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Kvinnligt klosterliv i Sverige och Norden. En motkultur i det moderna samhället

Female religious communities, and later also convents, accompanied the return of the Roman Catholic Church to the Nordic countries in the middle of the nineteenth century. These religious communities were mostly so-called active orders or congregations, who helped in par-ishes or ran private schools, orphanages or nursing homes. In the 1930s there were nearly 1,400 Catholic sisters working in Scan

"De som är oskyldiga idag kan bli skyldiga imorgon" : det armeniska folkmordet och dess efterbörd

En ungturkisk regering med diktatorisk makt förövade 1915–1917, mitt under brinnande världskrig, ett folkmord på en miljon armenier i det döende osmanska riket. Folkmordet tog dock inte slut 1917, utan blev en del av en blodig internationell kamp om makt och nationella gränser i Mindre Asien och Sydkaukasien. Kampen slutade med att Turkiet 1923 utropades till en ny stat, medan Armenien blev en sov

SOX11 in Mantle Cell Lymphoma - Novel Tools for Diagnostic, Prognostic and Functional Investigations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskning kring biomarkörer har revolutionerat cancersjukvården. Några av de mest kända exemplen är PSA-testet som kan användas för att identifiera patienter med ökad risk för prostata cancer eller de nya antikroppsbehandlingarna, t.ex mot HER2 (trastuzumab/Hercepin) eller CD20 (rituximab/Rituxan), som gör att man nu ofta kan förlänga eller bota patienter som tidigare hThe goal of biomarker discovery is to identify disease defining molecules, which could be used to improve early detection and/or to predict survival and response to treatment. This thesis is about the transcription factor SOX11, a protein discovered in the context of mantle cell lymphoma in 2008, which shows great potential to be used as a clinical relevant biomarker. The aim of this thesis is to

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The basic hypothesis is that mind is an emergent property of the processes that produce natural language expressions. The shape of the mind of a particular person can be discovered through the mechanisms forming the corresponding language space. Although covered by textual surface properties, this space is approachable with VERTEX, which is a new version of Perspective Text Analysis (PTA). Due to

Interart Poetics: Essays on the Interrelations of the Arts and Media

In this anthology are gathered 28 essays, devoted to the interrelations of the arts and media. They present together the current state of the emerging field of Interart Studies. The contributors – Stephen Greenblatt, Claus Clüver, Erika Fischer-Lichte, John Neubauer, Steven Paul Scher, Walter Bernhart, Ulrich Weisstein, Eric Haskell, Eric Vos, Thomas Elsaesser, among others – are leading internati

A unified view of systems

A unified view of systems is suggested which relates to both model theory and relational databases. The approach towards a unified view is here centered around viewing a system as a structure of the form S = < A, R > putting focus on the relational aspects of the system concept. This is motivated by some examples of various systems which are shown to fit into the proposed unification.