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Förbättring av asfaltens konsistens med tillsatsmedel - Mätningar med rotationsviskosimeter på bitumen och asfaltsbruk

Asphalt is the most common material on the roads visible to our eyes. Asphalt occurs as both wearing coat and bearing coat. Asphalt consists of rock material in different grain sizes joined by a binder, bitumen, and eventually added additives. Bitumen is extracted from crude oil. Asphalt mastics is bitumen mixed with filler. Filler is stone material that completely passes a 0.074 mm sieve. Both bi

Rättssystemets blind spot: en kvalitativ studie om föreställningar om manlighet i kriminella gäng

This study investigates ideas about masculinity in criminal gangs, and how these ideas affect disengagement from gangs. A major problem with criminal gangs is that since they are outside society’s laws and norms, it is difficult for the judiciary to counter them with law enforcement. It is not possible to change gang member’s behaviors solely with laws, which leaves the legal system with a blind s

Characterisation of Packaging Material Surfaces

As the packaging material (PM) becomes better defined from the results of technical development, its processing stages will be of greater complexity. The nip process is an example of one vital step in the lamination coating of PM, and this process is studied in the present thesis by analysing the surfaces of chill rollers (CR) and PM. Ideally, a laminated PM surface should be the perfect negative

Om den verkställande direktörens löpande förvaltning - en studie om den verkställande direktörens kompetens genom rekvisitet “löpande förvaltning” inom ramen för ABL

Representationskompetensen hos den verkställande direktören i svenska aktiebolag regleras genom 8 kap. 36 § ABL och därigenom rekvisitet ”löpande förvaltning” i 8 kap. 29 § ABL. Vad denna löpande förvaltning omfattar är dock inte helt tydligt och kan variera kraftigt mellan olika typer av bolag och situationer. Detta kan skapa såväl praktiska som juridiska problem för både bolag och den verkställaThe legal capacity for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) in Swedish corporations is regulated through the legal condition “everyday operations” in Chapter 8, 36 § of the Swedish Companies Act of 2005. What is meant with “everyday operations” is not completely clear and can vary massively between different kinds of companies and situations. This may cause problems from both a practical and a jurisdict

Can Simple Combination Strategies Improve Forecasts Of Swedish Inflation?

In this paper I use a procedure for selecting, combining and forecasting VAR models in order to improve the prediction of Swedish inflation. Three simple average combinations are evaluated with a number of tools. I conclude that a simple combination strategy improve the forecast ability and reduce the root mean square errors. The performance is an improvement over both a simple benchmark and a pre

User acceptance towards intelligent personal assistants (IPAs): Identifying the motives behind user acceptance towards mobile IPA permissions

Within the mobile age, it has become critical to protect users’ privacy from privacy-invasive apps that access and collect personal information unnecessary for the apps function and, companies who share and sell user data. The advancements in mobile technology have led to the creation of voice-activated intelligent personal assistants (IPAs) which have been linked to privacy issues among users due

Material or Metaphorical? - An Inquiry into the Spatialities of Actor-Network Theory

Since Actor-Network Theory emerged in the mid-1980s, the approach has transcended disciplinary boundaries and has similarly gained prominence within geography. Moreover, also the main proponents of the approach have endeavoured in linking Actor-Network Theory to geographical lines of inquiry and sought to develop a spatial vocabulary that matches its distinctive thought system. However, few attemp

Trade unions' freedom of association in Cambodia - A study on the Trade Union Law and its possible implications on trade unions in the Cambodian garment industry

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera Fackföreningslagen och dess potentiella konsekvenser för fackföreningars föreningsfrihet i den kambodjanska textilindustrin. Utöver detta analyseras lagen i förhållande till redan befintlig nationell lagstiftning samt i relation till internationell rätt rörande föreningsfrihet. Majoriteten av Fackföreningslagens regleringar är oförenliga med internationeThe aim of the thesis is to elaborately analyse the Trade Union Law and its possible implications for trade unions’ right to freedom of association in the Cambodian garment industry. In addition, the law is evaluated in relation to already existing domestic law and in relation to international law regarding freedom of association. The majority of the Trade Union Law’s provisions are incompatible

Automatiserad kategorisering av fjärrvärmekunders användarprofiler baserade på mätdata

Både värme och elbolag har krav på sig att mäta sina kunders förbrukning över tid, för att kunna göra en exakt debitering. Denna mätning resulterar i stora mängder data, och på sikt byggs en stor bank med kundspecifik information upp. Informationen kan bland annat användas för att ta fram användarspecifika kostnadsmodeller eller för att förbättra simuleringar över energianvändning i näten. E.ON ä

A Critical Understanding of Power Relations through Women’s Experience with the Mentorship Program, Carpe Sophia: Is Women’s Economic Empowerment a Way Out of Gender Inequality?

