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Post-Soviet Civil Society. Democratization in Russia and the Baltic States
Femoral neck fractures
Gud och makten i historisk belysning
The Thule Society
The Thule Society was a secret brotherhood where Hitler and the other pioneers of German National Socialism first met in Munich in 1919-20.
Marknadsbegreppet i konkurrensrätten och jämställdhetsrätten : om hur olika marknadsbegrepp påverkar rättstillämpningen
Marknadskrafterna är en vanlig förklaring till löneskillnader mellan kvinnor och män. På den svenska arbetsmarknaden uppfattas marknaden ofta som en självständigt verkande kraft. En individs lön anses bestå av olika delar. En del hänför sig till arbetsuppgifterna och en annan del till den individuella arbetstagarens egenskaper. Marknadspåverkan kan vara en tredje självständig lönedel. Det synsätte
III–V Nanowire Surfaces
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nanoteknologi handlar om att på ett kontrollerat sätt utnyttja strukturer med minst en dimension i nanometerområdet (i storleksordningen 1 till 100 miljondels millimeter). Nanostrukturer har använts under lång tid och redan under medeltiden användes guldpartiklar av varierande storlek för att tillverka infärgade glas. Idag använder vi nanoteknologi dagligdags, t.ex. i vThis dissertation deals with the geometric and electronic structure of surfaces on III–V semiconductor nanowires (NWs). NWs made of InAs, GaAs, and InP have been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S), low energy electron microscopy (LEEM), photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All of the mentioned techniques have been devel
Recently much attention has been paid to studies concerning bubble dynamics in the cavitation phenomena and this topic has been the subject of many research works. In fact, the simulation of non-spherical bubble dynamics and its interaction with solid boundaries have received much less attention due to the complexity of the problem. One of the main reasons of the structural damages in the cavitati
Digitalisera de nationella proven
Digitala system för pedagogisk bedömning öppnar nya möjligheter som inte finns med papper och penna. Dessutom frigörs tid för lärarna. Vi ber därför Skolverket att tillsätta en bred arbetsgrupp för att utveckla ett digitalt system för nationella prov, skriver Agneta Gulz och Magnus Haake, båda verksamma inom utbildningsvetenskap.
Bullies and the Bullied - the Construction of a Discourse of Blame
Upplevelser på Wennöska
Against public order; A critique of the right to freedom of assembly
From Gilgamesh to Terminator: The Warrior as Masculine Ideal - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Impulse Based Radio Technology for Mm-Waves
Tacrine treatment modifies cerebrospinal fluid neuropeptide levels in Alzheimer's disease
Biochemical and histochemical studies have demonstrated a widespread deficit in the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (DAT). Multiple disturbances in several transmitter systems have been found. The most consistent neurochemical changes in DAT are reductions in the cholinergic system. The major pharmacological approach today in DAT is based
Microorganisms in the Indoor Environment Analysis and Structure-Bioactivity Relationships
Popular Abstract in Swedish Otillfredsställande inandningsluft på bl a arbetsplatser har satts i samband med utveckling av olika akuta och kroniska symptom såsom allergi, astma och kronisk bronkit. Vi vet att bakterier och svamp producerar ett stort antal ämnen som verkar irriterande eller är allergiframkallande. Misstankar har därför riktas mot olika mikrobiologiska ämnen i luften såsom endotoxinInhalation of air-borne microorganisms and components thereof can cause illnesses and diseases. However, lack of specific and sensitive methods for exposure assessment can pose problems in predicting health outcomes. Characterization of microbial load from indoor environments using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and/or tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MSMS) as well as various bioassays (
Hälso- och sjukvårdens organisation - från medicinsk professiokrati till professionell byråkrati?
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Läsning i gamla och nya medier.
Transferring Ownership of Public Housing to Existing Tenants: A Market Design Approach
This paper explores a housing market with an existing tenant in each house and where the existing tenants initially rent their houses. The idea is to identify equilibrium prices for the housing market given the prerequisite that a tenant can buy any house on the housing market, including the one that he currently is possessing, or continue renting the house he currently is occupying. The main cont
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Sustainability is a concept that has generated a great political and scientific debate during the last two decades, especially from the moment it was added to the concept of development. This has led to the distinction of two main interpretations of the term: weak and strong sustainability. The basic difference between both is that the first considers natural, manufactured and human capitals are s