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Latin Letters from Clergymen in the Province of Scania (Eastern Denmark - Southern Sweden) in the Seventeenth Century : A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation and Commentaries

This doctoral thesis comprises a critical edition of a previously unpublished manuscript from the late seventeenth century, which is housed in Lund University Library. The manuscript consists of copies of eighty-eight letters and other documents in Latin. The originals were, in most cases, written by country vicars from Scania, a Swedish province that until 1658 was part of Denmark. The identity o

Occupational Accidents Among Elderly Farmers in Sweden

The workforce in many countries nowadays is becoming older due to demographic change. Compared with many other occupations, farmers often work until a higher age. This study analysed occupational accidents to farmers in Sweden from an age perspective using data on 223 work injuries on farms and 990 road accidents involving tractors. The results showed that older farmers were not significantly more

A modified Thomson parabola spectrometer for high resolution multi-MeV ion measurements-Application to laser-driven ion acceleration

A novel Thomson parabola ion spectrometer design is presented, in which a gradient electric field configuration is employed to enable a compact design capable of high resolution measurements of ion energy and charge-to-mass ratio. Practical issues relating to the use of the spectrometer for measurement of ion acceleration in high-power laser-plasma experiments are discussed. Example experimental r

Epidermal Reactions to Injury with Implications for Innate Immunity

Popular Abstract in Swedish En värld av mikrober Vi lever i en värld full av olika bakterier och svampar, så kallade mikrober. Med tanke på artrikedomen och mängden av infektiösa mikrober vi dagligen kommer i kontakt med kan det nästan tyckas som ett smärre mirakel att vi trots allt är så friska som vi är. Detta är dock nästan helt och hållet vårt medfödda immunförsvars förtjänst. Immunförsvaret Abstract The epidermis is one of our primary interfaces towards the external milieu. Following injury, the physical barrier function of the skin is destroyed and the epidermis is left vulnerable to microbial invasion. Inducible innate immune response mechanisms exist to keep the wound site free from infection, thus allowing the wound to heal and the epidermis to re-establish its barrier function.

Revealed preference tests for consistency with weakly separable indirect utility

Since Varian (Econometrica 50:945–973, 1982; Review of Economic Studies 50:90–110, 1983) made checking for consistency with revealed preference conditions more accessible to empirical researchers; researchers have often used revealed preference procedures to test their maintained hypotheses and narrow the scope of their demand studies. The tests developed by Varian are for the direct utility funct

The REVEALS model, a new tool to estimate past regional plant abundance from pollen data in large lakes: validation in southern Sweden

The REVEALS model was developed to reconstruct quantitatively regional vegetation abundance (in a 10(4)-10(5) km(2) area) from pollen assemblages in large lakes (>= 100-500 ha). This model corrects for biases in pollen percentages caused by inter-taxonomic differences in pollen productivity and dispersal. This paper presents the first case study to validate REVEALS, using empirical data from south

Ventilator-Supported Communication: A Case Study of Patient and Staff Experiences

Communicative abilities and opportunities are affected by ventilator care. The purpose of this case study was to investigate both a nurse's and a ventilator-supported patient's experiences of communication during ventilator care, with the overall aim of contributing to increased knowledge and awareness of issues related to communication with a ventilator-supported patient. An explorative/descripti

Sampling of urinary cadmium: differences between 24-h urine and overnight spot urine sampling, and impact of adjustment for dilution

Urinary cadmium (U-Cd) sampling can be done either by 24-h urine or spot urine sampling, and adjustment for dilution is usually needed. The choice of sampling period and adjustment technique could, however, potentially induce bias. The aim of the study was to compare 24-h urine and spot urine sampling and two dilution adjustment techniques, when assessing U-Cd. Separate 24-h urine (U24) and timed

Age at Diagnosis and Age at Death in Familial Prostate Cancer

Objectives. A family history of prostate cancer is associated with a higher risk for prostate cancer to first-degree relatives. If greater surveillance of men at familial risk is considered to be useful, population-based estimates of the differences in the age at diagnosis between familial and sporadic prostate cancer cases are needed. Methods. The men in the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Datab

Modelling of mass and heat transport in dryer fabric structures Part 2: Model validation and industrial implementation

The effects of dryer fabric cooling were studied. Using a dryer fabric cooled to a temperature below the dew point of the air-vapour mixture resulted in condensation of water vapour in the fabric structure. This condensation process was studied by means of a small-scale dynamic pilot dryer. The novel model on mass and heat transport in dryer fabrics, described in part 1, was validated against expe

Collagenase treatment of Dupuytren's contracture using a modified injection method

Background and purpose - Treatment of Dupuytren's contracture (DC) with collagenase Clostridium histolyticum (CCH) consists of injection followed by finger manipulation. We used a modified method, injecting a higher dose than recommended on the label into several parts of the cord, which allows treatment of multiple joint contractures in 1 session and may increase efficacy. We studied the occurren

Evidence for Positive Selection within the PgiC1 Locus in the Grass Festuca ovina.

The dimeric metabolic enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI, EC plays an essential role in energy production. In the grass Festuca ovina, field surveys of enzyme variation suggest that genetic variation at cytosolic PGI (PGIC) may be adaptively important. In the present study, we investigated the molecular basis of the potential adaptive significance of PGIC in F. ovina by analyzing cDNA s

Diel vertical migration, size distribution and photoprotection in zooplankton as response to UV-A radiation

The transparency regulator hypothesis (TRH) proposes that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is a main driving force behind diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton in clearwater systems. While previous studies have mainly studied DVM in relation to the TRH on a spatial scale across systems we here focus on long-term trends in a single system in order to assess if UVR explains observed patterns in DV

Lower stress responses after newborn individualized developmental care and assessment program care during eye screening examinations for retinopathy of prematurity: A randomized study

OBJECTIVE. Screening examination for retinopathy of prematurity is distressing and painful. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program intervention during a retinopathy of prematurity examination results in less adverse behavioral, pain, and stress responses as compared with standard care. METHODS. The first 2 eye exam

Adverse Reactions after Vaccination and Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy: Contact Allergy to Aluminium and Itching Nodules

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oönskade reaktioner efter vaccination och allergenspecifik immunoterapi - Kontaktallergi för aluminium och kliande knutor För att ett vaccinationsprogram ska fungera krävs kontinuerlig uppföljning av vaccinernas säkerhet vad gäller eventuella oönskade reaktioner. Under de senaste 10 till 15 åren har en ökad oro noterats bland allmänhet och profession beträffande oönskadThe aim of the work presented in this thesis was to investigate two different types of adverse reactions, persistent itching nodules and contact allergy to aluminium, after immunization with aluminium-containing vaccines and aluminium-containing allergen extracts used for allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). The first paper describes active parental reporting of adverse events (AEFIs) after a

Levodopa-induced dyskinesia is strongly associated with resonant cortical oscillations.

The standard pharmacological treatment for Parkinson's disease using the dopamine precursor levodopa is unfortunately limited by gradual development of disabling involuntary movements for which the underlying causes are poorly understood. Here we show that levodopa-induced dyskinesia in hemiparkinsonian rats is strongly associated with pronounced 80 Hz local field potential oscillations in the pri

A scoring system to differentiate malignant from benign masses in specific ultrasound-based subgroups of adnexal tumors

Objective To investigate if the prediction of malignant adnexal masses can be improved by considering different ultrasound-based subgroups of tumors and constructing a scoring system for each subgroup instead of using a risk estimation model applicable to all tumors. Methods We used a multicenter database of 1573 patients with at least one persistent adnexal mass. The masses were categorized into