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Vitamin D levels and busulphan kinetics in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, a multicenter study

Vitamin D (Vit-D), an essential nutrient, interacts with different drugs including chemotherapeutic agents like busulphan, an alkylating agent used for conditioning prior to stem cell transplantation. The correlation between Vit-D plasma levels and busulphan clearance was investigated in an uncontrolled prospective study in patients and mice. Plasma 25(OH)D levels were measured and busulphan pharm

Genetic profiling of Vietnamese population from large-scale genomic analysis of non-invasive prenatal testing data

The under-representation of several ethnic groups in existing genetic databases and studies have undermined our understanding of the genetic variations and associated traits or diseases in many populations. Cost and technology limitations remain the challenges in performing large-scale genome sequencing projects in many developing countries, including Vietnam. As one of the most rapidly adopted ge

Coral calcification responses to the North Atlantic Oscillation and coral bleaching in Bermuda

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has been hypothesized to drive interannual variability in Bermudan coral extension rates and reef-scale calcification through the provisioning of nutritional pulses associated with negative NAO winters. However, the direct influence of the NAO on Bermudan coral calcification rates remains to be determined and may vary between species and reef sites owing to imp

Heme-induced oxidation of cysteine groups of myofilament proteins leads to contractile dysfunction of permeabilized human skeletal muscle fibres

Background: Heme released from red blood cells targets a number of cell components including the cytoskeleton. The purpose of the present study was to determine the impact of free heme (20–300 µM) on human skeletal muscle fibres made available during orthopedic surgery. Methods: Isometric force production and oxidative protein modifications were monitored in permeabilized skeletal muscle fibre seg

No association between infections, HLA type and other transplant-related factors and risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in solid organ transplant recipients

Recipients of solid organ transplants are at a markedly increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We investigated potential associations between post-transplant infections, HLA type, and other transplant-related factors and risk of SCC, taking immuno-suppressive treatment into account. A population-based case-control study was conducted. All patients who developed SCC during follo

Macroeconomic Equilibriums, Crises and Fiscal Policy

Macroeconomic crises are common as well as economically, socially and politically costly. Fiscal policy plays an important role in alleviating the costs of the crisis. However, recent experiences suggest that the public finances often are unprepared for a crisis. Deficits and debt levels prior to the crisis are commonly too high, limiting the government’s ability to respond to the crisis. In thi

Creative voices of the city : Articulating media, space and cultural identities by creative collectives in Southeast Asia

Denna avhandling undersöker den levda kulturen hos individer i kreativa kollektiv i Sydostasiatiska städer inom UNESCOs-nätverk. Sådana individer och deras kreativa kollektiv blir allt för ofta förbisedda av de kreativa städerna och deras officiella varumärkesbyggande narrativ. Denna monografi undersöker det kontinuerliga konstituerandet inom kreativa kollektiv i två städer: kreativa städ Bandung This thesis investigates the lived cultures of the individuals within collectives who are part of creative cities in Southeast Asia. Such individuals and their creative collectives are all too often rendered silent and unnoticed within the official narratives of creative city branding. This monograph thesis examines the articulation of creative collectives in two cities: the creative city of Bandu

Field sizes and the future of farmland biodiversity in European landscapes

Lower diversity of plant and animal farmland species are usually reported where cropland has been aggregated into larger fields, which raises prospects of curbing declines in European farmland biodiversity and associated ecosystem services by halting trends to field size increases associated to agricultural intensification, without having to set aside arable land for conservation. Here, we conside

A New Beginning : Young Women's Experiences and Sexual Function 18 Months After Bariatric Surgery

Introduction: Female patients expect improved quality of life, including sexual health and regain of fertility after bariatric surgery. Little has been published on to the extent to which patients’ expectations are met by the weight loss after surgery. Aim: To explore how women perceive the effects of bariatric surgery on quality of life, focusing on sexual health and fertility. Methods: A qualita

Tracking and recognitional use of Kalamang "opa" : Demonstrative of cognitive accessibility

The Papuan language Kalamang has an adnominal demonstrativeopa, which marksreferents that are cognitively accessible either because they are common ground orbecause they are previously mentioned in the discourse. It is mainly an endophoricdemonstrative which has tracking and recognitional uses, but it can be used ex-ophorically as well. It can be used for both maintaining and reintroducing refer-e

ICT Enforced Boundary Work : Availability as a Sociomaterial Practice

The aim of this chapter is to show how ICT is used by employees to manage temporal and spatial availability for work and private matters. This sociomaterial practice is described in terms of ICT boundary work. The chapter is based on a case study into three multinational industrial companies in Sweden. Time diaries and semi-structured interviews with a sample of thirty-eight employees were used to

Femtosecond dissociation of ozone studied by the Auger Doppler effect

The peaks arising from the decay of the excited oxygen atom were studied. Fast dissociation of core-excited ozone was confirmed by the presence of Auger emission from atomic oxygen in the decay spectrum from the ozone OT 1s-σ*(7a1) state. No such emission was observed after excitation of the corresponding state on the central oxygen atom. An angle-dependent energy shift of the atomic lines was obs

Evidence against atomiclike resonant auger decay in N2 doubly excited core states by high-resolution experiments

The resonant Auger decay spectra associated with doubly excited core-hole states near the N 1s threshold in the nitrogen molecule was measured. Electron-yield spectrum was obtained by setting a kinetic-energy window at 384 eV and scanning across the threshold region. At ground 410, 414, and 416 eV, photon energy, three dominant structures were observed. The increased signal-to-background ratio, in