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Your search for "*" yielded 532944 hits

Dialogue and the “miracle of language” : The early and late Bakhtin

This essay begins with a brief account of the French linguistic structuralism and very briefly some aspects of the post-structuralist critique of it, here represented by Lacan and, Deleuze, and Guattari as a response to it. Against this backdrop, the purpose of the essay is to show a critique of structuralism that came earlier than the post-structuralist one, namely that of the Russian philosopher

A framework to assess the degrowth transformative capacity of niche initiatives

As humanity faces multiple mutually-reinforcing social-ecological crises, rhetoric on transformations abounds. However, transformations are normative, politically-contested processes that risk perpetuating, or even exacerbating, the ecological and socio-economic crises of today. We argue that transformations should seek to enhance human and non-human well-being within the planetary boundaries; a g

Irish GDP Since Independence

This paper constructs annual GDP estimates for Ireland (1924-47) to join the first complete official aggregates. The new series is deployed to revisit Ireland’s economic performance in the post-independence decades. Ireland’s economy grew at 1.5 per cent per annum and average living standards improved by 40 per cent. The bulk of this was due to labour productivity improvements stemming from worker

Effects of temperature on the physiological performance of two non-native C4 species

This experiment studied the performance of two closely related C4 grass species, Eragrostis minor and E. multicaulis. Both species are non-native to Sweden but have colonised the city of Malmö at different times over the last century. Multiple vegetative and reproductive performance traits were compared across four temperature regimes ranging from 19 to 40°C. The two species were found to have sig

Att göra det tillsammans - när det passar

Denna studie utforskar hållbarhetskommunikation inom skidindustrin med särskilt fokus på SkiStars strategiska åtaganden. Genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys undersöker vi tillämpningen av Speech-Act Theory och Stakeholder Theory för att förstå hur SkiStar kommunicerar sina hållbarhetsinsatser. Resultaten visar att hållbarhetskommunikation inte bara speglar företagens ansvar utan också formar intresseThis study explores sustainability communication within the ski industry, with a particular focus on SkiStar's strategic commitments. Through qualitative content analysis, we examine the application of Speech-Act Theory and Stakeholder Theory to understand how SkiStar communicates its sustainability efforts. The results show that sustainability communication not only reflects corporate respons

Artifact Detection Using Correlation Analyses Applied to MEGA-PRESS Data Containing Subject Head Movements

Subject movements and other disturbances might contaminate the Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data, and these artifacts can be misinterpreted as actual metabolite signals by the quantification program. Thus, an automatic method could be very helpful for finding artifacts and eliminating them. In this work, an approach of using correlation analyses was tested in order to evaluate if motion contami

Autonomous Monitors for Detecting Failures Early and Reporting Interpretable Alerts in Cloud Operations

Detecting failures early in cloud-based software systems is highly significant as it can reduce operational costs, enhance service reliability, and improve user experience. Many existing approaches include anomaly detection in metrics or a blend of metric and log features. However, such approaches tend to be very complex and hardly explainable, and consequently non-trivial for implementation and e

Advancing Software Monitoring: An Industry Survey on ML-Driven Alert Management Strategies

With the dynamic nature of modern software development and operations environments and the increasing complexity of cloud-based software systems, traditional monitoring practices are often insufficient to timely identify and handle unexpected operational failures. To address these challenges, this paper presents the findings from a quantitative industry survey focused on the application of Machine

En analys av mindre anläggningsprojekt ur ett lean-perspektiv

SYFTE Lean construction är ett område inom vetenskapen som generellt fokuserar på husbyggnadssektorn och därav saknas information om anläggningssektorn. Syftet med denna studie är således att analysera specifikt anläggningssektorn ur ett lean-perspektiv. FRÅGESTÄLLNINGAR Vilka är anläggningssektorns största hinder mot ett effektivare arbete? I hur stor utsträckning tillämpas lean construction ino

Breaking the treadmill - Real utopias for soil-health-centered agriculture in Denmark

The future of agriculture depends on healthy soils, but soils are degrading within dominant agricultural systems, also in Denmark. Pioneer farmers seek a sustainable transition towards soil-centered management. However, reinforcing feedback loops in current agriculture is blocking such a transition. Founded in emancipatory social science and critical utopian action research, this thesis, in collab

Seamounts as foraging grounds for a marine predator, the Bulwer’s petrel.

