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Barns upplevelser av sina rättigheter: en undersökning av 11-åringars kännedom om barnkonventionen samt deras upplevelse av inflytande hemma och i skolan

The purpose of this essay is to examine what children at the age of eleven think about their rights. Do children feel, that they were treated well by adults and are listened to and if adults really respected them? Do children know anything about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? Our questions at the issue were: What is convention of the Child? What is article 12.1 about? What knowledge

Hot och våld inom socialtjänsten - och vad man gör för att förhindra det

I studied the risk of threats and violence towards social workers and how prevention work is organised and performed in a case study. I studied available data and literature on the subject and performed qualitative interviews with three social workers and the head of department of an average sized welfare office in Sweden, and a social worker who had been threatened by a client in another work pla

Invandrarmammors sociala nätverk

The purpose of this study was to investigate how immigrant mothers in Sweden view their social network and how they think their social network affects their parenthood. The study is based on a qualitative method. We interviewed eight immigrant women with children under the age of 18. During the interviews we used maps of networks in order to get a clearer picture of the size and the structure of t

Socialt arbete och frivilligt arbete : en studie inom sjukvården i Warszawa

The purpose with this studie is to illuminate the areas of social work and volonteer work within healthcare in Warsaw, Poland. I also want to problematize around the possibilities and obstacles for social work and to find out if volonteer work has any impact on the socialworkers situation. The central questions for my studie is: 1 Is there any social work done within healthcare in Warsaw, in that

Vem behöver diagnosen Asperger syndrom?

The aim of the study was to analyze the reasons behind the increasing number of people with the diagnosis Asperger syndrome and the effect of the diagnosis on the individual, the family and society. The theoretical approach was based on the theories of Michel Foucault and complemented with two articles by Mats Börjesson and Per Solvang. I asked the following questions: How was the diagnosis establ

Kausalitet och juridik

I föreliggande uppsats diskuteras orsaksbegreppet i juridiken. Begreppets metafysiska oavhängighet uppmärksammas, varmed de svårigheter som är behäftade med kausalitet som metafysisk företeelse, och som i den tidigare debatten delvis bidragit till ämnets svårtillgänglighet, kan undvikas. Vidare förespråkas en mer nyanserad beskrivning av kausalitet i juridiken än den som traditionellt formuleras i

Arbetsrättsligt skydd för föräldralediga arbetstagare. En normativ analys.

Sweden has a very favourable legislation regarding paid parental leave. However, in the labour market this is not always something positive. Absence from the workplace, and especially a long one, may disturb the employer's organisation and there is a risk that employers compensate for this by, in the worst case, avoiding to employ workers of a fertile age. Further, back at the workplace after

Ett tacksamt arbete : en studie om upplevelser och erfarenheter av att arbeta med död och sorg

The purpose of the essay is to describe and analyse the professional’s experiences of the works contents and driving force. The professionals referred to in the essay are all handling dead people in their job. The central questions are: How do the professionals feel about these tasks? What perception do professionals feel that outsiders have about their job? What is the recruitment situation for t

Adoption - utifrån föräldraperspektiv : adoptivföräldrars upplevelser av stöd och hjälp innan och efter en adoption

Based on the debate in the media following the SOU (2003:49)-reports different suggestions to strengthen the childs role in the adoption process, we started considering the adoptive parents reactions to all this. Has anyone asked them? What support would they want? The objective of our paper was to present the result of a number of interviews with adoptive parents regarding some of the questions f

Missbruk av dominerande ställning vid försvar av patent

Immaterialrätt och konkurrensrätt har till uppgift att tillvarata delvis motstridiga intressen. Tillerkännande av en immateriell ensamrätt skapar en form av monopolställning för rättighetens innehavare. Denne kan i kraft av de rättigheter som inryms i ensamrätten begränsa eller utestänga konkurrens på en marknad. Motsättningen mellan dessa rättsområden genererar svåra av-vägnings-problem mellan al

A study on how to establish companies in India from a legal and tax point of view

My graduate thesis handles the problem how Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB (SEMC) in the easiest way can establish a market in the south of India, Chennai, relating to accessories. The most relevant accessory that they want to manufacture is portable hands frees. I have made an analysis of financial and governmental directives and found out what the restrictions are to import and export goo

Sex och risker : En studie om unga kvinnors sexualitet

This essay is a study about the sexuality of young women, their riskbehavior in sexual relations and the attitudes about the sexuality of young women among the professionals. We heard from a documentary that young heterosexual women lie within the biggest riskgroup for getting infected by the HIV virus. Our main purpose with this study was to examine whether women have changed their sexual lifesty

Mäns våld mot kvinnor : Omöjliga män eller män med möjligheter?

The purpose of this survey has been to find the answer to the following three questions: What resources are available in Scania for men involved in domestic violence? Who are these men that will come for help? What type of treatment is available? To do this we have interviewed representatives from the following sources: - the local police department in the north-west region of Scania - the local a

Konsten att förhindra ett beroende : om hur enskilda biståndsorganisationer arbetar för att undvika ett beroende hos mottagarna

The purpose of this essay was to examine how Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), working with foreign aid, work to avoid the recipients from being dependent on them as organizations. The main issues were: 1. What does the activity of the NGOs look like in the developing countries? 2. In which way do the people in the recipient countries participate in the projects? 3. What do the organizations

"Ingen människa är en ö..." (Ur filmen Om en pojke) - en uppsats om ungdomars psykiska välbefinnande och levnadsvillkor

My purpose with this essay was to investigate psychic health/well-being among young people from the concept Sense of Coherence and to try to make out such factors that could have an effect on young peoples Sense of Coherence. The main questions were: · How is the Sense of Coherence look among the investigated youths? · What kind of similarities/differences exists between genders regarding the Sens

När det oväntade inträffar : en studie om hur barns behov av stöd uppmärksammas inom akutsjukvården, i samband med nära anhörigs oväntade död

The aim of this essay was to find out how children are paid attention to by staff at emergency wards, when a close relative unexpectedly passes away. We had five questions to help us to reach our aim: · How can helpers work with children in acute crises? · How can children in crises react? · What apprehension does children have of death during different ages? · How much should children participate

"De visade mig en plats och sen satt jag där" : en studie av nyanställda socialsekreterares integration på arbetsplatsen

The purpose with this essay was to examine and understand factors with great importance for the new employed social welfare secretaries' integration into their working environment. It was a qualitative study done with eight interviews and as a result it gave us the social welfare secretaries' experiences. We proceeded from following questions: o What kind of reception does the new employed

"Vi och dom" : några iranier och afrikaner berättar om inneslutning och uteslutning inom grupperna

A number of theories explain how and why groups are setting up boundaries between them. Groups are often categorising each other and individuals are created into stereotypes for belonging to a certain group. Our theory is that there exist boundaries between individuals and small groups within a larger group. We examined different factors that we think could participate in these exclusion- and incl

Det goda och det onda bröstet - Dömda ungdomars syn på socialtjänsten.

The purpose of this paper was to listen to juvenile criminals about there experience of the social service secretary, the sentence and the correctional system. The questions I wanted an answer to was: how did the youngster experience the contact with the soical service? What did they think of the sentence and the measure from the social service? Did they have any significant others who could helpe