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Myten om Governance En studie av den nyliberala normen och välfärdsstatens förfall

The thesis of this essay is that the concept of governance is a product of the neo-liberal dominant ideology and that the implementation of governance ideas will lead to a weaker nation-state. Using critical theory the essay constructs an ideal type of neo-liberalism and compares its core values with these of the governance concept as treated by the main literature in the area. The essay then focu

What about the law? - A case study of the protective structures concerning young girls sexual and reproductive health and rights in Mbarara, Uganda.

A case study done in Mbarara, Uganda, investigating to what extent the law about defilement is implemented. Included in the study is also a survey presenting the existing protective structures for young girls in Mbarara who have been subjected for defilement. The focus is on sexual and reproductive health and rights for young women in Mbarara and a holistic gender perspective is used in the analys

Building Democracy in Ukraine - The Role of post-Soviet Identities

This thesis aims to explore the relevance of identities for the support of democracy in Ukraine. It elaborates on the assumption that the identity's construction affects which ideas are embraced and sets out to test whether a civic as opposed to ethnic identity construction would correlate with the embracing and pursuit of the idea of democracy. Material gathered during a Minor Field Study - i

Rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs innerstad : temporal och rumslig analys av rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs artdataarkiv, ADA

Biologisk mångfald i urban miljö har visats sig ha stor betydelse för människans rekreation och fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Samtidigt förbättras stadens hälsa genom de bullerdämpande, luftrenande och klimatförbättrande egenskaper som vegetationen har. Syftet med denna undersökning är att utföra en temporal och rumslig analys med avseende på antal och utbredning av rödlistade kärlväxter i GöteborgsThe importance of green areas in urban environment has over the last decades, become more and more evident. The physical and psychological health of people is improved by having green and diverse surroundings. Positive effects from vegetation for the city itself are for example, improved air quality and climate. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal and geographical changes of red list

Youth learning for sustainable development : analysis of experiences of online learning

This study is a part of the research project Learning in the ICT-extended university (LiEU), which is conducted by Centre for Learning Lund at Lund University. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse how upper secondary school students have experienced the Young Masters Program (YMP) and their learning process in the field of sustainable development in the ICT-mediated course with iss

Arctic aerosol and long-range transport.

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Under ett år, från mars 2000 till april 2001, samlades data om arktiska aerosoler in på mätstationen Zeppelin, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Två instrument användes, en Condensation Particles Counter och en Differential Mobility Particle Sizer som mätte aerosoler i storleks intervallet 0.02-0.621 μm. Resultatet har analyserats och utvärderats med hjälp av 10 dagars baklAerosols have been measured at the Zeppelin station, at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, from March 2000 to April 2001. Two instruments were used, a Condensation Particles Counter and a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer, which measured total aerosol number density above 0.02 μm as well as the aerosol size distribution between 0.02 μm and 0.621 μm in diameter. The results have been analyzed with help of 10

Enhanced short-wavelength sensitivity in the blue-tongued skink Tiliqua rugosa

Despite lizards using a wide range of colour signals, the limited variation in photoreceptor spectral sensitivities across lizards suggests only weak selection for species-specific, spectral tuning of photoreceptors. Some species, however, have enhanced short-wavelength sensitivity, which probably helps with the detection of signals rich in ultraviolet and short wavelengths. In this study, we exam

How Can a Banking Union Make the EU More Resilient to Crises?

This chapter examines if and how the yet-incomplete European Banking Union can make the EU more resilient to crises. Key experiences from the financial and sovereign debt crises, and the EU’s new bank regulatory framework and the components of the Banking Union, are summarised. An overview of how European banking sectors have developed since the previous crises is also provided. The current regula

Forward rapidity J/ψ production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 and 13 TeV

The production of J/ψ is measured as a function of charged-particle multiplicity at forward rapidity in proton-proton (pp) collisions at center-of-mass energies s = 5.02 and 13 TeV. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed via their decay into dimuons in the rapidity interval (2.5 < y < 4.0), whereas the charged-particle multiplicity density (dNch/dη) is measured at midrapidity (|η| < 1). The production r

