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Breathing adapted radiotherapy of breast cancer: Investigation of two different gating techniques and visual guidance, using optical surface scanning and pressure monitoring

Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor i Sverige och står ensam för 30 % av cancerdiagnoserna. Detta innebär att varje dag får 20 kvinnor beskedet att de har drabbats av bröstcancer. Idag får ungefär 50 % av alla cancerpatienter strålbehandling och på strålbehandlingsavdelningen vid Skånes universitetssjukhus (SUS) behandlas flertalet bröstcancerpatienter dagligen. Vanligast är aBackground and purpose: Post-operative adjuvant radiotherapy of left-sided breast cancer patients is associated with cardiac and pulmonary complication. By utilizing different respiratory gating techniques the absorbed dose to the heart and lung can decrease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare enhanced inspiration gating (EIG) and deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH). The use of

The Relationship between Family Policies and Total Fertility Rate in East Asian countries, 1995-2009

East Asia has experienced a substantial decline in fertility over past few decades. Japan and Korea touched lowest level of fertility, which is 1,26 and 1,08 children per woman respectively in 2005. However, Taiwan continued to decline until 2010 when the fertility rate was 0,90 children per woman. Population growth is also declining steadily in these countries. Population loss has already started

A NEW IMAGINARY FOR URBAN TRANSPORT IN VIENNA: Understanding transport mode choices as to effectively de-normalise car usage for enhanced sustainability – A Case Study –

This thesis argues that the current urban transport in Vienna, which is characterized by extensive usage of cars, is too material-intense (both in terms of input and output) and from a social perspective inherently un-urban. It therefore concludes that effective transport policy should aim at following a new imaginary, one that is based on the aim of de-materializing and “re-urbanizing” the mobili

Beyond the Sacred Text: The Role of Emotions in Rabbinic and Patristic Exegesis on Genesis 22

The thesis explores the exegetical techniques of the Rabbis and the Fathers of the Church. The thesis focuses on a particular method, namely the usage of emotions by the Rabbis and the Fathers and their attempt to explain the Biblical text of Genesis 22. The aim is to understand the highly diverse ‘extra-biblical’ developments, which can help us glimpse into the post-biblical, Rabbinic and Patris

Tax Motivated Transfer Pricing

Multinational Corporations (MNCs) or Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are of great importance in the global economy. A great amount of international trade is either between multinational corporations or within a multinational corporation, which is called intra-firm trade. Therefore, intra-firm trade is also of importance in the global economy. The price used in intra-firm trade is called transfer

Varumärken på filmduken -Vem lägger dem på minnet?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utöka kunskapen och förståelsen om produkt-placering. Vi vill undersöka hur människor från två generationer uppfattar samt reagerar på produktplacering. I tillägg till detta utreder vi även vilken inverkan olika typer av produktplacering har på de två grupper. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vår teoretiska referensram beskriver Lehu´s Kategorier och Russell´s DimensioPurpose: The purpose of this study is to gain a broader knowledge about product placement. We want to examine how people from two generations perceive and react to product placement. In addition, we want to investigate what impact different types of product placement have on the two groups. Methodology: A qualitative research method has been used with quantitative elements and with an abductive

Principal-agent-teorins relevans för komplexa och kunskapsintensiva ”business to business” relationer.

Empiriskt undersöka principal-agent-teorins relevans i komplexa och kunskapsintensiva ”business to business” relationer. Med en induktiv ansats genomförs en kvalitativ fallstudie. Insamlad data har analyserats med hjälp av ”pattern matching”, med potentiella förklaringsvariabler på förhand identifierade genom en marknadsanalys, omfattande litteraturstudie och en pilotintervju, vilket har mynnat ut

What can trade facilitation do for Ghana?

