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RIFM FRAGRANCE INGREDIENT SAFETY ASSESSMENT, acetaldehyde ethyl phenylethyl acetal, CAS Registry Number 2556-10-7
Man, en och du : Generiska pronomen i svenskans historia
This thesis examines the development of three generic pronouns in the history of the Swedish language, from the year of ca. 1225 until today. The analysis focuses on how the former noun man (‘man’), numeral en (‘one’) and personal pronoun du (‘you’) have turned into generic pronouns, thereby referring to one or a number of arbitrarily chosen human individuals. Furthermore, the study maps how the g
En skolbyggnads statusbedömning och renoveringsmöjligheter
Med utgångspunkt i Miljöbyggnad, det svenska miljöcertifieringssystemet, har en skolbyggnads status utvärderats. De bedömda indikatorerna inom energi, inomhusmiljö och material gav en bred och övergriplig bild av byggnadens skick och utvärderingen ger en bra grund för det fortsatta arbetet. Skolbyggnaden Kullagymnasiet i Höganäs, Skåne, bedöms nå certifieringsnivån brons, vilket minst motsvarar sa
“Visual rhetoric and didactics”
Responding to Syncretism
Syncretism seems to disturb, and make uncertain what is taken for granted. Whether this is out of ‘logic’ or out of ‘jealousy’ is important in my reading. In this paper I suggest that logic is unhelpful in analyses of syncretism. Many religiously grounded refutations and condemnations of syncretism are based on jealousy, I suggest. I also suggest that jealousy as ground for judging syncretism, syn
In vitro tumorigenic assay : colony forming assay for cancer stem cells
Colony forming or clonogenic assay is an in vitro quantitative technique to examine the capability of a single cell to grow into a large colony through clonal expansion. Clonogenic activity is a sensitive indicator of undifferentiated cancer stem cells. Here, we described the colony forming ability of the isolated breast cancer stem cells from the total population of cancer cells using double-laye
Integration of the ecosystem services concept in planning documents from six municipalities in southwestern Sweden
The ecosystem services (ES) concept refers to benefits that humanity receives from nature. Investigating how this concept has been embraced within urban planning is important when assessing the awareness of human dependence on natural functions and the potential for the ES concept to increase this awareness. We analyzed planning documents from three small and three large municipalities in southern
Antiretroviral Treatment at Ethiopian Health Centers
In 2017,for the first time, more than half of all people living with HIV (PLHIV) had access to antiretroviral treatment (ART). This expansion of ART has in part been achieved through decentralization of HIV care in resource-limited settings. There, many PLHIV now receive care at ART clinics integrated within the primary health care system. At these clinics, non-physician clinicians are responsible
Histological improvement of liver fibrosis in well-treated patients with autoimmune hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic autoimmune liver disease that if left untreated may lead to the development of cirrhosis. Previous studies on AIH patients have suggested that fibrosis and even cirrhosis can be reversed by medical treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of medical treatment for protection of developing fibrosis and cirrhosis. A total of 258 liver biops
The relevance of structural features of cellulose and its interactions to dissolution, regeneration, gelation and plasticization phenomena
Cellulose is the most abundant polymer and a very important renewable resource. Since cellulose cannot be shaped by melting, a major route for its use for novel materials, new chemical compounds and renewable energy must go via the solution state. Investigations during several decades have led to the identification of several solvents of notably different character. The mechanisms of dissolution i
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Lymph node metastases as only qualifier for stage IV serous ovarian cancer confers longer survival than other sites of distant disease – a Swedish Gynecologic Cancer Group (SweGCG) study
Background: The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) ovarian cancer staging system includes no sub-stage for lymph nodes (LN) as only distant disease manifestation. We explore the prognostic implication of LN as only stage IV classifier in serous ovarian cancer. Method: This is a nation-wide, population-based study on 551 women with serous stage IV cancers diagnosed between
How are biodiversity and dispersal of species affected by the management of roadsides? A systematic map
Background: In many parts of the world, roadsides are regularly managed for traffic-safety reasons. Hence, there are similarities between roadsides and certain other managed habitats, such as wooded pastures and mown or grazed grasslands. These habitats have declined rapidly in Europe during the last century. For many species historically associated with them, roadsides may function as new primary
Interrelationships and diversification of Argynnis Fabricius and Speyeria Scudder butterflies
Diverse radiations of insects are often associated with adaptations to host plants, and well-resolved phylogenetic relationships are required to fully understand them. Palearctic Argynnis and related subgenera, together with North American Speyeria butterflies make up a radiation whose species hypotheses are confounded by shared wing colour patterns between sympatric populations of closely related
Type 2 diabetes, adiposity and cancer morbidity and mortality risk taking into account competing risk of noncancer deaths in a prospective cohort setting
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and adiposity associate with increased risk of several cancers, but the impact of competing risk of noncancer deaths on these associations is not known. We prospectively examined participants in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study aged 44–73 years with no history of cancer at baseline (n = 26,953, 43% men). T2D was ascertained at baseline and during follow-up, and body mass index
Wood-water interactions in brown-rot decayed wood characterized by Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LFNMR)
It is a trivial fact that water is needed for decay of wood by brown rot fungi, but when this is looked at in more detail, there are several fundamental questions concerning water and decay that are not solved. The purpose of this study is to study how the wood-water interaction is changed during degradation of brown-rot fungi of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.) grown at two different parts
Estimating gas temperatures in large enclosures
A case study is used in this paper to study and analyse drawbacks and advantages of three different numerical fire models when used to model horizontal and vertical gas temperature distributions in a 1200m 2 large enclosure. The three methods are: a CFD model, a two-zone mode l and a multi-layer zone model. This is the first time the three models are used and compared in a large enclosure situatio