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Your search for "*" yielded 527926 hits

Will a Nordic Alliance Prevail in Nato?: Exploring a future Nordic alliance in Nato through the alliance security dilemma

With an accelerating climate crisis, Russia as an aggressive military force, a changing American presence in the international community, and the move of Sweden and Finland to enter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato), the geopolitics of the Arctic bear increasingly larger implications for global geopolitical trends. The Nordic states have large interests in how the Arctic region develop

Global, regional, and national burden of gout, 1990-2020, and projections to 2050 : a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

BACKGROUND: Gout is an inflammatory arthritis manifesting as acute episodes of severe joint pain and swelling, which can progress to chronic tophaceous or chronic erosive gout, or both. Here, we present the most up-to-date global, regional, and national estimates for prevalence and years lived with disability (YLDs) due to gout by sex, age, and location from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries

Förebygga självskadebeteende och suicidförsök hos barn och ungdomar – effekter av riktade interventioner. : En systematisk översikt och utvärdering av medicinska, hälsoekonomiska och etiska aspekter

HuvudbudskapDialektisk beteendeterapi för ungdomar (DBT-A) förebygger återfall i självskadebeteende. Internetförmedlad känsloregleringsterapi (IERITA) kan förebygga nya episoder av icke-suicidalt självskadebeteende.SlutsatserEfter att ha granskat den vetenskapliga litteraturen har SBU dragit följande slutsatser:DBT-A minskar antalet ungdomar med självskadebeteende som får ett återfall. Behandlinge

Bleeding phenotype according to factor level in 825 children with nonsevere hemophilia : data from the PedNet cohort

Background: Information on bleeding phenotype in nonsevere hemophilia may be used to determine target factor levels for prophylaxis or gene therapy in severe hemophilia. Objectives: To assess the association between endogenous factor level and bleeding phenotype in children with nonsevere (factor [F]VIII/FIX activity 1%-25%) hemophilia A (HA) and B without prophylaxis. Methods: Data on annualized

Whiplash effects on postural control

The human ability to maintain upright stance in the presence of external disturbances such as gravity or body-support surface motion has intrigued researchers over the last century.

Pathophysiology of whiplash-associated disorders : Theories and controversies

The term “whiplash” already suggests difficulties in assessing this problem. Patients suffering from “whiplash” or “whiplash-associated disorders” (WAD) are defined as having been exposed to similar types of trauma or sometimes even similar mode of impact, rather than as having a certain type of lesion or set of symptoms [1, 2]. The origin of the term “whiplash” is attributed to H. Crowe [3, 4], w

Cardiovascular Simulation as a Decision Support Tool

The variable presentation of clinical disease in pediatric patients with congenital and acquired heart disease makes standardized care challenging. This is further enforced by the ongoing growth and remodeling of the heart and vasculature in the individual child and the multitude of available treatment options. The clinical challenge is rather to individualize treatment based on all available info

Talen inför Brexit

This study desires to display two speeches that were crucial to the 2016 EU-referendum in Great Britain. The two actors portrayed with one speech each are Boris Johnson and David Cameron, although the speeches weren’t given during the same time they are both highly accurate and significant to the referendum. The two speeches are applied to theories of analogies and also strategic narratives. Based

Leading the Progressive Agenda: Analysing the Swedish Discourse about Female Political Leadership

This research investigates the research question "How has the discourse surrounding female political leadership developed in Sweden between 1998-2018?". By applying a critical discourse analysis onto a set of 64 articles about seven political leaders from the years 1998 and 2018, this study aims to investigate developments and differences in the discourse longitudinally. Using a theoreti

Stoppa insiderhandeln i USA:s kongress! Eller? En argumentationsanalys kring rättfärdigandet av insiderhandel av högt uppsatta politiker i USA

This paper examines the arguments for and against new legislation on insider trading in the US Congress and explores the correlation between insider trading and corruption. The purpose of the paper is to determine whether refraining from implementing additional legislation can be justified. Through argument analysis and the theoretical framework of an ideal type, the paper identifies a conflict of

