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Cardiovascular effects of exposure to biodiesel exhaust

Context: Urban air pollution is considered a significant factor contributing to increased respiratory and cardiovascular mortality in cities. Many studies focused on the relationship between exposure to diesel exhaust and human health effects, demonstrating the toxicity of such gases. Biodiesel is described as a more carbon-neutral alternative to petroleum derivatives, but few studies have been co

"Alla ska med"? - En komparativ fallstudie av de skandinaviska socialdemokratiska partiernas politik utifrån intersektionella perspektiv

The following comparative case study examines the relation between women's representation and gender equality politics through the intersectional lense. Based on Anne Phillips theory of descriptive and substantive representation the study seeks to investigate if women's representation in the Scandinavian countries, specifically in social democratic parties, will lead to a more intersection

Decentralisering - staters lösning på korruptionsproblemet?

Tidigare forskning har visat på motstridiga resultat gällande hur decentralisering påverkar staters grad av korruption. Med avstamp i dessa oförenliga resultat, har syftet med denna studie varit att undersöka på nära håll hur politisk och fiskal decentralisering har samvarierat med Jugoslaviens grad av korruption 1970-1991 och Serbiens grad av korruption 1991-2020. Undersökningens resultat bygger

Medias framställning av polisens arbete i Torellfallet 2018

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka medias framställning av polisens arbete i samband med dödsskjutningen av 20-årige Eric Torell i augusti 2018. Genom att använda narrativanalys undersöks vilka narrativ, alltså beskrivningar av händelsen, som framkommer i tre nyhetsartiklar från Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Analysen visar att två artiklar lyfter fram Eric Torells föräldr

Transnationella företags intressens påverkan på staters agerande

Denna text har som syfte att genom en fallstudie av det brittiska ostindiska kompaniets påverkan på den brittiska staten under koloniseringen av Indien visa vikten av att föra in transnationella företag i IR. I analysen undersöks hur liberalismens och marxismens analys av koloniseringen förändras när transnationella företag tas in som analysenhet. Detta görs genom att processpåra koloniseringen oc

Eliters strategiska agerande - En teoriprövande studie om Estado Novos fall i Portugal 1974

The Carnation Revolution of 1974 represents the overthrowing of one of the longest surviving and extensive authoritarian regimes in Europe, namely the Estado Novo regime in Portugal. Considering a variety of geopolitical factors however, it can be questioned why such a regime did not fall earlier. With an integrated analysis of O’Donnells and Schmitter’s theory, our research looks to examine wheth

Between People and Energy - A comparative case study analysis of the role of Energy Communities in Belgium and the Netherlands

Energy communities are on the rise in the EU. Viewed as a potential driver to a socio-technical transition towards renewable energy, they are given substantial room for growth within EU policy. In some EU member states, they are flourishing, while in others they barely exist. This thesis analyses how the density of energy communities affects the shares of renewable energy in a state’s energy mix.

Från periferin till maktens centrum

Recently, we have witnessed an upsurge of right-wing populist parties in Europe. It is now clear how the rhetoric and politics of right-wing populist parties are normalized and thus move from the outer edge towards the center of politics. As early as 1991, New Democracy tried to establish itself in Swedish politics with a goal of reducing immigration and strengthening the country's security. T

Supporting Military Personnel To Speak Up In Ad Hoc Teams During National Crisis Support Operations: Aspects Learned During The COVID-19 Crisis In The Netherlands

In their work, military personnel will face risks and threats: during deployments in ambiguous high risk mission contexts abroad, but also in peacetime in the Netherlands during training programs and exercises or national support operations. In all these contexts, it is crucial that team members speak up: sharing concerns, asking questions and providing ideas supports effective team decision makin

Ett ansvarsmässigt tomrum?

The state administration is the last link in the chain of assignments and responsibilities, where the people vote for a parliament, which elects a prime minister, who appoints a government whose subordinate state administration must ensure that its policies are implemented. If you turn it around, the state administration is responsible to the government, the government to the parliament and the pa

Klimatpolitisk kraftmätning - en diskursanalys över konflikten om den svenska transportsektorns klimatomställning

The year of 2045 Sweden aims for net-zero emissions, also known as carbon neutrality. Furthermore, the national transport sector accounts for one third of the country’s total carbon emissions. This entails that the transport sector of Sweden is facing a major challenge and this thesis contributes with insights to the current policy process of the nation’s long-term infrastructure planning. By exam

Drought, Mechanisms and Terror: The role of crop harvests in increasing the intensity of terrorism.

