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Your search for "*" yielded 532238 hits

Green Technology and Patents: in the European Context

Green technologies are essential to the development of sustainable economy and environmental protection. Stimulating innovation in green technologies requires environmental policies, regulations, public awareness, and more importantly intellectual property protection such as patents. This thesis explores the significance of patents in the green innovation process, and how patents affect the firms’

Amammerɛ ne Amanneɛ: Towards the indigenisation of the sociology of law concept of norms

The global coverage of sociology of law (SoL) has remained limited to the Western world, due to the difficult and problematic application of its current theories and concepts in non-Western societies. Thus, the sociology of law norm concept was studied in relation to the culture of Ashanti people of Ghana. This was done to identify and valorise culturally specific issues of their society that are

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering, Storkyrkan Stockholm

Följande rapport är en brandteknisk riskvärdering av Storkyrkan i Stockholm. Syftet med rapporten är att göra en värdering av brandskyddet för ett verkligt objekt. Målet är att utvärdera brandskyddet med avseende på personsäkerheten vid olika brand- och utrymningsscenarion. Samt att i de fall personsäkerheten anses bristfällig komma med åtgärdsförslag. Rapportens avgränsningar innefattar; att kyrkThis report is a Fire Safety Evaluation of Stockholm Cathedral. The purpose with the report is to make an evaluation of the fire protection of the object. The aim is to assess the fire protection regarding personal safety in different fire- and evacuation-scenarios. And give suggestions of improvements in those cases where the personal safety is deficient. Demarcation in the report is that the ste

Tusen föremål säger mer än tusen ord – En studie av historiebruk och materialitet i planeringen av Malmö Konstmuseums nya basutställning

En undersökande studie av historiebruk och materialitet i den nya konsthistoriska basutställningen som just nu håller på att byggas på Malmö Konstmuseum. Undersökningen består av intervjuer med de två intendenter som ingår i utställningens projektgrupp. Svaren från intervjuerna analyseras utifrån teorier om historiebruk, med begreppen historiekultur och historiemedvetande för att analysera olika d

Fallstudie av fastighetsförvaltningens digitalisering och användande av byggnadsmodeller

Since the end of the 20th century, society has gradually moved towards an information society where the use of the internet and the management of information has grown to become more important. While discussing digitization in the construction industry, BIM is oftentimes mentioned. Simply put, BIM is a 3d-model comprised of unique objects containing different types of information. Recent surveys i

Poverty and Inequality Reduction in the Case of Bolivia: What Has Impacted the Reduction during Evo Morales's Administration Period?

Bolivia has experienced a drastic decline in inequality and poverty since 2000. It coincided with the administrative period of Evo Morales between 2006 and 2019. Hence, it is debated whether poverty reduction was mainly driven by economic growth alongside the commodity boom in the 2000s or by policy implementations during Morales’s presidency. This study addresses the research question: “How and w

Global Virtual Water Trade, 1990-2015: Assessing Virtual Water Trade Patterns between High Income, Upper-Middle Income, Lower-Middle Income and Low Income Countries

Due to globalization, increasing amounts of water are traded across borders as virtual water embodied in traded products. The thesis traces global water trade patterns at different levels of income between 1990 and 2015 in order to test whether developed countries outsource their water-intensive production to less developed countries increasing global water use in the process. The research problem

“Hej, vad kan jag hjälpa dig med?”