“She didn’t walk like a girlfriend. She walked like a boss.” - En analys av skildringen av kriminella kvinnor inom organiserad narkotikahandel i två populärkulturella tv-serier

Previously the majority of tv-shows about crime have had male protagonists. But lately, more tv-shows have been portraying female criminal protagonists. Simultaneously there has been an increasing interest in women who participate in drug trafficking from the media and the Swedish government. The aim of this thesis is therefore to investigate how women are portrayed within tv-shows when participat

“The climate transition requires growth, but it also drives growth”:The dominance of the neoliberal environmentalist norm-complex in Swedish climate action plans

The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding into how a neoliberal environmentalist norm-complex can be used to understand the Swedish climate action plans published in 2019 and 2023. This was done through a mixed method approach, where the qualitative stage was allowed to take the most place. The quantitative stage of the analysis showed that the normative element of Green growth and sus

Constructing an illegitimate opponent - A post-political, critical, discourse analysis regarding environmental activism in Sweden

This thesis seeks to investigate the contemporary discourse on environmental activism in Sweden on a political elite level. This is done by analyzing statements by politicians behind “Tidöavtalet” using a method of Critical Discourse Analysis combined with a theoretical departure in Post-Politics. The findings point towards a discourse where environmental activists are depoliticized and constructe

Hur har Moderaternas inställning till prostitution förändrats?

This study aims to investigate how Moderaterna's attitude towards prostitution has changed over time. The starting point for this investigation is the Swedish Act prohibiting the purchase of sexual services. By examining the concept of policy diffusion, this study analyzes how the incentives embedded in the law, both explicitly and underlying, have contributed to the party's changing attit

Folkviljans allvetare: teknopopulismens framväxt ur ett historiskt perspektiv

It is sometimes said that modern politics has lost track of ideology and vision - that personal charisma and expertise is rewarded more than firm beliefs and connections with an organised movement. In their book Technopopulism: the New Logic of Democratic Politics, Christopher J. Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti go beyond such suspicions. Their main argument is that the organisational politi

Under det demokratiska täcket – Agonistiska och deliberativa demokratiideal i svensk feministisk debatt rörande transfrågan 2018

This essay aims to examine how the Swedish feminist debate about trans inclusive feminism in 2018 can be described in terms of agonistic and deliberative democratic ideals. The ideals are being operationalized by Habermas’ deliberative theory and Mouffe’s agonistic theory. To analyze the material a critical discourse analysis is being used and 13 opinion pieces are being analyzed. They are all wri

“Hade de globala utsläppen minskat om jag står ute och ropar på gatan?” - En intervjuundersökning om högutbildade ungas uppfattningar och känslor kring politiskt engagemang

Political participation is in global decline and especially young citizens are called out for their low levels of participation. Simultaneously new political trends are emerging among today’s youths, one of them being engagement via social media. To further understand these developments, this thesis investigates high-educated youths’ perceptions of and feelings toward political engagement, includi

Climbing the Oak of Freedom: An analysis of Wendy Brown’s understanding of freedom

Furthered as one of the core values behind neoliberal ideas, freedom becomes a contested site in contemporary critiques of neoliberalism. As one of the leading scholars on–and critics of–neoliberalism, Wendy Brown argues that neoliberal rationality undermines the prospect of democracy, as well as freedom. By using a contextualizing and reconstructive method, this study analyzes multiple works of B

Ett paradigmskifte i politisk strategi?- En beskrivande fallstudie om användningen av strategiska narrativ inom den svenska utrikespolitiken

The foundation of this research lies in the recent shift of Swedish foreign policy, where the current government chose to abolish the feminist foreign policy in favor of pursuing a primarily Swedish and European foreign policy. The objects of the study are two governments: the current liberal and conservative government and the former social democratic and green government. This research investiga