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Your search for "*" yielded 532240 hits

Heterogeneous catalytic reactions studied with transient gas supply and event-averaged ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

CO oxidation over Pd(100) is studied with ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS). Cyclic gas composition pulsing of the CO:O2 ratio, combined with a new method using software based event-averaging by image recognition over many pulses, is used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio substantially. Hereby, it becomes possible to follow the dynamics of Pd(100) restructuring between a

The Gender Gap in Venture Capital Funding: A Case of Denmark

A crucial yet unanswered question in the entrepreneurial domain is why men tend to receive more venture capital funding than women. As venture capitalists act as critical gatekeepers who ultimately decide whose ideas, innovations, and products will get a fair chance (Chilazi, 2019), female entrepreneurs have a lower chance of succeeding with their high-growth ventures. This research aims to furthe

”Du är där men inte där”: En kvalitativ studie om phubbing

Phubbing beskriver fenomenet då en eller flera personer under en social interaktion tar upp sin mobiltelefon och riktar sin uppmärksamhet mot den istället för den eller de en umgås med. Phubbing har i tidigare kvantitativa studier visat sig ge upphov till negativa känslor och tycks påverka relationer och relationskvalitet negativt. Därför ämnar denna kvalitativa studie besvara forskningsfrågan: HuPhubbing describes the phenomenon when one or more people during a social interaction pick up their mobile phone and direct their attention to it instead of the person or people they are hanging out with. Phubbing has in previous quantitative studies been shown to give rise to negative emotions and seems to affect relationships and relationship quality negatively. Therefore, this qualitative study

Evaluation of overheating risks and passive cooling measures in low energy Swedish dwellings

Overheating in buildings is becoming a major concern and cause for various health issues. Existing research and previous studies on the issue were examined to acquire relevant information about the definition of overheating, its possible causes, and the heath impacts it could have on human health. The review included data on the current status of thermal comfort and overheating regulations in Swed

#PurposeDriven: Visual sustainability communication within the motorsport industry

Sustainability is one of the main communication challenges that organizations face in the 21st century, and as the digitalization of communication has increased, so have the visual aspects of sustainability communication. The subject is rather new in general and has only recently grown within sports organizations such as motorsports. Therefore, there is little research, knowledge, and understandin

Grammatikens betydelse för valet mellan de och dem

Researchers do not agree on whether grammar teaching is important for students' writing. At the same time, research shows that the choice between de 'they' and dem 'them' is an increasingly common problem of language accuracy among Swedish students. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of grammar for the level of language accuracy in Swedish high sch

Linking warehouse with production - Determining where and how to design a pull system at Tetra Pak

Problem description: Tetra Pak is currently using a push system for most movements of material between their component warehouse, the yard and the PPCL production site and are interested in how a potential implementation of a pull system could affect the efficiency of the material flow. Purpose:The purpose of this master thesis is to create decision– and design propositions for determining when i

Application of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Services Industry

Purpose: The purpose is to improve the understanding of the process of applying blockchain technology in the financial services industry through information published by the most representative companies and institutions in the global landscape. Methodology: Qualitative research has been conducted through secondary data, which has been analyzed by employing thematic analysis. Theoretical perspec

Improving Warehouse Picking Performance by Using Contextual Factors and Lean Practices: A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak

Problem Description: As warehouses play an important role in the supply chain and are vital for the success of a company, it is important that they operate efficiently. Thus, Tetra Pak wants to increase their picking efficiency for their production warehouse by identifying and solving bottlenecks and wastes that decreases the performance. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop a soluti

“We must not settle for less [when incorporating Children’s Rights into law]”. A socio-legal analysis of Children’s Rights Organizations’ role in the Swedish legislative process

This thesis seeks to understand the role that Swedish civil society (in the form of children’s rights organizations) play in the creation of legislation, through the writing of consultation responses and role in the discussions of the law following its incorporation. The aim is to understand the interplay between the political system and civil society through the eyes of the civil society’s employ

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering- Utvärdering av Kulturmejeriets Brandskydd

