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Your search for "*" yielded 531470 hits

Combining Congenital Heart Surgical and Interventional Cardiology Outcome Data in a Single Database : The Development of a Patient-Centered Collaboration of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA) and the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)

The European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA) Congenital Database (CD) is the second largest clinical pediatric and congenital cardiac surgical database in the world and the largest in Europe, where various smaller national or regional databases exist. Despite the dramatic increase in interventional cardiology procedures over recent years, only scattered national or regional databases

En undersökning av hur en effektiv logistik kring masshantering kan bidra till hållbarhet

Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen har störst påverkan på klimatet som bransch. Sverige har som mål att nå noll nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser innan 2045 och masshanteringen är en stor bidragande faktor till den stora klimatpåverkan. Stora mängder massor hanteras och transporteras, där en liten procent återanvänds. Det föreslås därför i branschen att cirkuläritet ska införas för att skapa en mer hållbarThe infrastructure industry, the soil management in particular, has a significant impact on the climate. The great mass movement that occurs in an infrastructure project needs management and transport and in addition there is only a small percentage that is reused. A more circular approach has been suggested to be applied in the industry. A case study was performed of three infrastructure projects

Making in turbulent times:new insights into late 18th-and early 19th-century ceramic crafts and connectivity in the Magaliesberg region

Among Simon Hall's influential contributions to historical archaeology are two research agendas: The need to focus attention on lower scalar levels of analysis, and broadening the concept of ceramic style to include less visible technological qualities. The latter is of particular importance to the stylistically bland and less decorated assemblages from the 18th and 19th centuries. Combining and d

Reciprocity and challenge in researcher-student collaborative labour in a multilingual secondary school

This chapter focuses on challenge and reciprocity in researcher-student collaborative labour (Zigo 2001) in a large multilingual secondary school in Sweden. The school was recruited for a larger longitudinal study of classroom language policy. For the purposes of the present chapter, we analysed ethnographic data to shed light on the well-known challenge of recruiting and retaining students to par

A Description of the Yield of Genetic Reinvestigation in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Previous Inconclusive Genetic Testing

In the present era of evolving gene-based therapies for inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs), it has become increasingly important to verify the genotype in every case, to identify all subjects eligible for treatment. Moreover, combined insight concerning phenotypes and genotypes is crucial for improved understanding of thevisual impairment, prognosis, and inheritance. The objective of this study


What could a school look like that seeks to make both learning and unlearning a common interrelated practice? How can a space be built around care, refuge, implication and vulnerability, negotiating positions and responsibilities? How can privileges and habits of hierarchy be challenged, as well as authorship, productivity and competition? And how could such a school take place inside an instituti

Lecanora caledonica - a new species in the Lecanora intumescens group (Lecanoraceae) from north-western Europe

Lecanora caledonica is described as new to science. Molecular analyses show that it belongs to the L. intumescens group. It is also rather similar in appearance to L. intumescens, but differs mainly chemically in containing only atranorin and an unknown UV+ ice blue substance. There are also anatomical and morphological differences to the other species of the group. The new species has a pronounce

Smart Tourism Technologies, Revisit Intention, and Word-of-Mouth in Emerging and Smart Rural Destinations

This study examines the influence of the various attributes of smart tourism technologies (STTs) on tourists’ intentions to revisit locations and engage in word-of-mouth (WOM) activities regarding emerging and smart rural tourist destinations in Iran. A sample of 590 tourists who visited these destinations following the COVID-19 pandemic participated in the study. The findings reveal that three at

Pallar; Stackable stools

This project examines why local materials matter and the main elements to consider when making sustainable designs. Iceland is heavily relying on import because of the scarcity of raw natural local materials. In the main natural materials require less energy and water use as they are less processed and consequently become a more sustainable choice. However importing natural materials significa

Digital HREM imaging of yttrium atoms in YB56 with YB66 structure

The arrangement of yttrium atoms in YB56with YB66structure was determined by high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) using a slow-scan CCD camera. Digital HREM images recorded along the [100], [110], and [111] directions of the YB56crystals showed "averaged" yttrium atom positions in the boron clusters, which were also confirmed by image simulation. Digital HREM images recorded from thin region

Microdomains, Solid Solutions and the "Defect Fluorite" to C-Type Sesquioxide Transition in CeO2-RO1.5 and ZrO2-RO1.5 Systems

Satellite dark field (SDF) imaging is used to show that there is a definite change in symmetry on moving across the two-phase region separating the so-called "defect fluorite" and C-type sesquioxide solid solution regions in (1 - x)CeO2 · xRO1.5 and (1 - x )ZrO2 · xRO1.5 systems. SDF images of the "defect fluorite" side of the two-phase region are characterized by a microdomain texture on the ∼100

Impact of the Economic Crisis on Body Mass Index in Spain : An Intersectional Multilevel Analysis Using a Socioeconomic and Regional Perspective

The Great Recession hit Spain deteriorating the living conditions of many Spanish people, increasing the prevalence of several chronic health issues, including obesity, and affecting health inequalities. We analyse the impact of this economic crisis on body mass index (BMI) disparities in Spain, from two perspectives: the socioeconomic and the territorial, through the application of an intersectio

Synthesis and characterization of carbon filaments grown from Pd3P colloids

Amorphous carbon filaments were synthesized by catalytic pyrolysis of propene over Pd3P colloids. The channel close to the center of the filaments usually contained particles, which were analyzed by analytical electron microscopy to be palladium. The palladium particles could be found anywhere along the filament. The carbon filaments were of two types and of different diameters, about 8-15 nm and

Developing a programmable mRNA pseudouridylation system to monitor gene-specific translation in human cells

A guide in the darkness; A system shedding light on mRNA pseudouridylation by PUS7 Proteins, the building blocks of life, are produced from messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is built by four ribonucleotides, namely adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and uridine (U). Interestingly, RNA includes also chemically modified versions of the above nucleotides affecting many physiological processes. The most

Effect of Induced Mutations in the Barley Genes xan-n, xan-i, xan-j and xan-b

Decoding Colors: How mutations in barley genes affect pigmentation Plants are an incredibly diverse group of organisms that share one crucial component: the presence of a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll plays a pivotal role in capturing light energy and facilitating the process of photosynthesis, which converts this light energy into chemical energy. The green appearance of plants i

Shared mobility and lifestyles as mechanisms to reduce environmental impacts from passenger transportation

Despite the deployment of low- or zero-emission technologies, achieving emissions reductions in the passenger transportation sector remains challenging. Demand-side mechanisms can be instrumental in reducing environmental impacts of transportation and reconfiguring transportation systems in a way that shifts users away from private car ownership. In this article we look at the Netherlands, Sweden,

Carbon nitride nanotubulite - densely-packed and well-aligned tubular nanostructures

Tubular carbon nitride (CNx, x=0.01–0.32) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by d.c. magnetron sputtering. These tubes were grown in a highly packed form perpendicularly on a sodium chloride substrate. Their number density is estimated to be ∼1×104 per μm2 and is constant over macroscopic regions. Sub-nanometer scale chemical mapping shows that the nitrogen to carbon atomic ratio is rathe