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Elements of cognition for general intelligence

What can artificial intelligence learn from the cognitive sciences? We review some fundamental aspects of how human cognition works and relate it to different brain structures and their function. A central theme is that cognition is very different from how it is envisioned in classical artificial intelligence which offers a novel path toward intelligent systems that in many ways is both simpler an

Påverkar utdelningar värderingen?

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether dividends have an impact on the valuation of firms. A classic framework deeming dividends irrelevant given certain assumptions provides a rationale for investigating the subject following deviations from such assumptions. To answer the question data consisting of 222 firms listed on the Swedish stock exchange were collected and subsequently used

FDI:s effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt i utvecklingsländer - En empirisk studie med fokus Subsahariska Afrika

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida FDI-inflöde har en effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt i utvecklingsländer i Subsahariska Afrika. Studien bygger på en panel av totalt 29 länder under tidsperioden 1996-2020. Metoden som används är en multipel regressionsanalys som dels utreder om FDI har en direkt effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt, dels om inhemska faktorer kan vara avgörande för att uppnå de

The street-jihadi spectrum : Marginality, radicalization and resistance to extremism

For over a decade, jihadi terrorism in Europe, and the recruitment of Europeans to fight for ISIS in Syria, have increasingly involved marginalized youths from a social context of street culture, illegal drug use and crime. Existing theoretical models of the crime-terrorism nexus and radicalization arguably do not sufficiently explain the fluid and dynamic ways by which the street cultural come to

Associations between per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and diabetes in two population-based cohort studies from Sweden

Background: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been suggested to contribute to the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, evidence from epidemiological studies remain divergent. The aim of the present study was to evaluate associations between PFAS exposure and prevalent diabetes in a cross-sectional analysis

What the end reveals : myths in post-­‐apocalyptic videogames

The focus of this thesis is the myths and ideologies inscribed into the aesthetics, narratives and gameplay of post-apocalyptic videogames. The aim is to discuss how the conditions and conventions of the game medium shape what is presented to us as a modern, secular form of apocalypticism. The case studies presented are the two well-known videogames Fallout 4 and The Last Of Us. The research focus

Lexical Ambiguity in Political Rhetoric: Why Morality Doesn't Fit in a Bag of Words

How do politicians use moral appeals in their rhetoric? Previous research suggests that morality plays an important role in elite communication and that the endorsement of specific values varies systematically across the ideological spectrum. We argue that this view is incomplete since it only focuses on whether certain values are endorsed and not how they are contextualized by politicians. Using

Suicidal Attempts among Secondary School-Going Adolescents in Kilimanjaro Region, Northern Tanzania

Suicide attempts among adolescents are common and can lead to death. The study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with suicide attempts among secondary school-going adolescents in the Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania. The study used data from two repeated regional school-based student health surveys (RSHS), conducted in 2019 (Survey 1) and 2022 (Survey 2). Data were anal

Reticent Digital Diasporas in Times of Crisis: The Shifting Emotion Work of the Burundian Diaspora

Burundi has been through several cycles of violence and relative peace over the past decades, resulting in a sizable diaspora in the region and in Europe and North America. This diaspora has been engaged in long-distance politics, aided by the development of ICT. Based on long term fieldwork in the diaspora for two decades, we explore how the relations between the digital diasporas and the conflic

Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Camps and Prisons: Stuckness and Confinement

Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Camps and Prisons explores the relationship between ghettos, camps, places of detention and prisons with a focus on those people who are confined, encamped, imprisoned, detained, stuck, or forcibly removed through the lens of ‘stuckness’.From a point of departure in anthropology, with important contributions from criminology, geography and philosophy, the chapters e


Divers from the Swedish Navy who specialize in explosive ordnance disposal are renowned for their professionalism and expertise. This study sheds light on the transformation that began at the start of the new millennium in an effort to become more adaptable and compatible with partners. The research was conducted through a qualitative study that comprised of directed open interviews. Multiple Stre

Varför folkomröstade vi inte om NATO?

There is only one answer to why we did not have a referendum on applying for NATO membership. The changed security situation in Europe and the clearly changed threat against Sweden that has arisen from Russia's invasion of Ukraine have changed political views on Sweden's security. Sweden, which has been publicly neutral and non-aligned, is now choosing a clear side and requesting entry int

The obscuration of climate-induced mobility : A discourse analysis of the EU governance

Klimatförändringar och katastrofer bidrar till migration och fördrivning av människor över hela världen, inklusive Europa, och ändå verkar klimatrelaterad rörlighet förbises i EU:s interna politik. Syftet med denna studie är att använda diskursanalys och den Foucauldianskt inspirerade ramen "analys av styrning" för att analysera och förstå utformningen och konstruktionen av EU:s politik Climate changes and disasters are evidently contributing to migration and displacement of people all over the world, including Europe, and yet, climate-induced mobilities seem to be neglected in EUs internal policies. The aim of this study is to use discourse analysis and the Foucauldian inspired framework “analytics of governance”, to analyze and understand the shaping and construction of EU poli

Baseline Serum Prostate-specific Antigen Value Predicts the Risk of Subsequent Prostate Cancer Death-Results from the Norwegian Prostate Cancer Consortium

BACKGROUND: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in midlife are strongly associated with the long-term risk of lethal prostate cancer in cohorts not subject to screening. This is the first study evaluating the association between PSA levels drawn as part of routine medical care in the Norwegian population and prostate cancer incidence and mortality.OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between

Effect of cleaning methods on the dissolution of diatom frustules

Experimental studies characterizing the reactivity of siliceous materials, such as biogenic silica from the field or laboratory cultures, typically require organic matter removal prior to experimental analysis. Consequently, it is highly desired to develop and optimize a cleaning protocol that imposes minimal alterations to the reactivity of the siliceous substrate and can be robustly employed amo