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Politik: Hårda ord ingen slump

Av jessica [dot] bloem [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessica Bloem) - publicerad 22 januari 2019 Månader av hårda förhandlingar om en ny regering är över för Stefan Löfven Bild: Sten-Åke Stenberg/Mostphotos En ny regering är på plats efter en unik period i svensk politik. Pressen på politiker att ständigt trycka på med snabba och dräpande budskap kan ha försvårat förhandlingarna, konstater - 2025-03-16

Ändrade renlighetsideal i klimatkrisens spår?

Publicerad 21 januari 2019 Att duscha varje varje dag kanske inte anses social accepterat framöver. En ny avhandling spår förändrade renlighetsideal. Bild: MostPhotos. Vi använder mycket vatten, energi och tvättmedel för att passa in i ett förväntat renlighetsideal snarare än för att klara hygienen. För att snabba på beteendeförändringar förespråkar en ny avhandling att energiförbrukningen på exem - 2025-03-16

På höga höjder – forskare utreder drönare

Publicerad 21 januari 2019 Foto: Shutterstock. Den nya drönarteknologin innebär både ett hot och oändliga möjligheter. Nu ska forskare vid Lunds universitet undersöka hur drönare kan, och bör, användas – eftersom den nya tekniken utvecklas snabbare än nya lagar och regelverk.  Nedstängningen av flygplatsen Gatwick i Storbritannien i december 2018 lyfter fram drönarteknologins mörka baksida. Samtid - 2025-03-16

Bråkigt Rumänien intar EU-scenen

Publicerad 21 januari 2019 Premiärministern Viorica Dăncilă ses som en marionett: Foto:Wikimedia Commons För första gången sedan anslutningen 2007 är det nu Rumäniens tur att inneha ordförandeskapet för EU. Landet kommer att fastlägga dagordningen för EU-rådet och får möjlighet att inta en ledande roll för de 27 medlemsstaterna. Av: Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, forskare vid Centrum för Europastudier - 2025-03-16

Tågpunktlighet: Sverige kan lära sig av Japan

Av tiina [dot] meri [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Tiina Meri) - publicerad 22 januari 2019 Persontågen i Tokyo har hög punktlighet. Bild: Mostphotos Det finns sätt att minska förseningar i den svenska persontågtrafiken. Doktoranden Carl-William Palmqvist har i Tokyo funnit sådant vi i Sverige kan ta efter. – Jag åkte dit för att forska om tågförseningar, eftersom Japan är känt för sina punktliga tåg - 2025-03-16

Så uppfattar fåglarna världen

Av jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - publicerad 23 januari 2019 Till vänster ett lövverk såsom vi människor normalt ser det. Till höger samma lövverk fotograferat med en specialkamera som i mycket hög grad efterliknar färgseendet hos fåglar. Foto: Cynthia Teodore Forskare vid Lunds universitet har med hjälp av en unik kamera för första gången lyckats återge hur fåglar ser - 2025-03-16

Rörelsehinder och övervikt – en ond cirkel

Publicerad 24 januari 2019 Personal inom primärvården behöver bli bättre på rådgivning om kost och motion till de patienter som både har ett rörelsehinder och är överviktiga. Ett närmare samarbete med habiliteringen skulle kunna bidra med ökade kunskaper från ett funktionshinderperspektiv. – Primärvården i Sverige har ett ansvar att arbeta både förebyggande och behandlande när det gäller övervikt - 2025-03-16

Speech for the annual academic ceremony on 4 March 2022

Published 10 March 2022 On Friday the 4 March, the university's anniversary was celebrated. Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström began with a speech on the current world situation: Honoured emeriti vice-chancellors, honoured deans, students, colleagues and guests, In the foreword to the annual academic ceremony programme, you will see a summary of what this speech was intended to be about. Today, after a - 2025-03-16

The war in Ukraine affects and concerns us all – working for free academia and democracy is more important than ever

Published 14 March 2022 From the vice-chancellor blog: Intensive work is being carried out on how we can open doors for Ukraine at the EU and national levels and at Lund University. Here, we are looking at all possibilities to enable us to take in students, academics and researchers who need to leave their country or will need to study or conduct research in their homeland in the future. We are wo - 2025-03-16