By applying a critical understanding of empowerment, this study explores the power relations in women’s daily lives through their experience with a mentorship program called Carpe Sophia and analyzes whether or to what extent this program has an impact on women’s empowerment that can bring about gender equality. Carpe Sophia is a women’s economic empowerment program with an aim to increase employm

Återbrukssystem för möbler i kommunal sektor - hinder och möjligheter för cirkulära lösningar

Återbrukssystem för möbler ger både miljömässiga och ekonomiska besparingar Dagens konsumtionstrender är inte hållbara – vi konsumerar idag långt över vår planets bärkraft och vi behöver därför övergå till ett mer hållbart levnadssätt. Genom att ta tillvara på och återbruka det vi redan har kan vi skapa ett mer cirkulärt samhälle. Ett återbrukssystem är ett strukturerat sätt att arbeta med återbWith today’s consumption trends it has become important to use resources more efficient and work towards a more circular economy. Municipalities may do so by using a re-use system for furniture, which means that they can mediate their furniture via an IT software and re-use them within the organization. It is also possible to connect services to the system, e.g. reparation and transportation servi

Legal Consciousness and Language Rights: Passing on Finnish Minority Language to Future Generations in Sweden.

When law is ambiguously articulated or various legal norms and obligations are working simultaneously, it creates a puzzling situation to individuals that are expected to follow or live under the unclear law. To study these instances, one must depart from the analysis of formal legal texts and legal institutions into the everyday experiences and perceptions of individual citizens. The aim of this

En bokbandshistorisk studie av band bundna av Christopher Richter, Johan Carl Caloander, Johan Gottlieb Ditzinger och Fredrik Wilhelm Statlander

Uppsatsen är en bokbandshistorisk studie med beskrivningar och jämförelser av tolv dekorerade helskinnband bundna i Hans Christopher Richters, Johan Carl Caloanders, Johan Gottlieb Ditzingers och Fredrik Wilhelm Statlanders verkstäder. Bokbanden är från upplysningstidens senare del och beskrivningarna är gjorda med tyngdpunkt på dekorationerna. En mall har använts för att underlätta jämförelsen. UThe essay is a bookhistorical study with descriptions and comparisons of twelve decorated bookbindings bound in the workshops of Hans Christopher Richter, Johan Carl Caloander, Johan Gottlieb Ditzinger and Fredrik Wilhelm Statlander. The bookbindings is from the later part of the enlightenment and the descriptions are made with the emphasis on the decorations. A template has been used to facilitat

Investigating Short-Term Trading Returns Around The Ex Dividend Date: A Test for Market Efficiency

This study tests the efficiency of the Swedish and the Dutch stock markets by analyzing the performance of two dividend strategies – dividend capturing and dividend timing. To test these strategies and what factors influence them, the researchers collect a sample of 95 different firms, about half from each country and a total of over 8 000 dividend observation. A cross sectional regression is run

”Svenska tjejer skall inte ge sig i lag med en grupp invandrare!” En fallanalys av Färjemålet.

In the beginning of 2016 there were a relatively well noted case in Sweden where a woman reported that she had been group raped during one of Silja Galaxys student cruises. Four men got suspected for the crime and the whole story went up online at a discussion website called Flashback Forum, where members discussed the case. Due to the fact that media started reporting frequently about the event,

Business Intelligence Systems: Assessing the benefits of business intelligence use within an organization

The Business Intelligence (BI) systems are increasingly becoming an important piece of the puzzle for the success of organizations. That being so, it is important to acknowledge the benefits that can be obtained from the use of such systems. Furthermore, for those who hesitate in investing in BI systems this research presents how the organizations operating in different business fields are using t

Lokala omförhandlanden av öppenhets- respektive utvärderingstrenden i vetenskaplig publicering : en lingvistisk forskargrupps navigering i ett föränderligt publiceringslandskap

Two major trends in scholarly publishing to have emerged in recent years are the increased demands on the availability of scientific publications (Open Access) and the evaluation of scholarly publishing by quantitative measures. On the one hand, scholars today have to conform to demands from funding agencies as well as other institutions to publish their findings Open Access. On the other hand, th

Hugo Grotius och Freden i Osnabrück - En studie i folkrättslig kongruens i 1600-talets Europa

De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libris Tres, av Hugo Grotius, och den westfaliska freden, i 1600-talets Europa, har ofta betonats av forskare som födelseplatsen för den moderna folkrätten. Denna studie har ämnat granska validiteten i dessa påståenden genom en rättshistorisk undersökning av omständigheterna kring texterna och en komparativ utredning dem emellan. Arbetets huvudsakliga syfte har varit att utfDe Jure Belli ac Pacis Libris Tres, by Hugo Grotius, and the Peace of Westphalia, in 17th century Europe, has often been highlighted as the birthplace of modern public international law. This study aims to review the validity of such statements through research of the legal history concerning the topic and through a comparative examination of the two works. The main purpose of the study have been

Succeeding with Smart People Initiatives: Difficulties and Preconditions for Smart City Initiatives that Target Citizens

Smart City is a paradigm for the development of urban spaces through the implementation of state-of-the-art ICT. There are two main approaches when developing Smart Cities: top-down and bottom-up. Based on the bottom-up approach, the concepts of Smart People and Smart Communities have emerged as dimensions of the Smart City, advocating for the engagement of citizens in Smart People initiatives. Th