The aim of this study is to investigate whether crops are a mechanism through which drought affects terrorist activity. The theory suggests that drought can affect conflict if the group or country affected also is dependent on agriculture, experiences low economic development and is politically excluded. This study adds the perspective that decreased crop harvests, due to drought, can be understoo

Synthesis of sialic acid 4-C derivatives in development of new antibacterial drugs

Kolhydrater kan användas som en energikälla i kroppen, men de kan även användas för mycket mer än så. I alla organismer finns celler vars ytor är täckta av olika sockermolekyler vilka är avgörande för cellernas överlevnad samt kommunikation med andra celler. Ett exempel på ett sådant socker är sialinsyra; en syrlig kolhydrat med en nio kol lång kolkedja. Patogener, exempelvis en del bakterier, kanSialic acids are a large family of acidic sugars. One of the most abundant is N-acetylneuraminic acid. Sialic acids are found at the terminal position of glycan chains of all cell types. Their wide distribution makes them have a broad set of biological functions, for example cell to cell interaction and communication. Bacteria can utilize sialic acid for two purposes; 1) as a source of carbon, nit

A study incorporating skewness in Expected Shortfall Estimation

Expected Shortfall has become a prominent risk measure after the global financial crisis which hit the economy in 2007. This master thesis examines whether Expected Shortfall (ES) estimation gives better estimates when we incorporate skewness and the impact during turbulent versus tranquil period. This specific analysis scrutinized daily total returns (TR) of three Indexes: Standard & Poor 500

Development of a novel method to evaluate hepatobiliary drug elimination in 3D cultures of primary human hepatocytes

En lever i miniatyr – gör det en större skillnad? Det är enkelt att förstå att för att ett läkemedel ska ha en önskad effekt i kroppen måste rätt mängd läkemedel vara på rätt plats i kroppen. Vad som är mer komplicerat att förstå är vad som avgör just detta. En av de faktorer som spelar en viktig roll är hur läkemedel tas bort av kroppen. Detta kan göras på en mängd olika sätt men ett av de vanliHepatobiliary excretion can be a major clearance pathway dictating the pharmacokinetics of drugs. Quantitative prediction of human hepatobiliary excretion of drugs is thus essential in early drug development. Extrapolations from current in vitro models are challenging due to differences in expression of enzymes and transporters from native liver tissue. This study aims to utilise 3D spheroids of p

Are we there yet? Exploring the adoption of blockchain in digital marketing

This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the current knowledge status and potential uses and the diffusion of blockchain-based technologies within the digital advertising field. This research is built upon the theoretical frameworks provided by an adjusted Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM 2) and the Disruptive Innovation Theory. The findings of this study enlights marketers with d

Classification of EEG Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks and the Scaled Reassigned Spectrogram

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a medical technique for measuring brain activity through several channels connected to the scalp. Interpreting EEG data is a difficult problem because of the large amount of noise contained in the data. Using spectral methods on EEG data can improve the ability to interpret the data, especially using a time-frequency method called the scaled reassigned spectrogram w

Effects of Inequality on the Process of Economic Growth and Human Development: A Threshold Analysis

Theory is still inconclusive to what level income inequality affects economic growth, with little research accounting for the effects of human development. The paper aimed to analyze both the effects of income inequality on growth while controlling for the underlying effects of different human development indicators. This was done by using data of 55 countries for the period 1990-2019, with result

Greta Thunberg and The Generation of Moral Authority. A Systematic Literature Review of the Discourses of the Characteristics of Thunberg´s Leadership

Now more than ever, climate change poses one of the greatest threats to our existence. Regardless of religion, economical wealth, culture or politics, no-one can escape the imminent consequences of climate change. There have been numerous efforts made by political leaders world-wide to prevent climate change and develop sustainable solutions. However, due to conflicting political wills and the com

Time to Score the Goal of Integration - A Case Study of a Football Club’s Impacts on Integration for Youth Girls with Foreign Backgrounds in Stockholm, Sweden

There is a need for more efficient measures to ensure responsible migration in host countries. Sports are recognised as a key measure to promote integration. This thesis’s purpose is to increase the understanding of the impacts football clubs have on integration for youth girls with foreign backgrounds in Stockholm, Sweden. This is done by exploring social relations’ role in integration and examin