SELNET clinical practice guidelines for bone sarcoma

Bone sarcoma are infrequent diseases, representing < 0.2% of all adult neoplasms. A multidisciplinary management within reference centers for sarcoma, with discussion of the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies within an expert multidisciplinary tumour board, is essential for these patients, given its heterogeneity and low frequency. This approach leads to an improvement in patient's outcome, as

Short Lives : The Impact of Parental Death on Early-Life Mortality and Height in the Netherlands, 1850-1940

We investigate how experiencing parental death in infancy, childhood, or adolescence affected individuals' health using two distinct measures: mortality before age 20 and young adult height. Using two complementary indicators of health enables us to gain more insights into processes of selection and the scarring of health. Employing nationally representative data for the Netherlands for the 1850-1

Costs of multimorbidity : a systematic review and meta-analyses

Background: Multimorbidity is a rising global phenomenon, placing strains on countries’ population health and finances. This systematic review provides insight into the costs of multimorbidity through addressing the following primary and secondary research questions: What evidence exists on the costs of multimorbidity? How do costs of specific disease combinations vary across countries? How do mul

Effects of bioelectricity generation processes on methane emission and bacterial community in wetland and carbon fate analysis

Wetlands are an important carbon sink for greenhouse gases (GHGs), and embedding microbial fuel cell (MFC) into constructed wetland (CW) has become a new technology to control methane (CH4) emission. Rhizosphere anode CW–MFC was constructed by selecting rhizome-type wetland plants with strong hypoxia tolerance, which could provide photosynthetic organics as alternative fuel. Compared with non-plan

Procedural Aspects on Impartial and Independent Judging - How Can a Court Decide Whether Another Court and its Judges are Impartial and Independent?

Poland and polish courts have been the subject of much attention during recent years, because of alleged problems in relation to the organisation of justice in Poland. It has been claimed that new suggested legislation in Poland, and changes in the system for appointing judges, prevents courts in Poland from adjudicating justice in a fair and independent manner in accordance with the Rule of Law.

Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Insect Herbivory and Nutrient Fluxes in a Mature Temperate Forest

Insect herbivory is one of the most important ecological processes affecting plant–soil feedbacks and overall forest ecosystem health. In this study, we assess how elevated carbon dioxide (eCO2) impacts (i) leaf level insect herbivory and (ii) the stand-level herbivore-mediated transfer of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) from the canopy to the ground in a natural mature oak temperate forest community

RNA sequencing-based single sample predictors of molecular subtype and risk of recurrence for clinical assessment of early-stage breast cancer

Multigene assays for molecular subtypes and biomarkers can aid management of early invasive breast cancer. Using RNA-sequencing we aimed to develop single-sample predictor (SSP) models for clinical markers, subtypes, and risk of recurrence (ROR). A cohort of 7743 patients was divided into training and test set. We trained SSPs for subtypes and ROR assigned by nearest-centroid (NC) methods and SSPs

Two-Dimensional Crystals as a Buffer Layer for High Work Function Applications : The Case of Monolayer MoO3

We propose that the crystallinity of two-dimensional (2D) materials is a crucial factor for achieving highly effective work function (WF) modification. A crystalline 2D MoO3 monolayer enhances substrate WF up to 6.4 eV for thicknesses as low as 0.7 nm. Such a high WF makes 2D MoO3 a great candidate for tuning properties of anode materials and for the future design of organic electronic devices, wh

Risk Assessments of Natural Hazards in Refugee Camp Planning in Greece. Challenges and Recommended Actions.

The rapid increase of asylum-seekers in 2015 overwhelmed the Greek reception system and led to the creation of numerous refugee camps throughout the country. The Sphere Minimum Standards provide globally acknowledged guidance to design and manage these facilities. They designate risk assessments as an essential tool to guarantee a safe environment for Persons of Concern. Yet, exposure to natural h