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Essays on Panel Data with Multidimensional Unobserved Heterogeneity
This thesis contributes to econometric methodology in terms of estimation and inference in static panel data models with unobserved multidimensional heterogeneity. When not properly accounted for, unobserved heterogeneity may introduce bias into the parameter estimates associated with covariates of interest, such as treatment indicators or determinants of macroeconomic indicators. A common way of
Chicken for Everyone? A cultural political economy of the popularity of chicken meat in Bolivia.
Over the last 50 years, the production and consumption of chicken meat have soared in Bolivia. This paper analyzes the political, economic, and cultural developments that have led to the popularity of chicken meat in this country. It also asks who has benefitted from this success story. The author uses data from one year of multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork in Bolivia in order to give an account
Introducing "captaining": How to best combine group work with individual achievement within higher education examination
Landscapes with different logics: A physicalistic approach to semantic conflicts in spatial planning
This paper deals with the ways of categorising landscapes as ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ using a physicalist approach, where these terms have special meaning. The aim of this paper is to elaborate on the question whether such a division is still meaningful with regard to anthropogenic landscapes, not least in spatial planning. The concerns raised in this paper depart from the increasingly complicated stru
I fablernas värld : Djuret som människa och människan som djur
Towards sustainable menstrual health management in Tanzania
Postnatal corticosteroids for transient tachypnoea of the newborn
BACKGROUND: Transient tachypnoea of the newborn (TTN) is characterized by tachypnoea and signs of respiratory distress. Transient tachypnoea typically appears within the first two hours of life in term and late preterm newborns. The administration of corticosteroids might compensate for the impaired hormonal changes which occur when infants are delivered late preterm, or at term but before the ons
Non-coagulating milk from Swedish Red Dairy Cattle : Influence of milk composition, physical properties and genetic parameters
Non-coagulating (NC) milk is unwanted in cheese production, as it lowers cheese yield and prolongs processing time. Less yield will lead to economic losses at the dairies. Even if NC milk has been found in several breeds, studies suggest that Swedish Red Dairy cattle (RDC) has a higher frequency of NC milk than most other breeds. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish RDC and ensure
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Reflection in EEG parameters of the process of solving two types of mental tasks, i.e. spatial-imaginary and verbal-logical, was investigated in nine test-subjects. Mental efforts were found to specify EEG spatiofrequency patterns depending on the task type and subject's identity. These patterns were unique and reproducible enough to enable identification of this or the other type of mental task w
The prostate cancer registry : Patient characteristics, treatments and preliminary outcomes from a large observational study of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
On the misinterpretation of epidemiological evidence: relating to dioxin-containing phenoxyacetic acids, chlorophenols and cancer effects
Dislocation after hip fracture related arthroplasty - Incidence, risk factors and prevention
Siblings’ Lived Experiences of Having a Brother or Sister With Home Mechanical Ventilation : A Phenomenological Hermeneutical Study
Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the number of children receiving home mechanical ventilation (HMV), and in many ways, families have taken responsibility for the required advanced homecare, which has placed considerable time demands on the family unit. Little is known about the life situation of the siblings of HMV-assisted children; their own voices and an insider perspect
A theoretical framework for emancipatory nursing with a focus on environment and persons' own and shared lifeworld
By giving a brief overview of the metaconcepts in nursing, with a focus on environment, we sketch a theoretical framework for an emancipatory perspective in nursing care practice. To meet the requirements of equality in care and treatment, we have in our theoretical framework added a critical lifeworld perspective to the antioppressive practice, to meet requirements of equity in health care encoun
Eye movement-related brain activity during perceptual and cognitive processing
Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration (Bakewell Oliver,Engbersen Godfried,Fonseca Maria Lucinda & Horst Cindy (eds), Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
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Gendered Harm and Structural Violence in the British Asylum System by Victoria Canning
Concerning UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) : gender helpdesk assignment about the Occupied Palestinian Territories and UN Security Council Resolution 1325
This study concerns UN Security Council’s Resolution 1325 and its relevance in the OPT. By reviewing statistics and reports as well as acknowledging socio-cultural understandings of gender relations, it shows how men and women become affected by violence in different ways. In general, women are affected more indirectly than men by violence committed by the Israeli Defence Forces. However, the viol