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Health-related quality of life in persons with Parkinson's disease. Aspects of symptoms, caregiving and sense of coherence.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Parkinson's sjukdom är näst efter Alzheimer's sjukdom den vanligast förekommande neurologiska sjukdomen. Parkinson's är en förhållandevi's vanlig neurologisk sjukdom och det finn's belägg för den i alla kulturer där sjukdomsstatistik för's. I Sverige lever idag cirka 20 000 personer med sjukdomen. Förekomsten av sjukdomen är starkt åAbstract Aims: The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the impact of Parkinson’s disease, a chronic neurodegenerative disorder, influences the person’s health-related quality of life. The aim was also to investigate nursing assessment and management of Parkinson’s in elderly persons. Methods: The study started in1998, one year later a follow-up was conducted. The sample contained in the fir

Extracting Cylinder Individual Combustion Data from a High Precision Torque Sensor

A high precision torque sensor is used for extracting combustion timing information from cylinder individual pressure estimates constructed from the torque measurements. A combination of physics-based and data driven modeling is used where the physical part of the model is based on equations describing contributions of inertial and gas forces while the flexing of the crankshaft, which has rather c

Insights into the Evolution of Moth Pheromone Communication: Lessons from the European Corn Borer

Popular Abstract in French La rencontre des sexes est une nécessité pour la majeure partie des organismes appartenant au règne animal. Au cours de l’évolution, différentes modalités sensorielles, comme la vue, l’ouie et l’odorat, sont apparues et ont été perfectionnées pour permettre aux organismes de percevoir l’environnement qui les entourent, et de communiquer. Reconnaître ses pairs de ses enneChemical communication by means of sex pheromones is central to the mating systems of a wide range of organisms. Because reproductive isolation is often based on pheromone differences, understanding how pheromones diverge is necessary for a complete comprehension of the speciation process. Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) contributes highly relevant examples to the theory of speciation because subtle

Inclusion of recycling in the assessment of buildings.

Environmental assessment of buildings has become an increasing research field and the methodology of LCA is increasingly used. In case studies, the phase after demolition is mostly either excluded or handled in a rather limited way. However, in the design phase, the aspects of future recycling needs to be regarded and by that the phases after demolition. Inclusion of these aspects in the assessmen

Från dum till klok? - en studie av mellanchefers lärande

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi tror på chefer och vi tror på lärande. Inte minst tror vi på chefers lärande. Den dominerande föreställningen är dessutom att chefer, via reflekterade erfarenheter, utvecklar en allt mer sofistikerad förståelse för sitt arbete, som i sin tur ligger till grund för ett skickligt agerande. Metaforiskt uttryckt kan läranderiktningen beskrivas som en resa från dum till klWe believe in managers and we believe in learning. Not least, we believe in managerial learning. Further, the dominant conception is that managers, through reflection on experience, develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of their work, which in turn renders increasingly skillful managerial actions. Metaphorically, this learning trajectory can be described as a journey from stupidity t

Reflections on the Scientific Persona and Ethos in Contemporary Technoscientific Culture

A quite common view is that the scientific persona matters less in contemporary Western knowledge societies. Large research groups produce new scientific discoveries gathered around impersonal expert system. However, it is also well known that scientific cultures differ widely. In physics, the projects are quite impersonal, sometimes including thousands of persons. The prime example is the CERN or

Auschwitz, autenticitet, kunskap

This essay reflects on issues surrounding the remembrance and teaching of the Holocaust. It was commissioned by the project Living History and the Swedish Prime Minister's Office.

Intertwining operators in inverse scattering

In these notes we are going to present a technique which is a multi-dimensional analogue of some methods which are nowadays standard inscattering theory on the real line for the Schrödinger operator. These methods are based on the construction of operators intertwining the Schrödinger operator with the free operator, obtained when the potential term is removed. The multi-dimensional technique us

Control of Complex Systems

The world of artificial systems is reaching hitherto undreamed-of levels of complexity. Surface traffic, electricity distribution, mobile communications, etc., demonstrate that problems are arising that are beyond classical scientific or engineering knowledge. In order that our ability to control such systems should not be hindered by lack of comprehension, there is an on-going effort to understan

Beslut åt andra : om ställföreträdande beslutsfattande i vården

Som patient har man i Sverige förhållandevis stora möjligheter att påverka sin situation. Riktlinjen är att behandling skall ske i samråd med patienten och den yttersta garantin för att så sker är patientens rätt att neka behandling. Vanligtvis kan denna riktlinje följas utan problem. Men det finns undantag. Ett rör vård av personer som p.g.a. sjukdom eller skada har förlorat sin beslutsförmåga. A

New Trellis source codes based on linear congruential recursions

We evaluate a new class of rate-distortion codes based on simple linear congruential recursions. Codes are demonstrated for the uniform and Gaussian sources, whose performance exceeds that so far reported in the literature, including that reported for TCQ codes. The results also point to a new correlation relationship that apparently must exist for trellis codes.

Den (o)villkorade gymnasieskolan - en förpliktande rättighet och skyldigheten att välja bort yrkesutbildningar

I kapitlet problematiseras den sociala rättigheten till skolutbildning på gymnasial nivå i Sverige med fokus på yrkes- och lärlingsutbildning utifrån ett medborgarskapsperspektiv. Syftet är att analysera hur ungdomarnas sociala rättighet till gymnasial utbildning förverkligas av statliga och kommunala aktörer. Jag avgränsar mig till att studera hur skolrepresentanter och tjänstemän på lokal nivå,