The concept of trade facilitation has gained increased attention during the past decade. In today’s globalized world, the relative cost of inefficient trade procedures has increased. The underlying aim of this study is to investigate whether inefficient trade procedures affect exports. More specifically, whether Ghana can increase its export volumes and/or export diversification by engaging in tra

A Chinese Soft Power Discourse Forced to Dig Deeper - Critical Discourse Analysis of the Power Struggles in Relation to China’s Investments in Zambian Mines

The first aim of this thesis were to analyze China’s discourse of soft power in relation to their investments in the Zambian mining industry from the year 2000 to 2012. From a combination of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis and Joseph Nye’s soft power theory, I can conclude, that in the 12 years period the Chinese soft power discourse was dominating and China could persuade and attr

Cross-Border Integration: Case of the Russian Far East and North-East of China

Cooperation initiatives across national borders is growing phenomenon all over the world due to developing globalization and regionalization. Growing trend of spatial reorganization of production process, massive growth of markets and labor recourses, opportunities to “escape” from spatial and resource dependencies are stimulating international cross-border interactions and emergence of cross-bord

Potentials and Obstacles for Cross-Border Knowledge Interactions. Perception of Local Health Business Firms in the Southern-Denmark - Northern Schleswig-Holstein Region.

Nowadays, innovation and technological development are considered as crucial for the development and economic growth of regions and nations. Knowledge interactions hold a central position in the innovation process. In line with this, researchers as well as politicians emphasize that knowledge interactions need to be facilitated. This approach has been adapted to the cross-border regional context a

Exploring Factors Causing Disparity between Desired and Experienced Effects of Campus ERP Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been used by organizations and companies the world throughout since 1990. Many universities have recently replaced their legacy systems with ERP systems to improve work efficiency. One solution available for universities by way of management information system is the Campus ERP system. The Campus ERP system helps universities incorporate all departme

Pricing of Liqueed Petroleum Gas in North-West Europe

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases, mainly propane and butane, used for various heating purposes and as vehicle fuel. This thesis focuses on examining the LPG market, evaluating a couple of driving factor hypotheses for the propane price and developing a model for forecasting of future propane prices in North-West Europe, both on daily and monthly horizons. I

Hatbrottets vara eller icke vara i svensk rätt: en rättssociologisk inblick i förhållandet mellan samhälle och rätt

Den här uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att rättssociologiskt belysa hatbrottets plats i rätten, samhället och relationen däremellan. För att undersöka detta formulerades tre forskningsfrågor. 1. I vilken omfattning hanterades hatbrott i Svenska domstol under 2013 samt januari- juni 2014? 2. Hur ser implementeringen av straffskärpningsregeln gällande hatbrott ut och vilka eventuella samhälleliga

Polisers anmälningsplikt avseende barn som far illa - En välimplementerad rutin eller en bedömning utifrån personliga normer?

Studiens övergripande syfte är att utifrån gällande rätt undersöka implementeringen och efterlevnaden av polisens anmälningsskyldighet avseende barn som riskerar att fara illa. Ett annat syfte med studien är att undersöka enskilda polismäns upplevelse av anmälningsskyldigheten och deras kunskapsnivå om anmälningskriterier. Studien genomförs med en kombination av juridisk och samhällsvetenskaplig

Är personlighet rätt medicin? Varumärkespersonligheter och anseende på den svenska apoteksmarknaden

SAMMANFATTNING Titel Är personlighet rätt medicin? – Varumärkespersonligheter och anseende på den svenska apoteksmarknaden. Seminariedatum 2014-06-05 Ämne/Kurs FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare Gustaf Anderson, Jonathan Norén och Victoria Waldau Handledare Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord Varumärkespersonligheter, marknadsföring, anABSTRACT Title Is personality the right medicine? – Brand personalities and repu- tation on the Swedish pharmacy market. Seminar date 2014-06-05 Course FEKH29 Business Administration: Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 University Credits Points (ECTS) Authors Gustaf Anderson, Jonathan Norén and Victoria Waldau, Advisor Clara Gustafsson Key words Brand Personalities, marketi

Viets ambivalens: Om hur kärleksproblem omtalas i relationsspalter

Vår kultur är i hög grad en terapeutisk kultur; i teve, radio, på Internet och i tidningar pågår terapier av olika slag. Bland dessa är parterapin en av de mer populära. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka en samtida diskurs om kärlek. För detta används en Foucault-orienterad förståelse av diskurs och makt, och sociologiska teorier om individualisering och kärlek. I en diskursanalys av b