Regularly described as hotspots for marine life, seamounts are important foraging grounds for marine predators. In surface waters over seamounts, diel vertically migrating organisms can be aggregated, making seamounts potentially attractive and profitable food sources for predators such as seabirds. Still, the potential association between seabirds and seamounts has seldom been described and littl

Superporous agarose monoliths as mini-reactors in flow injection systems

A new type of agarose material, superporous agarose, was used as a support material in an analytical system designed for monitoring of bioprocesses with respect to metabolites and intracellular enzymes. The superporous agarose was used in the form of miniaturised gel plug columns (15×5.0 mM I.D. monolithic gel bed). The gel plugs were designed to have one set of very large pores (about 50 μm i

Haemosporidian infections in jackdaw nestlings - are all siblings the same?

Avian blood parasites are common vector-transmitted protozoan parasites in wild birds and can cause acute and chronic infections in individuals at different life stages. These infections can have important effects on life-history trade-offs for the birds. In many avian species, infections with blood parasites happen during the nestling period, when dipteran biting insects have easy access to their

Linguistic relativity and second language acquisition

The principle of linguistic relativity was formulated by Benjamin Lee Whorf (1940/1956), but it is also often referred to as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis in reference to Whorf's mentor at Yale University, Edward Sapir. Whorf contended that while we all see the same objective reality, we nonetheless interpret and classify it differently, based on the categories made available in our language. Therefo

Motion event cognition and grammatical aspect : evidence from Afrikaans

Research on the relationship between grammatical aspect and motion event construal has posited that speakers of non-aspect languages are more prone to encoding event endpoints than are speakers of aspect languages (e.g., von Stutterheim and Carroll 2011). In the present study, we test this hypothesis by extending this line of inquiry to Afrikaans, a non-aspect language which is previously unexplor

Neuropathological findings in Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and control patients with and without SARS-COV-2 : preliminary findings

The SARS-CoV-2 virus that led to COVID-19 is associated with significant and long-lasting neurologic symptoms in many patients, with an increased mortality risk for people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and/or Down syndrome (DS). However, few studies have evaluated the neuropathological and inflammatory sequelae in postmortem brain tissue obtained from AD and people with DS with severe SARS-CoV-2 i

Främjande av psykisk hälsa hos primärvårdspatienter: Utvärdering av en mindfulness-baserad kognitiv terapigrupp

Psykisk ohälsa klassas idag som ett av de stora folkhälsoproblemen och det har gradvis skett en kraftig ökning av den andel som söker vård (OECD, 2015). Tillgången till psykologisk behandling är idag begränsad till följd av bristen på kvalificerad personal inom området. Individuell terapi är kostsam för den skattefinansierade sjukvården, vilket framhäver betydelsen av gruppterapi som en kostnadsefMental health remains a major public health concern, with a notable rise in treatment-seeking individuals (OECD, 2015). However, limited access to psychological interventions persists due to a shortage of qualified professionals. Given the excessive cost of individual therapy within publicly funded healthcare systems, the focus on cost-effect group therapy becomes imperative (Sundquist et al., 201

"Att vara verklig i terapin" En kvalitativ studie om psykoterapeuters självutlämnande och dess påverkan på den terapeutiska processen

Självutlämnande är en terapeutisk intervention som beskrivs som en av de mest hjälpsamma redskapen i en behandlingsprocess. Självutlämnande innebär att en terapeut delar personlig information eller erfarenheter om sig själv till sin klient eller när det används som en omedelbar respons på klienten i terapirummet. Studiens syfte var att utforska psykoterapeuters upplevelser av självutlämnande i terSelf-disclosure is a therapeutic intervention that is described as one of the most helpful tools in a treatment process. Self-disclosure implies that a person shares personal information or experiences about themselves to their client or when it´s used as an immediate response towards the client in the therapy room. The aim of the study was to investigate psychotherapists' experiences of self-