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Tally, ett LCA-verktyg i BIM

I år, 2020 har ett lagförslag från Boverket angående krav på klimatdeklarationer lämnats på remiss. Lagförslaget handlar om att fastställa ett krav på byggherrar, att vid nybyggnationer inkludera en klimatdeklaration. Denna klimatdeklaration ska verkställas genom att utföra en livscykelanalys på hela nybyggnationens klimatskal, stomme och innerväggar. För att kunna förenkla arbetet med klimatkalkyThis year, 2020, a bill from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning regarding requirements for climate declarations has been submitted on a referral. The bill is about establishing a requirement for builders, to include a climate declaration for new buildings. This climate declaration is to be implemented by performing a life-cycle analysis of the entire new building's cl

Nature Pictures for a Restorative School Environment – Effects of Nature Pictures on Pupils’ Cognitive and Psychological Functions

Pupils tend to experience ‘attentional fatigue’ after persistently demanding their attentional system during school hours, resulting in decreased psychological well-being and a lack of attention, along with losses of other cognitive functions. Previous research found natural elements in a school environment to restore pupils’ depleted attentional system. The present study aimed at investigating na

Belongings in segregated residential areas. A study on identity expression of immigrants living in Rosengård, Malmö from a sociological perspective

This study revolves around how the adult immigrants who live in Rosengård think and feel about living in this segregated area, the impact such place has on identity creation and how identity development is seen in the background of their integration into the Swedish society. In this study the qualitative method has been used – six interviews have been conducted with residents of Rosengård. On the

The Spatial Pattern of the Fear of Crime in Lund City among Lund University Students: Mapping with a Web-Based Support System

The fear of crime is a negative emotional reaction of people to possible crimes, and there is sometimes a disparity between the actual crime rate and the fear of crime of people. Geographical researchers often combine the sketch map with the fear of crime to analyze the spatial pattern of the fear. The approaches of neogeography can possibly make the surveys with sketch map more effective and allo

Ekonomibyggnader för hästverksamhet

Detta examensarbetet undersöker hur PBL 9 kap. 3 § tillämpas i praktiken för ekonomibyggnader för hästverksamhet. PBL 9 kap. 3 § anger att ekonomibyggnader för jordbruk, skogsbruk eller annan liknande näring får uppföras utan bygglov utanför detaljplanelagt område. Kan denna regel tillämpas för hästverksamhet, i så fall under vilka omständigheter och för vilka typer av byggnader? I litteraturen äThe Swedish Planning and Building Act (2010:900), Chapter 9, Paragraph 3, regulates the types of buildings that may be built in rural areas without building permits for agriculture, forestry and other similar businesses. This legislation has been studied to find out whether it applies to buildings for equestrian purposes. A study and analysis has been done of literature, case studies of legal case

Through Output Effectiveness of Private Transnational Governance Regime, to Evaluating Environmental Corporate Sustainability Reporting According to the Global Reporting Initiative

The increasing adherence to self-regulatory behaviour of Multinational Enterprises under Private Transnational Governance Regimes has been viewed as a step in the right direction in the improvement of Corporate Sustainability Reporting. Hence, I investigate the output effectiveness of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), environmental corporate sustainability reporting practices in accordance with t

The Impact of Audiences in Public Diplomacy on Japan Nation Brand: A case study on Japan Nation Brand and the way both Japanese embassies in Saudi Arabia and US promote different images to their audiences through their twitter accounts

The purpose of this thesis was to find out how different actors in nation branding, the Japanese embassies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and in US under this research, could promote different nation brand images. These two embassies both practice public diplomacy and promote Japan’s image. This thesis argues that both embassies promote the different images because of their respective audien

Recognition by participation? Social justice and Equality in Community-based Ecotourism among the Hmong in Sa Pa, Viet Nam

This qualitative study was conducted in Viet Nam to see how members of the Hmong ethnic minority group, and women in particular, navigate as participants of Community-based Ecotourism (CBET) in Sa Pa district, Lào Cai province. The study draws on Fraser’s recognition theory to investigate whether Hmong people are recognised or withdrawn from participation due to misrecognition. The study shows tha

Denim Sneaker

Denim, sneakers and sustainability are three topics I am passionate about. Right now, the sneaker community is growing bigger than ever, releasing new products every week of the month. This is not very sustainable, neither is the denim industry. Growing cotton for one pair of denim jeans requires around 950 liters of water and a lot of fertilization. At the same time, we consume 12,5 kg of fa

