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Your search for "*" yielded 531756 hits

Organic removal activity in biofilm and suspended biomass fractions of MBBR systems.

The moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) wastewater treatment process is usually designed based on the assumption that all activity in the process occurs in the biofilm on the MBBR carriers, although there is always some active biomass in the bulk liquid due to biofilm sloughing and, sometimes, free-growing bacteria. In this study the removal of organic matter is evaluated in laboratory-scale MBBR re

Study protocol of SWEPIS a Swedish multicentre register based randomised controlled trial to compare induction of labour at 41 completed gestational weeks versus expectant management and induction at 42 completed gestational weeks.

Observational data shows that postterm pregnancy (≥42 gestational weeks, GW) and late term pregnancy (≥41 GW), as compared to term pregnancy, is associated with an increased risk for adverse outcome for the mother and infant. Standard care in many countries is induction of labour at 42 GW. There is insufficient scientific support that induction of labour at 41 GW, as compared with expectant manage

Lower stress responses after newborn individualized developmental care and assessment program care during eye screening examinations for retinopathy of prematurity: A randomized study

OBJECTIVE. Screening examination for retinopathy of prematurity is distressing and painful. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program intervention during a retinopathy of prematurity examination results in less adverse behavioral, pain, and stress responses as compared with standard care. METHODS. The first 2 eye exam

Adverse Reactions after Vaccination and Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy: Contact Allergy to Aluminium and Itching Nodules

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oönskade reaktioner efter vaccination och allergenspecifik immunoterapi - Kontaktallergi för aluminium och kliande knutor För att ett vaccinationsprogram ska fungera krävs kontinuerlig uppföljning av vaccinernas säkerhet vad gäller eventuella oönskade reaktioner. Under de senaste 10 till 15 åren har en ökad oro noterats bland allmänhet och profession beträffande oönskadThe aim of the work presented in this thesis was to investigate two different types of adverse reactions, persistent itching nodules and contact allergy to aluminium, after immunization with aluminium-containing vaccines and aluminium-containing allergen extracts used for allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). The first paper describes active parental reporting of adverse events (AEFIs) after a

Independent replication of a melanoma subtype gene signature and evaluation of its prognostic value and biological correlates in a population cohort.

Development and validation of robust molecular biomarkers has so far been limited in melanoma research. In this paper we used a large population-based cohort to replicate two published gene signatures for melanoma classification. We assessed the signatures prognostic value and explored their biological significance by correlating them with factors known to be associated with survival (vitamin D) o

A Winged Figure From Uppakra

During excavations at Uppakra in Scania, Sweden, an exceptional copper alloy mount in the shape of a winged human was found. The figure is unique not only in its exquisite craftsmanship, but also in its iconography. It is argued that the mount was made in the loth century AD and that it depicts Wayland the Smith.

Katolsk politisk doktrin och sociallära : religionsfrihet och mänskliga rättigheter

The 18th century witnessed profound changes in the political thinking of Western societies regarding the individual, society and the state. The principle of freedom of religion was confirmed in the American Declaration of Independence in 1776 and in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789. A guiding principle was that the civic rights of individuals were not to be de

Mapped Bodies : Notes on the Use of Biometrics in Geopolitical Contexts

“Mapped Bodies: Notes on the Use of Biometrics in Geopolitical Contexts” examines the role played by automated biometric technologies in migration control and in the so-called war on terror. Biometric methods such as automated fingerprint identification, iris scanning and facial recognition record microscopic bodily characteristics, computes patterns from them, and matches those patterns against a

Stakeholder Participation for Sustainable Property Development

Complexity in property development projects involves and affects stakeholders with different attributes, interests, needs and concerns. Thus, each stakeholder may influence a project negatively or positively. The literature suggests that the concepts of stakeholder, participation, social sustainability and sustainable development are intertwined and together can contribute to social change. To enh

Does food sorting prevents and improves sorting of household waste? A case in Sweden

This paper analyses household behaviour as response to changes in waste management systems. The paper discusses the results of a case study from Vellinge municipality (Sweden), where the introduction of separate food waste collection is thought to have a role in reducing the total amount of household waste and improving the sorting of packaging waste. The study relies on data from official waste s

Levodopa-induced dyskinesia is strongly associated with resonant cortical oscillations.