Denna rapport har granskat brandskyddet i allaktivitetshuset Kulturmejeriet i Lund. Granskningen har genomförts med fokus på personsäkerhet. Skador på egendom och miljö har inte beaktats i rapporten. Utifrån ett antal tänkbara brandscenarier valdes tre representativa scenarier. Dessa scenarier analyserades vidare med datorsimulering för brandutveckling och utrymning. Simuleringarna som genomfördThe following report is an evaluation of the fire protection in the all-activity house Kulturmejeriet in Lund. The evaluation was conducted with a focus on personal safety. Damage to property and the environment has not been considered in this report. Based on several possible fire scenarios, three representative scenarios were selected. These scenarios were further analyzed with computer simulati

Unblocking the Chain - Blockchain Implementations in the Digital Music Industry

The music industry has been affected by the digital revolution. This paper identifies key issues relating to copyright within the digital music industry which have the possibility to be partially or wholly solved with the help of blockchain technology. Identified issues are: the lack of reliable rights management information, issues with intermediaries and long value chains, fragmentation of right

Assist till privatimport av vin - Behöver tillhandagåendeförbudet skrivas om?

Privatimport av alkohol utgör en bråkdel av alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige. Uppsatsen lyfter svårigheten i att främja och underlätta privatimport då Systembolaget har ett monopol på att assistera kunder till privatimport. Förhållandet mellan detaljhandel, privatimport och tillhandagåendeförbudet utrönas för att sedan visa på oklarheter i lagen och presentera gråzoner. Uppsatsen undersöker ett svensPrivate imports of alcohol constitute a fraction of alcohol consumption in Sweden. The thesis highlights the difficulty in promoting and facilitating private imports as Systembolaget has a monopoly on assisting customers with private imports. The relationship between retail, private imports and the prohibition on access is examined. Ambiguities in the law and unexplored ground is to then point out

Dissolution kinetics and solubility of alpha synuclein in vitro

Amyloida fibriller är aggregat av självassocierande proteiner som tillsammans skapar ett tätpackat inre med hög ordningsgrad. Dessa fibriller är ofta förknippade med neurodegenerativa sjukdomar, t.ex. Alzheimers- och Parkinsons sjukdom. I dagsläget saknas botemedel för dessa sjukdomar och därav finns det intresse för att studera amyloida fibriller. Grundläggande forskning om exempelvis fibrillernaAmyloid fibrils are aggregates of self-assembled peptides and proteins that forms a highly ordered and densely packed core of β-strands stacking perpendicular to the length of the fibril. Amyloid fibrils of the protein α-synuclein (α-syn) are associated with Parkinson’s disease. This study aims at contributing to the physiochemical basis of α-synuclein aggregation and dissolution, mainly in terms

A study of nanoparticles interaction with plasma membrane proteins.

Nanoparticles have gained considerable attention in the last decades, especially in the medical field. The nanoparticles could enter our bodies from anywhere in the surrounding environment and interact with objects in our biological fluids. However, there is little knowledge about this process. The protein competes for the nanoparticle's surface area, forming “corona” made of different proteinNanoparticles are small particles that the human eye cannot detect. They are particles of matter that are found in the natural world and created as a consequence of human activity. For a particle to be classified as a nanoparticle, it should have a diameter between 1 and 100 nm, larger particles up to 500 nm could be also classified as nanoparticles. Their submicroscopic size allows them to have d

Patent Law and Green Technology: The role of patent law mechanisms in the development and diffusion of "green technologies"

Patent law has been prevalent in climate change discussions, as a factor linking technology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and the climate crisis. The inventive step, its set threshold and the environmental benefits for the assessment of its current state, are one of the paths where patent law can act as a potential promoter of green technologies. This paper aims to asses how patent law can

Gomp eller mugglare : En komparativ studie av den norska och den svenska översättningen av Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Denna masteruppsats baseras på en jämförande undersökning beträffande egennamn och benämningar i den norska och den svenska översättningen av J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997). Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skillnaderna i översättningsval mellan språken vad gäller kategorierna egennamn och benämningar samt om valen varierar beroende på kategori. Uppsatsen b

Between modernization and heritage: Sustainable rural tourism as a viable alternative for Transylvania's countryside.

Transylvania’s countryside, characterized by a mostly agrarian society with a rich multicultural heritage is being threatened by Romania’s tendencies of chaotic modernization and rapid urbanization. This research aims to find a viable solution for sustaining the cultural, natural, and social environment in rural Transylvania, by analysing the potential of tourism development. Integrated Rural Tour