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Regulating Temporary Work in Sweden
On packet loss concealment artifacts and their implications for packet labeling in Voice over IP
In many Voice over IP (VoIP) systems, the end-to-end voice Quality of Service (QoS) is largely dictated by the packet loss rate and the Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) method at the receiver. Typical PLC algorithms are usually based on simple signal extrapolation methods that can produce perceptually annoying artifacts. We present a taxonomy of PLC artifacts that degrade voice quality, and demonstra
Tomas Brage - Professor i fysik
Newspaper reading, eye tracking and multimodality.
Charged particle multiplicity and transverse energy in Au+Au collisions at root (sNN)=130 GeV
All My Babies’ Mamas’: Black Caricatures in the Media
Semantic Considerations in the Syntactic Structures of Complement Clauses in Modern Literary Arabic
Credit Default Swaps and Equity Prices: The iTraxx CDS Index Market
In this paper we provide some early evidence of a link between the iTraxx credit default swap (CDS) index market and the stock market. To our knowledge this is the first paper studying this relationship. Knowledge about the link between stock prices, stock return volatilities and CDS spreads is important not only for risk managers using credit default swaps for hedging purposes, but also to anyone
Bjud in världens experter till ditt klassrum
Lärare har publicerat mer än 1.5 miljoner lärobjekt och resurser på nätet. Allt från konkreta övningar till inspirerande reflektioner. Resurser att helt fritt användas i din undervisning - Öppna digitala lärresurser (OER).
Innovationssystemet och den industriella basen
Mobile lidar system for environmental probing
A fully mobile remote-sensing system based on the lidar principle is described. With this system, atmospheric probing using Mie scattering, differential absorption, or Raman techniques can be performed yielding information on atmospheric pollutants or general atmospheric parameters. The system incorporates a powerful Nd:YAG laser pumping a dye laser and is equipped with a fixed Newtonian telescope
Sammanfattning av utvärderingens resultat
Architectural Heritage around the Baltic Sea
En hållbar bioenergiutveckling i Sverige
Jordens medeltemperatur bör inte höjas mer än högst 2 grader till år 2050. Det är ett mål som Sverige har ställt sig bakom. Om vi ska lyckas med detta måste vi drastiskt minska våra utsläpp av koldioxid och andra växthusgaser. Forskningsprogrammet LETS arbetar med frågor som: Vilken politisk styrning och institutionell förändring krävs? Vilka hinder finns och vilka är möjligheterna på vägen mot de
Könsspel och genuslek i William Shakespeares En midsommarnattsdröm
Precarity at Work. Asylum rights and paradoxes of labour in Sweden.
An inside view: Credibility in Wikipedia from the perspective of editors
Prediction of instability in people with Parkinson’s disease - clinical balance and gait tests.
Objective: To explore whether clinical balance and gait tests can predict instability (falls and/or near falls) in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD).Background: Current PD-studies suggest that multiple balance tests should be used in order to predict falls. However, few studies have included near falls when investigating falls prospectively as recommended.Methods: The study included 74 people w