Allt fler organisationer använder sig idag av det digitala kommunikationsverktyget “chatbots” i sin kundtjänst för att kommunicera med sina användare. Den främsta anledningen till att chatbots i form av kundtjänst blir allt vanligare på organisationers webbsidor är att de kan effektivisera verksamheten och därmed reducera kostnader. Det har alltså skett en förändring i hur organisationer kommuniceToday, organizations are using the digital communicative tool ‘chatbot’ in their cus-tomer service to communicate with their customers. The main reason for using this new technology on organizations’ websites is that chatbots can make the customer service more efficient, hence reduce organizational costs. As a result, the chatbots have altered the way organizations and customers communicate with o

The True Benefits of Crowdfunding

Over the last decade, crowdfunding has become an important tool for entrepreneurs as an alternative source of funding. Defined as a method for entrepreneurs to raise funding from a group of individuals in return for an incentive, reward-based crowdfunding is the main focus of this study and particularly how entrepreneurs perceive the benefits of this form of crowdfunding and the unexpected benefit

Samma chans till fysisk träning : En netnografisk studie om ensamstående mödrars möjligheteroch begränsningar till fysisk träning

The aim of this study was to interpret and examine what factors that affect single mothers opportunities and limitations to participate in physical training, as well as to examine what advice mothers give to each other about the limitations to participate in physical training. Our objective was to examine the difficulties single mothers face in relation to physical training. The used method was a

Drive Your Project Team’s Engagement: A mixed methods study of engagement drivers beyond rewards and punishment

Project teams lack the ability to incentivize engagement. To cope with increasingly dynamic environments businesses adopt temporary organizational forms, such as project teams, that promise more adaptability but not seldom lack clear structures of power and authority. Given that research has repeatedly underlined the importance of engagement for the economic thriving of businesses, project teams s

Kraften i det dokumenterade ordet: En studie kring hur olika faktorer inom intern systemdokumentation kan leda till ogynnsamma konsekvenser.

Intern systemdokumentation innefattar alla de artefakter som skapas under mjukvarulivscykeln, bortsett från användardokumentation. Det är ett av de effektivaste sätten att hantera och förvalta kunskap inom organisationen med konkurrenskraft som mål. Däremot är det ett arbete som ofta blir bortprioriterat och således leder till ogynnsamma konsekvenser. Syftet med studien är därför att kartlägga hur

Barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd : "Vad är barnets bästa? Det är ju en tolkningsfråga"

The aim of this thesis has been to analyze how social workers relate to the child perspective in the processing of social assistance. Previous studies have shown that there is a knowledge gap among social workers how to implement the child's perspective in the management of social assistance. This study has a qualitative research approach and six semi structured interviews have been conducted.

Will virtual collaboration outlive the virus?

In response to COVID-19 and the subsequent measures taken against the further spread of the virus, organizations have moved much of their activities online. Consequently, employees have been forced to work from home and rely on virtual collaboration (VC) tools to communicate with colleagues and clients. In the midst of this global transition to virtual means of working, this paper investigates the

Den Svenska Modellen - En komparativ studie om Socialdemokraternas och Sverigedemokraternas syn på den svenska modellen under 2019

This paper is about the following question: Which are the main similarities and differences between the Social democrats and the Sweden democrats and their view on the Swedish model during 2019 with a focus on the concepts: Welfare, tax, safety and equality? The concepts have been used as a theoretical foundation and a comparative method has been used to answer the question. The results show that

”After the War, A Struggle For Equality”

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur historiebruk förekommer i amerikansk lokal och nationell massmedia kring Ken Burns och Lynn Novicks dokumentär The War. Frågorna är: vilka historiebruk förekommer i amerikansk massmedia i medieskrivningen kring dokumentären The War på det nationella planet och vilka funktioner fyller de? Vilka skillnader finns i förekomsten av historiebruk mellan olika

Foreign Direct Investment and Gender Inequalities in Labour Force Participation in African Countries

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has been described as a mechanism to promote employment. Recent research suggests that FDI could even impact gender inequalities in labour force participation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether and how FDI inflow is affecting African countries’ gender differences in the labour force participation in the agriculture, industry, and service sector. D

The economic impact of refugees in Swedish municipalities

This paper analyzes the impact of receiving refugees on municipal income, income inequality, and public finances. The empirical analysis compares Swedish municipalities between 2000 and 2018, a period with large and fluctuating waves of refugees, both across years and municipalities. This paper uses the variance within municipalities, i.e., fixed effects. The results show that an increase of the r