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Properties of FeNiB-based metallic glasses with primary BCC and FCC crystallisation products.

FeSiB tapes have long been commercialised for their excellent soft-magnetic properties but do not manifest a glass transition temperature Tg as crystallisation intervenes. In this work, we present the crystallisation and properties of two Fe-based glasses, which show a glass transition before crystallisation. Using Ni and Co substitution, we can design glasses that form primary FCC or BCC FeNiCo s

Throughput of strongly interfering slow frequency-hopping networks

With the increasing, use of short-range wireless devices for high-data-rate communication in the shared frequency bands, the level of interference can be expected to increase. The ability to,estimate, the performance degradation of these devices due to increasing interference is, therefore, important. In this paper, the throughput of devices that perform frequency hops after each transmitted packe

Extraterrestrial chromite in Middle Ordovician marine limestone at Kinnekulle, southern Sweden - Traces of a major asteroid breakup event

The distribution of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains and other Cr-rich spinels (> 63 mu m) has been studied in Middle Ordovician Orthoceratite Limestone from two quarries at Kinnekulle, southern Sweden. In the Thorsberg quarry, all similar to 3.2 m thick sequence of beds previously shown to be rich in fossil meteorites is also rich in sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite

High-dose inhaled budesonide may substitute for oral therapy after an acute asthma attack

Patients attending the emergency room with acute asthma, participating in a study comparing salbutamol (albuterol in the United States) via a dry powder inhaler (Turbuhaler) with pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI), were included in this 1-week follow-up study with the aim of assessing whether inhaled budesonide via Turbuhaler may be an alternative to prednisolone tablets after an acute asthma

Immunologic proliferation marker Ki-S2 as prognostic indicator for lymph node-negative breast cancer

BACKGROUND: Proper treatment of lymph node-negative breast cancer depends on an accurate prognosis. To improve prognostic models for this disease, we evaluated whether an immunohistochemical marker for proliferating cells, Ki-S2 (a monoclonal antibody that binds to a 100-kd nuclear protein expressed in S, G2, and M phases of the cell cycle), is an accurate indicator of prognosis.METHODS: We studie

Low-temperature spectroscopy of fully active cores. Comparison with CP43, CP47,

Comparisons of absorption spectra of photosystem II (PSII) core complexes with those of isolated CP43, CP47 and D1/D2/cyt b559 complexes show broadenings and shifts upon disassembly of the PSII core material. Spectra of PSII cores isolated from plants and cyanobacteria reveal marked changes in energies and intensities of the sharp features associated with P680. Low-temperature, illumination-induce

Predicting the Effects of Intervention and Sabotage in a Boundedly Complex Game

Conditions for predicting the effects of intervention with certainty are derived. An outside observer studies sequences of actions from a two-person repeated prisoners' dilemma. The sequences are generated by finite automata, which are optimal at each stage of the game and also minimize the number of states. An intervention is a change of action for one of the players and a prediction is a stateme

Differences in UV-B sensitivity between PSII from grana lamellae and stroma lamellae

UV-B treatment of thylakoid membranes or fractions derived from them accelerates the first rise (Fo---Fi phase) of variable fluorescence and slows down the second (Fi---Fm) rise. This can be observed for all membrane fractions but to different extents. The grana fraction is affected more by the UV-B treatment than are the intact thylakoids and the stroma lamella fraction. An exogenous electron acc

Osteoporosis, metabolic aberrations, and increased risk for vertebral fractures after partial gastrectomy

A case-control study compared 129 men with earlier partial gastrectomy (operation during the period 1952-1961) with 216 men from a community-based population study. All were born 1910-1915 and the mean age was 72 years. Men with a previous partial gastrectomy had vertebral fractures in 19% compared with 4% (P < 0.01) in the control population. Bone mineral density (BMD) in the right calcaneus meas

The Nordic Reference Interval Project 2000: recommended reference intervals for 25 common biochemical properties

Each of 102 Nordic routine clinical biochemistry laboratories collected blood samples from at least 25 healthy reference individuals evenly distributed for gender and age, and analysed 25 of the most commonly requested serum/plasma components from each reference individual. A reference material ( control) consisting of a fresh frozen liquid pool of serum with values traceable to reference methods

Induction of donor-specific tolerance to islet allografts in nonhuman primates.

Pancreatic tissue grafting is by far the most physiological therapeutic solution to the insulin deficiency of diabetes. Recent clinical trials have indicated somewhat successful use of nonsteroidal immunosuppressive regimens and a successful nonhuman primate trial using CD154 for costimulation blockade was reported. However, these protocols need to be replaced with safe and efficacious ones in whi

High-pressure chamber measurements

Results from the design of a high-pressure chamber and its components, recently developed at the Lund Institute of Technology, are presented. The results show that at high pressures, when the lubricants have solidified, the density varies linearly with the pressure and the shear strength also increases nearly linearly with pressure. This is also true for the investigated gasses when they are compr

ATPase activity of magnesium chelatase subunit I is required to maintain subunit D in vivo

During biosynthesis of chlorophyll, Mg2+ is inserted into protoporphyrin IX by magnesium chelatase. This enzyme consists of three different subunits of approximate to 40, 70 and 140 kDa. Seven barley mutants deficient in the 40 kDa magnesium chelatase subunit were analysed and it was found that this subunit is essential for the maintenance of the 70 kDa subunit, but not the 140 kDa subunit. The 40