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Your search for "*" yielded 526113 hits

Late termination of pregnancy: a comparison of obstetricians' experience in eight European countries

Objective To compare the experience and attitude of obstetricians in Europe towards late termination of pregnancy and the factors affecting their responses. Design Cluster sampling cross-sectional survey. All neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)-associated maternity units were recruited (census sampling) in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden. In France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, units w

Empowerment evaluation of a Swedish gender equity plan.

Background: Empowerment is essential for gender equity and health. The city of Malmö, Sweden, has formulated a development plan for gender equity integration (GEIDP). A 'Policy Empowerment Index' (PEI) was previously developed to assess the empowerment potential of policies. Objectives: To pilot-evaluate the GEIDP's potential for empowerment and to test the PEI for future policy evaluations. Desig

Engineered Pyranose 2-Oxidase: Efficiently Turning Sugars into Electrical Energy

Due to the recent interest in enzymatic biofuel cells (BECs), sugar oxidizing enzymes other than the commonly used glucose oxidase are gaining more importance as possible bioelements of implantable microscale-devices, which can, for example, be used in biosensors and pacemakers. In this study we used rational and semi-rational protein design to improve the catalytic activity of the enzyme pyranose

Fornminnen : det förflutnas roll i det förkristna och kristna Mälardalen

Popular Abstract in Swedish I vår egen tid finns ett stort intresse för släktforskning och historia hos många. Men man tänker sällan på att även människor i gångna tider kunnat blicka tillbaka på sitt förflutna och fundera på sin egen plats i släktleden. Vad var de ville minnas och hur mindes de i en tid utan skriv- och läskunnighet? Det är frågor som ställs i avhandlingen och där svaren söks i deThis thesis examine how farm-dwellers in the Mälaren region during the late Iron Age and early Middle Ages created, transferred, and preserved memory by deliberately placing new houses and graves on the houses and graves of previous generations. Focus is on memory as a social phenomenon and culture-specific resource created by these deliberate practices. The culture-specific element is oral cultur

Effects of land-use change on groundwater recharge model parameters

Land development usually induces large changes in flood peak and infiltration properties, thus affecting the entire hydrological environment of the area. In order to evaluate such negative effects caused by land-use change, it is necessary to estimate the changes in surface runoff and groundwater recharge rate. The effects of land-use changes on the parameter values of a groundwater recharge model

A time dependent kinetic small angle neutron scattering study of a novel YFe phase

Crystallization of amorphous Y67Fe33 into the YFe2 C15 Laves phase via a novel 'YFe' intermediate phase has been observed through to completion using time-resolved small angle neutron scattering (SANS). The nucleation and growth kinetics of the phase transformations have been studied at annealing temperatures below the crystallization temperatures for both the 'YFe' phase and the YFe2 phase. The S

Alcohol Use in Swedish Halls of Residence

In the year 2000, the alcohol habits of 1460 Swedish university students living in residence halls were assessed. The students had a mean age of 23.8 years, and 64% were male. The results from this baseline assessment show that the mean AUDIT score (± sd) was 10.3 ± 5.2 for males and 8.1 ± 4.7 for females. AUDIT stands for Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and is used world-wide to assess

Ozone risk for vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake calculations

The negative impacts of surface ozone (O(3)) on vegetation are determined by external exposure, leaf gas exchange and plant antioxidant defence capacity, all dependent on climate and CO(2) concentrations. In this study the influence of climate change on simulated stomatal O(3) uptake of a generic crop and a generic deciduous tree at ten European sites was investigated, using the LRTAP Mapping Manu

A Phase 1, Open-Label Study of the Biodistribution, Pharmacokinetics, and Dosimetry of Ra-223-Dichloride in Patients with Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer and Skeletal Metastases

The aim of this single-site, open-label clinical trial was to determine the biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, absorbed doses, and safety from 2 sequential weight-based administrations of Ra-223-dichloride in patients with bone metastases due to castration-refractory prostate cancer. Methods: Six patients received 2 intravenous injections of Ra-223-dichloride, 6 wk apart, at 100 kBq/kg of whole-bo

Care recipients and family members’ perceptions of quality of elderly care: a comparison of home-based care and nursing homes

Aims. To compare care recipients' and their relatives' perceptions of quality of care in nursing homes and home-based care. Background. Older people care is increasingly being provided in community care facilities and private homes instead of hospitals. A few studies have compared care recipients' and relatives' perceptions of care quality in nursing homes as opposed to home-based care. Design. Cr

Non-methane volatile organic compound flux from a subarctic mire in Northern Sweden

Biogenic NMVOCs are mainly formed by plants and microorganisms. They have strong impact on the local atmospheric chemistry when emitted to the atmosphere. The objective of this study was to determine if there are significant emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) from a subarctic mire in northern Sweden. Subarctic peatlands in discontinuous permafrost regions are undergoing s

Contraction-induced lipolysis is not impaired by inhibition of hormone-sensitive lipase in skeletal muscle

In skeletal muscle hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) has long been accepted to be the principal enzyme responsible for lipolysis of intramyocellular triacylglycerol (IMTG) during contractions. However, this notion is based on in vitro lipase activity data, which may not reflect the in vivo lipolytic activity. We investigated lipolysis of IMTG in soleus muscles electrically stimulated to contract ex v

Spike dives of juvenile southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii): a navigational role?

Tunas make sharp descents and ascents around dawn and dusk called spike dives. We examine spike dives of 21 southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) implanted with archival tags in the Great Australian Bight. Using a new way to categorize this behavior, we show that spike dives are similar among all the fish in the study. The dive profiles are mirror images at dawn and dusk and are precisely timed

Migration Routes and Strategies in a Highly Aerial Migrant, the Common Swift Apus apus, Revealed by Light-Level Geolocators.

The tracking of small avian migrants has only recently become possible by the use of small light-level geolocators, allowing the reconstruction of whole migration routes, as well as timing and speed of migration and identification of wintering areas. Such information is crucial for evaluating theories about migration strategies and pinpointing critical areas for migrants of potential conservation

Ultrasound measurements of umbilical cord transverse area in normal pregnancies and pregnancies complicated by diabetes mellitus

Objective: A voluminous umbilical cord has been described in diabetic pregnancies. The aim of this study was to see if measurements of cord diameters might be of value in the evaluation of diabetic pregnancies and especially those suspected of a large for gestational age (LGA) fetus. Methods: In an observational, prospective study umbilical cord areas and vessel diameters were measured between ges

HIV prevalence in persons with severe mental illness in Uganda: a cross-sectional hospital-based study

Background: In Uganda, a previous study reported high HIV prevalence in persons with severe mental illness (SMI) compared to the general population, suggesting that persons with SMI might constitute a high-risk group for HIV. However, the study included first-time psychiatric admissions only, a group whose HIV prevalence may not reflect the prevalence in persons with SMI in general. We determined