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Musikpedagogisk forskning i världsklass

Publicerad 7 april 2015 Göran Folkestad, professor i musikpedagogik vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö Konstnärliga fakultetens forskning står sig väl i ett internationellt perspektiv. Ett färskt bevis på det, och ett viktigt erkännande av vårt arbete, finns i statistiken från den ledande musikpedagogiska tidskriften British Journal of Music Education, där det gångna årets mest nedladdade forskningsartike - 2025-03-16

Ny kurs för frilansmusiker

Publicerad 8 april 2015 Visste du att det finns en fristående kurs som heter Musik i framtidens förskola på Musikhögskolan i Malmö och som drivs i nära samarbete med UNGA Musik i Syd? Kursen är för dig som vill lära dig, eller bli bättre på, att uppträda och spela musik för barn 1–5 år. Under en termin får du möjlighet att under professionell handledning i rytmik, drama och regi bli riktigt bra på - 2025-03-16

Opera av Prof. Luca Francesconi spelas på Malmö Opera

Publicerad 21 april 2015 Musikhögskolans kompositionsprofessor Luca Francesconi har skrivit både musiken och librettot till operan Kvartett, som har Nordenpremiär lördagen den 25 april på Malmö Opera. Operan, som har sex och makt som centrala inslag i handlingen, har de internationella operastjärnorna Kirstin Chávez och Christian Miedl i de två ledande rollera i denna kammaropera för stor scen och - 2025-03-16

The world meets at lunch

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 1 October 2019 LUnchtime international style! Darcy Wagner in a green T-shirt and than follows clockwise: Hani Alsafadi, Maria Öhlin, Qianren Jin, Srisayini Kidnapilla, Nika Gvazava and Deniz Bölükbas. Eighteen nationalities come together during lunch on level B10 at Biomedical Centre (BMC). There is a hotchpotch of di - 2025-03-16

Who are you at work?

Published 8 October 2019 Calle Rosengren does research on boundaries between working and private life. Photo:Jenny Loftrup Who are you – a separator or an integrator? Mobiles and laptops have created a working life where it is possible to work anytime and anywhere. In a major study, work environment researchers have identified how seven different personality types set boundaries – or not – between - 2025-03-16

Search for new vice-chancellor underway

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 1 October 2019 Professor Mats Benner represents the the Electoral College. Photo: Johan Bävman The work to find a new vice-chancellor has begun. The recruitment committee, which now consists of equal numbers of members from the Electoral College and the University Board (with the chair of the board having the casti - 2025-03-16

All members of the Recruitment Committee are now appointed

Published 1 October 2019 The Electoral College and University Board have now each appointed four members to the Recruitment Committee, which is to prepare proposals for the new vice-chancellor and deputy vice-chancellor. The University Board decided to appoint its chair Jonas Hafström as chair of the Recruitment Committee. The other members are:Head of finance Ingrid Bengtsson-Rijavec, Malmö Unive - 2025-03-16

Do you need illustrations to explain your research?

Published 9 October 2019 New graphic service with illustrations and infographics are now available. Media-Tryck now has a full-time staff member to assist with illustrations and infographics – invaluable complements to tables and when you want to visualise and clarify facts, visions, statistics and results.See examples and read more on the Media-Tryck web page (in Swedish) - 2025-03-16

SSC’s discovery of unauthorised access to data not as extensive as feared

Published 17 October 2019 As previously stated, the National Government Service Centre (SSC), which manages the University’s payroll system Primula reported a case of unauthorised access to data in the system during the spring. A user at one of the SSC client authorities accessed personal data from Primula without authorisation to do so, but the breach was less extensive than initially indicated. - 2025-03-16

Ingegerd Wirehed – the first information security coordinator

Published 17 October 2019 Ingegerd Wirehed has been appointed to the newly established position of information security coordinator at the University. The position is based at LDC, LU’s central unit for IT services. However, Ingegerd explains that information security it not purely an IT issue, but rather a strategic area for the entire organisation in which information owners and others need to o - 2025-03-16

SEK 400.000 fine for incorrect procurements

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 23 October 2019 The University must pay SEK 400. 000 fine for incorrect procurements.The Swedish Competition Authority has reviewed the University’s purchasing and prohibited direct award procurements for 2016 and 2017. They selected four matters, which they reported to the Administrative Court in Malmö for adj - 2025-03-16

Many constructive disagreements in successful research group

By kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] lth [dot] se (Kristina.Lindgärde) - published 6 November 2019 Thomas Sewerin has studied how a world-leading research environment handles conflict.  Photo: Adam Severin He has advised management groups across the University for three decades. Now, the psychologist and leadership consultant Thomas Sewerin has defended his PhD – on leadership in academia. Among other - 2025-03-16

Help your body outwit the reptile brain!

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 8 November 2019 Louise Brunkwall likes to add red lentils to make casseroles go further. Photo: Kennet Ruona There are delicious smells emanating from the kitchen at the Malmö apartment of nutrition physiologist, Louise Brunkwall. Today, she is making pasta and vegetable sauce for lunch. A clean up before the interview - 2025-03-16

A chemically empowered hunt for space grains

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 8 November 2019 At one point, 70 per cent nitric acid is poured on the sample, which dissolves the mineral pyrite. The brownish yellow smoke consisting of nitric oxides is both toxic and flammable. Photo:Kennet Ruona Every year Birger Schmitz, Fredrik Terfelt and Ellinor Martin dissolve five to ten tonnes of limest - 2025-03-16

They want to shine a light on a dark chapter

By evelina [dot] linden [at] luhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 8 November 2019 Curator Jenny Bergman is working to make the Historical Museum’s anatomical collection more ordered and accessible for research and education. Photo:Kennet Ruona What do human remains really have to do with a museum? When Lund University closed the Department of Anatomy of 1995, its collection of human - 2025-03-16

Strong engagement in RQ20

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 8 November 2019 The research quality evaluation, RQ20, is now in full swing. The evaluation-fatigue that project leaders Freddy Ståhlberg and Mats Benner expected to see among their university colleagues has not materialised. “We have encountered a strong engagement and interest!” The 200 or so external advisors fo - 2025-03-16

The University’s operational plan and resource allocation for 2020-2021 has been finalised

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 8 November 2019 The University building. Photo: Kennet Ruona A decision has now been taken on the next operational plan and resource allocation. The operational plan contains the management’s and University Board’s targets, priorities, initiatives and specific challenges. The resource allocation outlines how th - 2025-03-16

Lund is top of the EU league – best in Sweden at obtaining grants

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 8 November 2019 There is still funding available from Horizon 2020, which can be applied for until the end of this year. Lund researchers have every reason to be proud regarding competition for EU grants. LU is the best in Sweden in terms of total funding and in the top three with the Karolinska Institute (KI) and - 2025-03-16

New head of Student Affairs

Published 15 November 2019 The new head of Student Affairs is Carolina Rytterkull, who will succeed Tarmo Haavisto. Carolina Rytterkull currently works at the LTH faculty office as head of education and deputy head of office. She had long experience of management roles and development work in the education sector before joining Lund University. Carolina Rytterkull takes up her new post on 1 April - 2025-03-16

New pause program to prevent occupational injuries

Published 15 November 2019 Ill-health resulting from sedentary, static or repetitive work causes major problems for employees. The University has now purchased a pause program, Pausit, which all employees can download to their computers. Pausit’s break program offers pause exercises during the working day. It is a computer-based tool that helps you to do exercises that prevent stiffness and pain i - 2025-03-16