The standard pharmacological treatment for Parkinson's disease using the dopamine precursor levodopa is unfortunately limited by gradual development of disabling involuntary movements for which the underlying causes are poorly understood. Here we show that levodopa-induced dyskinesia in hemiparkinsonian rats is strongly associated with pronounced 80 Hz local field potential oscillations in the pri

Enhanced strength of the 2(1)(+) -> 0(g.s.)(+) transition in Sn-114 studied via Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics

The 2(1)(+) states of Sn-114,Sn-116 were excited in two consecutive experiments by means of Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics on a Ni-58 target. A precise determination of the reduced transition probability B(E2; 0(g.s.)(+) -> 2(1)(+)) of Sn-114 relative to the well-known 2(1)(+) excitation strength in Sn-116 was achieved by comparing the relative projectile to target 2(1)(+) -> 0(g.s.)(+)

FKBPL: a marker of good prognosis in breast cancer.

FK506-binding protein-like (FKBPL) has established roles as an anti-tumor protein, with a therapeutic peptide based on this protein, ALM201, shortly entering phase I/II clinical trials. Here, we evaluated FKBPL's prognostic ability in primary breast cancer tissue, represented on tissue microarrays (TMA) from 3277 women recruited into five independent retrospective studies, using immunohistochemist

Revision of the position of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in southern Ontario: regional chronostratigraphic implications of delta C-13 chemostratigraphy of the Manitoulin Formation and associated strata

delta C-13 values of 142 samples from the Manitoulin Formation and subjacent strata collected from 14 exposures and two drill-cores on Manitoulin Island, Bruce Peninsula, and the region south of Georgian Bay suggest that the Manitoulin Formation is latest Ordovician (Hirnantian) rather than earliest Silurian in age. A delta C-13 excursion identified as the Hirnantian isotope carbon excursion (HICE

Patients' views on responsibility for the management of musculoskeletal disorders - A qualitative study

Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are very common and almost inevitable in an individual's lifetime. Enabling self-management and allowing the individual to take responsibility for care is stated as desired in the management of these disorders, but this may be asking more than people can generally manage. A willingness among people to take responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and not p

A scoring system to differentiate malignant from benign masses in specific ultrasound-based subgroups of adnexal tumors

Objective To investigate if the prediction of malignant adnexal masses can be improved by considering different ultrasound-based subgroups of tumors and constructing a scoring system for each subgroup instead of using a risk estimation model applicable to all tumors. Methods We used a multicenter database of 1573 patients with at least one persistent adnexal mass. The masses were categorized into

Timing Diagnostics and Coherent Harmonics from a test-FEL

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling ges en introduktion till fyra artiklar där resul- tat från och delar av en frielektron-laser (FEL) beskrivs. Denna typ av laser skiljer sig från de konventionella lasrar de flesta av oss har träffat på, t.ex. i form av en laserpekare. Den första märkbara skill- naden är att frielektron-lasrar är stora, ofta flera hundra meter långa. De kräver en accelThe test free-electron laser (test-FEL) at MAX-lab in Lund demonstrated for the first time circularly polarized coherent femtosecond pulses at 66 nm wavelength. A 375 MeV electron bunch was seeded by a femtosecond laser at 263 nm and coherent harmonics were extracted in an APPLE-II type elliptical undulator. A thermionic gun with a barium oxide cathode was adapted for photocathode operation, and t

Costly Renegotiation in Repeated Bertrand Games

This paper extends the concept of weak renegotiation-proof equilibrium (WRP) to allow for costly renegotiation and shows that even small renegotiation costs can have dramatic effects on the set of equilibria. More specifically, the paper analyzes the infinitely repeated Bertrand game. It is shown that for every level of renegotiation cost, there exists a discount factor such that any collusive pro