Students’ Perception of Religious Phenomena in Japan and the Inadequacy of ’Religion’ as Conceptual Tool in a non-Western Context

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitude of Japanese university students towards religious phenomena in Japan, with specific emphasis on the ones labelled new religious movements. This has been achieved through ten semi-structured interviews with female and male university students based in Tokyo, all with varying personal experiences with religion. Drawing on Horii (2018) and L

Grassroots Governance in Urban China: Transition, Power Operation, and Findings from Beijing

This thesis reveals the process of the elimination of the danwei system and the establishment of the shequ system. How power operates in grassroots urban governance is asked in this thesis. By adopting a framework of power theory and data from the two-period fieldwork, this thesis has two findings. First, in terms of Chinese grassroots governance, power penetrates structurally and individually. Th

How did the introduction of a mobile money tax in Kenya influence the usage of mobile money?

The global spread of mobile phones provides developing countries with new opportunities to spark economic growth and to improve the quality of life of their people. One specific service that emerged in this context is mobile money. Widely recognized as the most successful example is the service M-PESA in Kenya. In 2013 Kenya introduced a 10% excise fee on all financial transaction fees, including

The Political Economy of Universal Primary Education

The idea of Universal Primary Education has always been an essential part of the core concept of development. Whether gained through formal or informal channels has played relatively a little role, as long as the end-result has been an individual, who has obtained the basic level of schooling. The concept of quality education however, has not been the focus of this basic education until only recen

Can blue-green infrastructure aid climate change adaptation by preventing flooding?

The risk of pluvial flooding is going to increase as climate change causes an increase in intense precipitation along with urbanisation leading to an increase in impermeable surfaces. In the last decade, cities such as Malmö and Copenhagen have already experienced severe pluvial flooding that has caused extensive damage. Adapting to climate change by creating flood resilient urban areas is therefo

Data Protection Considerations in EU Competition Law - A Natural Evolution or Disruptive Development?

Det kan konstateras utan vidare att den världen som vi lever i håller på att bli allt mer digitaliserad. Människor kommunicerar på Facebook, beställer varor på Amazon och använder sig av Google Search för att komma åt allting som Internetet har att erbjuda. En gemensam nämnare för dessa tjänster är att de erbjuds gratis. Affärsmodellen för dessa företag är istället att maximera upptagningen av datIt goes without saying that the world that we live in is becoming increasingly digitised. People communicate on Facebook, order products on Amazon, and use Google Search to find everything the Internet has to offer. A common denominator of these services is that they are all offered for free. Instead of requiring payment, the business model of such undertakings is to maximise data collection on it

Analysing the vegetation condition during the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons using indices derived from Sentinel-2 data : a case study over southern Sweden

Sommaren 2017 uppfattades av många som ovanligt blöt och kall, men var i själva verket nära det normala i södra Sverige, medan sommaren efter (2018) var ovanligt varm och torr. Dessa två år utgör därför en intressant fallstudie för att undersöka hur extrem torka påverkar vegetationen i södra Sverige. Jämförelsen är särskilt intressant eftersom klimatförändringarna bland annat förväntas leda till eThe summer of 2017 was climatically close to normal in southern Sweden, whereas the following summer was unusually warm and dry. These two years therefore make an interesting case study for investigating the impact of severe drought on vegetation, particularly when considering that climate change is predicted to lead to an increased frequency of drought events in the study area. The comparison wa

German Efficiency? Analysing the Policy Mix for Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings in Germany

Energy efficiency improvements have not yet been developed to their full potential. Further improvements are necessary to tap into the full potential of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing energy consumption. This challenge is particularly relevant in buildings, a sector that consumes substantial amounts of energy. Despite numerous public policies to increase the energy efficiency perf

Optical studies of wrapgated InP nanowires

This thesis describes optical spectroscopy on III-V semiconductor InP nanowires (NW) with a transparent indium-tin-oxide (ITO) gate electrode. The NWs are arranged both as vertical arrays with a wrap all around gate and as single lateral NWs with an omega-shaped gate for increased electrostatic effect. The transparent ITO gate allows optical access with probing lasers in a 4 K He-cryostat while