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Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury and Cell Death - in vivo and in vitro aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärnskador till följd av skallskador (traumatiska hjärnskador) eller otillräckligt blodflöde (cerebral ischemi) är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till död och invaliditet i västvärlden. De vanligaste orsakerna till traumatiska hjärnskador är fordonsolyckor, fall och våldshandlingar. Cerebral ischemi ses vid en rad kliniska tillstånd, såsom slaganfall (stroke), hjärtstilTraumatic and ischemic brain damage are major causes of disability and death. While much effort has been spent on developing pharmacological treatments for these conditions, no neuroprotective drugs are in clinical use. Neuronal death following trauma and ischemia occurs in selected cell populations of the brain at various time points after the injury, and causes cognitive and behavioral dysfuncti

Fostrande förpliktelser : representationer av ett missionsuppdrag i Sydindien under 1900-talets första hälft

Fostering Obligations. Representations of a Mission in South India in the First Half of the 20th Century This thesis investigates how Swedish medical missionaries in South India represented their mission not only as a mission of converting people to Christianity, but also of spreading moral and scientific values in order to found an Indian Lutheran folk church. Missionary narratives were not only

Reliability test-retest of the Nordic Assisted Mobility Evaluation (NAME 1.0).

This paper describes preliminary results from the test-retest of the NAME 1.0. Four scales were tested: Mobility-related participation frequency; Mobility ease/difficulty; Mobility dependence; Extent of assistance in mobility. The test was conducted in the five Nordic countries. In all 147 mobility device users took part in the study, mean age 60 years (range 19 - 93). Each participant was intervi

A Quantum Chemical Study of Hydrogen Abstraction from Manganese-Coordinated Water by a Tyrosyl Radical: A Model for Water Oxidation in Photosystem II

Recently, water oxidation in photosystem II was proposed to involve direct abstraction of hydrogen atoms from water molecules terminally ligated to manganese ions in the oxygen-evolving complex by the oxidized tyrosine radical, TyrZ. This model is tested here by performing quantum chemical calculations. An empirically parametrized hybrid density functional method is used, and both monomeric and di

Quantum and Ballistic Nanodevices

In this thesis, electron transport in quantum and ballistic devices was studied. The devices studied here were quantum wires, planar quantum dots, ballistic rectifiers, artificial functional materials, and three-terminal ballistic junctions. The possible application of such devices in the future nanoelectronics was also investigated. In an electron waveguide, with an abrupt change in the geometry

Some Thoughts on How to Align the Theoretical Understanding of Team Performance with Resilience Engineering Theory

Recent contributions to the field of Resilience Engineering (RE) have added to the continuous development of new concepts and methodologies to improve resilience at different organisational levels. Part of these contributions has focused on training for adaptive capacity of individuals and teams to cope with changes and disturbances of work, since literature recognise that working tasks (at least

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Material Structure Grading in the Direction Normal to the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface using COMSOL Multiphysics

Fuel cells (FCs) are promising as an energy producing device, which at this stage of development will require extensive analysis and benefit from numerical modeling at different time- and length scales. COMSOL Multiphysics is used to describe an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). Governing equations for heat, gas-phase species, electron, ion and momentum transport are implement