Humanities and Theology days - 8-9 April

By gisela [dot] lindberg [at] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se (Gisela Lindberg) - published 11 March 2022 Each spring, the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology host two days of public lectures presented by our very own researchers, in our very own buildings. All events are free of charge and open to the public. The Humanities and Theology days are filled with presentations and lectures, where res - 2025-03-16

On the path to clearer global engagement

Published 16 March 2022 Ahead of spring, the University’s International Council has started working on the development of a new approach to broad international issues. The objective is to enable the University to act faster and more proactively in its international work, while applying a more long-term perspective. The working method, which the members of the International Council have chosen to c - 2025-03-16

Renovation to begin on the King’s House in Lundagård

Published 15 March 2022 Renovation and modernisation is now starting on the King’s House, which was once the University’s first main building. After a period of investigations, building permit reviews and discussions, it has now been decided that the King’s House will contain the offices of the University Management and its staff. The aim of the renovation is to develop the King’s House and create - 2025-03-16

Workshop for Managers: Victimisation and harassment

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 22 March 2022 The workshop will help you sort out what you need and must do as an employer regarding both the handling of cases of victimisation and harassment, and the preventive work against victimisation and harassment. You will also be clearer on what kind of support you can get and where to get it. During the wor - 2025-03-16

Consultative procedure on scope proposals for establishment in Science Village

By linnea [dot] morth [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Linnea Mörth) - published 23 March 2022 Photo: Science Village Scandinavia AB Scope proposals for establishment of chemistry and physics in Science Village have been sent for consultative procedure. LTH and the Faculty of Science have been tasked by the vice-chancellor with proposing which organisational units are to be established in Science V - 2025-03-16

New application paves the way for broader EUGLOH alliance

Published 30 March 2022 On 22 March, the alliance of European universities, EUGLOH, submitted an application for a grant to continue their collaboration for a further four years. At the same time, four new European partners will be joining the alliance. In our application, we EUGLOH alliance members promise to continue to develop our collaboration through new common educational initiatives and ext - 2025-03-16

The University’s management of issues relating to the war in Ukraine

Published 30 March 2022 The Covid-19 pandemic barely had time to subside before the next upheaval occurred. The war in Ukraine also impacts us as a University. We have set up an organisation to manage Ukraine-related issues at Lund University. Over the past two years, a lot of my time has been spent dealing with various crises in the world around us that affect us in one way or another. First came - 2025-03-16

X Lab – an innovation environment and co-working space for all students and staff at the University

Published 13 April 2022 All employees and students at Lund University are welcome to the X Lab with their own projects, course work and ideas. For a long time, Lund University has lacked an open meeting place for staff and students to gather and work on their own projects/course work or share knowledge. In response to this, LTH has built up the X Lab, whose activities are based on collaboration an - 2025-03-16

ISMS has been decided by vice-chancellor

By ingegerd [dot] wirehed [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Ingegerd Wirehed) - published 27 March 2022 Now the Information Security Management System at Lund University document "Ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet vid Lunds universitet" has been determined by the vice-chancellor Erik Renström. The management system has thereby formally taken effect, but will be implemented stepwise. This is the - 2025-03-16

The KIC application is timely – culture is Europe’s heart and soul

Published 30 March 2022 The application to become a Culture KIC was submitted to the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) at the right time. Together with just over 100 partners throughout Europe, Lund University wants to be part of the world’s largest innovation initiative in the cultural and creative sectors and industries. The consortium that the EU names as a Knowledge and Innov - 2025-03-16

Insiders and outsiders in the classroom - webinar and workshop 8 April

By caroline [dot] cabot [at] uvet [dot] lu [dot] se (Caroline Cabot) - published 26 March 2022 In this third and final theme in the series The international classroom we will focus on Insiders and outsiders in the classroom. At the webinar on the 8th of April you will hear three presentations on how students’ stories and experience can be an asset in building an effective and inclusive learning en - 2025-03-16