membranes that will allow fuel cell oper

A high-performance syntactic and semantic dependency parser

This demonstration presents a highperformance syntactic and semantic dependency parser. The system consists of a pipeline of modules that carry out the tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, and semantic role labeling of a sentence. The system’s two main components draw on improved versions of a state-of-the-art dependency parser (Bohnet, 2009) and semantic role l

MHC and genomic diversity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Graden av genetisk variation inom och mellan olika populationer bestäms av balansen mellan tre faktorer: naturligt urval, slumpmässig genetisk drift och genflöde. Genom studier av genetisk variation är det möjligt att dra slutsatser om t ex selektionstryck på olika alleler (genvarianter), arters spridningsvägar till nya platser, tid sedan etablering och graden av släktsIn this thesis I present studies concerning genomic diversity and genetic heterogeneity as well as the evolution and maintenance of genetic variation at a specific immune defence gene in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.). I here present data on nucleotide diversity showing that human activities as well as different post-glacial colonisation events have had considerable effects on the genomic diver

Glycoside hydrolases from extremophiles isolated in Iceland. alpha-L-Rhamnosidases and pectin degrading enzymes

Extreme environments (high and low temperature, high and low pH, etc.) are inhabited by a vast and diverse flora of microorganisms, which are adapted to these environments (extremophiles). The enzymes produced by extremophiles are active under these harsh conditions and are thus applicable in processes, where conditions are outside the working range of enzymes originating from mesophiles. In this

European Medical Imaging Technology Training, EMIT – ett prisbelönt EU-utbildningsprojekt

I ett sameuropeiskt Leonardo da Vinci-projekt har utvecklats ett internationellt utbildnings- och praktikpa- ket för blivande sjukhusfysiker [1-3]. Utbildningspaketet innehåller praktiska och kliniska övningsuppgifter där delta- garna tränas i för en sjukhusfysiker vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter. Målet har varit att det skall ge sjukhusfysi- kern den praktiska kompetens som krävs av det euro

Vehicle-to-vehicle channel models with large vehicle obstructions

Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is an en-abler for improved traffic safety and congestion control. As for any wireless system the ultimate performance limit is determined by the propagation channel. A particular point of interest is the shadowing effect of large vehicles such as trucks and buses, as this might affect the communication range significantly. In this paper we present measuremen

Security industry standards – a research agenda

The security industry has traditionally been highly fragmented and vendors have opted for proprietary standards that induce customer lockin. Several factors – including absence of network effects, end-user heterogeneity and low barriers of entry – have contributed to the dearth of standards. The shift to digital product platforms did not initially change the structural dynamics that inhibit standa

Synchronization for Multicarrier Systems

This thesis has synchronization of Multicarrier systems, more specifically Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems, as the main theme. The thesis addresses two areas, the first proposing and analyzing time and frequency estimators for OFDM systems, the second investigating more practical issues around these estimators. The practical part addresses implementation and applies the e