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Your search for "*" yielded 533497 hits

Adolescent and Family-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Bipolar Disorders : An Open Trial and Individual Trajectories Study in Routine Psychiatric Care

Psychosocial treatments improve outcome in Pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD), but few are developed specifically for adolescents and none has been evaluated in Europe. This study evaluates family-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescents (ages 13-18) with PBD in routine psychiatric care in Sweden, adapted for teenagers in a European setting from the Child and Family-Focused Cognitive Beh

p27Kip1 Deficiency Impairs Brown Adipose Tissue Function Favouring Fat Accumulation in Mice

The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of the whole-body deletion of p27 on the activity of brown adipose tissue and the susceptibility to develop obesity and glucose homeostasis disturbances in mice, especially when subjected to a high fat diet. p27 knockout (p27−/−) and wild type (WT) mice were fed a normal chow diet or a high fat diet (HFD) for 10-weeks. Body weight and composition

Benchmarking a 1 kW hybrid hydrogen fuel cell system

Drönare används idag inom en rad områden. Projektet H24LEO, som drivs av Trafikflygarhögskolan vid Lunds Universitet (TFHS) och är finansierat av Vinnova, har som mål att utveckla och demonstrera en drönare driven av ett hybridiserat vätgasbränslecell-system baserat på PEM-tekniken. Denna drönare har som tilltänkt syfte att kunna erbjuda understöd i så kallade Search and Rescure-uppdrag hos SjöfarUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's) offer great versatility in the tasks that they may perform and they are today used in many sectors. The H24LEO project, administered by the Lund University School of Aviation, aims to develop and demonstrate a hybrid proton-exchange membrane fuel cell-powered UAV to aid in search and rescue operations performed by the Swedish Maritime Administration, and reduce

Asylum Case Adjudication in Sweden, Country of Origin Information, and Epistemic Violence

This chapter on country of origin information (COI) draws on the semi-structured interviews I have been conducting between the years 2014 and 2022 with the responsible decision makers of the Swedish welfare state: migration court judges. By applying Spivak’s concept of ‘epistemic violence’ in my qualitative content analysis of ten of these interviews, I problematise the COI that judges apply when

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Rename or Reproduce – A Descriptive Study of the Translation of the Professional Titles and the Traditional Dalecarlian Names with a Referential Meaning in Jerusalem by Selma Lagerlöf This study investigates the translation of professional titles and the traditional names from the region of Dalecarlia, proper names that often contains referential meanings. It is a descriptive study that examines

Lärandeprogression i naturvetenskaplig utbildning

Tydliga mål och förutsättningar för progression är avgörande för studenters lärande. För att stödja studenters lärandeprogression och måluppfyllelse har vi inom de naturvetenskapliga utbildningarna i Lund utvecklat så kallade progressionsplaner. Progressionsplanen konkretiserar varje examensmål i etappmål med gradvis stegrade krav. Utifrån etappmålen formuleras sedan kursmål, som tillsammans banar

Atlingbo Krukmakeri

Mitt på Gotland ligger Atlingbo, ett litet jordbrukssamhälle där landskapet definieras av åkrar, skog och hagar. På Gotland, där en majoritet av invånarna bor utanför tätorterna, finns en levande landsbygd där små företag kan blomstra. Hantverksyrken gynnas trots det isolerade läget tack vare en stor genomströmning av turister. Projektet är en keramikverkstad intill den gamla lärarbostaden i AtliAt the centre of Gotland is Atlingbo, a small agricultural community where the landscape is defined by fields, forests and pastures. On Gotland, where a majority of the residents live outside of urban areas, the rural economy thrives and small businesses can flourish. Potentially, craft professions are supported here despite the isolated location thanks to a high influx of tourists. The project

Hållbara visioner i planeringen : En kritisk litteraturstudie

Denna litteraturöversikt tas fram inom ramen för projektet. Rapporten syftar till att undersöka hur resmönster har förändrats under pandemin, och hur detta kan påverka framtidens visioner om ett hållbart och tillgängligt transportsystem.I rapporten presenteras litteratur gällande förändrade resmönster under pandemin, hur visioner kan användas i planering, samt hur hållbarhet och tillgänglighet kan

Den mediala nudistranden : samtida förhållningssätt gentemot nakenhet i det offentliga bildspråket och dess inramning i Naked Attraction

This study examines the social phenomenon of Naked Attraction and its significance in our society, rather than its relationship to established parameters in our society. The approach in this thesis is to try to understand Naked Attraction from the perspective of our civilization's attitudes towards public nudity. The study is based on a qualitative case-study method with analytical theories of

Subkulturen och kapitalet : en studie om smak inom den digitala subkulturen Dark Academia

Dark Academia är en av flertalet digitala subkulturer som uppkommit på sociala medier under senare år. Bilder och videor föreställande akademiska sammanhang, klassisk litteratur, och stilguider i en mörkare färgskala är typexempel på sådant som kan visas i relation till estetiken. Genom ett kartläggande av estetikens bildliga uttryck på forumet Pinterest undersöker denna uppsats hur dessa uttryck

Escherichia coli CspA stimulates translation in the cold of its own mRNA by promoting ribosome progression

Escherichia coli CspA is an RNA binding protein that accumulates during cold-shock and stimulates translation of several mRNAs-including its own. Translation in the cold of cspA mRNA involves a cis-acting thermosensor element, which enhances ribosome binding, and the trans-acting action of CspA. Using reconstituted translation systems and probing experiments we show that, at low temperature, CspA

Keep plastics on a tight leash: Swedish public opinion on plastic policies

The environmental effects of the widespread use and production of plastic have gained attention in recent years. Plastic pollution in marine environments, and limitations to systems of circularity and recycling, are increasingly recognised as serious global problems. Policies and governance around plastic are thus expected to expand in scope. This article examines the Swedish public’s opinions on

Radiographic damage in early rheumatoid arthritis is associated with increased disability but not with pain-a 5-year follow-up study

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate how radiographic damage, overall and measured as joint space narrowing score (JSNS) and erosion score (ES), as well as other clinical and laboratory measures, relate to disability and pain in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA).METHODS: An inception cohort of 233 patients with early RA, recruited in 1995-2005, was followed for 5 years. Disability was assessed with the Health As

Lunds kommuns klimatpolitiska råd: Rapport 2019

Lunds kommuns klimatpolitiska råd bildades hösten 2018 med uppdrag attutvärdera hur Lunds kommuns samlade politik är förenlig med de klimatmålsom antagits av kommunfullmäktige. Rådet som är det första lokala klimatpolitiska rådet i Sverige är en unik satsning för främjandet av ett aktivt och framåtsyftande lokalt klimatarbete.Sveriges kommuner har en viktig roll att fylla i klimatarbetet – för såv

Synthesis of Tröger's Base Analogues

Tröger’s Base analogues have been widely used as scaffolds in supramolecular systems due to their structure, rigidity, and chirality. This project aims to synthesize two diastereomer Tröger’s Base analogues that could be used as building blocks for a linearly fused heptakis-Tröger’s Base. Initially, two haloaniline moieties were condensed into a halogenated Tröger’s Base analogue, which was then f

Participation in screening for breast and cervical cancer among women with current or previous drug use : a survey study

Background: Women with current or previous drug use (WCPDU) have an increased risk of poor breast and cervical cancer outcomes. Screening is known to decrease the mortality of these common cancer forms, but screening participation has been sparsely investigated among women with drug dependency. The aim of this study was to assess participation in screening for breast and cervical cancer among WCPD