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Primary metastatic Ewing's family tumors: results of the Italian Sarcoma Group and Scandinavian Sarcoma Group ISG/SSG IV Study including myeloablative chemotherapy and total-lung irradiation

The Italian Sarcoma Group and the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group designed a joint study to improve the prognosis for patients with Ewing's family tumors and synchronous metastatic disease limited to the lungs, or the pleura, or a single bone. The study was opened in 1999 and closed to the enrollment in 2008. The program consisted of intensive five-drug combination chemotherapy, surgery and/or radiothe

The Firm as an Institution for Product Design and Value Web Orchestration

Institutional theory of the firm focuses on firm boundaries and the activities firms internalize within their hierarchies. However, an examination of disintegrated firms that influences activities beyond the scope of their hierarchies suggests that firms also perform other economic functions. By analysing these functions, the aim of this paper is to suggest a theory of the firm that goes beyond in

Juridikens dolda tankestrukturer. Observationer av metaforbruk i den svenska civilrätten

I denna artikel studeras metaforer i den svenska civilrätten med hjälp av en modern teori om metaforer – den kognitiva lingvistiken och dess undergrupp, den konceptuella metaforteorin. Syftet är att göra observationer av konceptuella metaforer och visa på metaforerna och deras underliggande tankestrukturers grundläggande betydelse för civilrättslig reglering, och vi använder oss därför av flera ex

Protein kinases and phosphatases in B-cell lymphoma

Around 2000 persons are diagnosed with lymphoma in Sweden each year. There are many subgroups described for this form of cancer and the great majority is derived from B-cells. The most common subgroup is Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), a highly aggressive disease where only half of the patients are cured. The lymphoma types seen in adults and children vary and the dominant form in children

Phase diagrams come alive: understanding how to create, destroy or change ordered surfactant structures by polymerizing the counterions

Free radical polymerization of acrylate counterions to cationic alkyltrimethylammonium surfactant ions was performed in aqueous media. The results of the reactions were either formation, destruction or change of liquid crystalline surfactant structures, depending on the starting conditions such as the surfactant concentration, the content of inert counterions and the monomer-to-initiator ratio. Th

Overextension in Verb Conjunctions

Hampton (1988) discovered that people are subject to overextension they categorize some things as falling under a conjunction (e.g., they categorize chess as a sport which is also a game) but not as falling under both of the corresponding conjuncts they do not categorize chess as a sport). Although subsequent literature has replicated this effect with a wider range of constructions than those orig

Analyzing Social Ties in Total Institutions

A common view is that an individual delinquent can be rehabilitated in a “home” in the countryside, away from his or her original urban social ties. An ironic result is new social ties with other juvenile delinquents as they spend a considerable amount of time together at a secluded institution. Drawing on ethnographic studies in residential care institutions, this article discusses two aspects to

Cardiac dimensions and function in female handball players.

Long--term intensive endurance training leads to increased left ventricular mass and increased left ventricular end--diastolic and left atrial end--systolic diameters. Different types of sports tend to give rise to distinct morphological forms of the athlete's heart. However, the sport--specific aspects have not been fully investigated in female athletes. The purpose of the present study was to in

Effects of supplemental winter feeding on House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) in relation to landscape structure and farming systems in southern Sweden

CapsuleHouse Sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations in south Swedish farmland are not affected by supplemental winter feeding, irrespective of agricultural landscape type or presence of animal husbandry, although winter populations declined more in mixed farmland and when farms contained animal husbandry. AimsTo investigate whether food limitation of House Sparrow population size during the winte

Constructing Regional Advantage: Platform Policies Based on Related Variety and Differentiated Knowledge Bases

ASHEIM B. T., BOSCHMA R. and COOKE P. Constructing regional advantage: platform policies based on related variety and differentiated knowledge bases, Regional Studies. This paper presents a regional innovation policy model based on the idea of constructing regional advantage. This policy model brings together concepts like related variety, knowledge bases and policy platforms. Related variety atta

Direct deposition of gas phase generated aerosol gold nanoparticles into biological fluids - corona formation and particle size shifts.

An ongoing discussion whether traditional toxicological methods are sufficient to evaluate the risks associated with nanoparticle inhalation has led to the emergence of Air-Liquid interface toxicology. As a step in this process, this study explores the evolution of particle characteristics as they move from the airborne state into physiological solution. Airborne gold nanoparticles (AuNP) are gene

Essays on Human Capital Investments: Pharmaceuticals and Education

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av fyra uppsatser som handlar om individers hälsorelaterade beteende och investeringar i högre utbildning. Tre av uppsatserna fokuserar på olika aspekter av läkemedelsanvändning och syftar till att förklara varför individer med liknande medicinska behov är olika benägna att använda receptbelagda läkemedel. Den fjärde uppsatsen studerar hälsans betydeThis thesis consists of four essays on individual health behaviour and investment in higher education. Three of them consider different aspects of pharmaceutical utilization and aim at explaining some of the observed individual variation in access and adherence to treatment regimens. The fourth explores the potential link from health in young adulthood to subsequent university education. The firs

Light-harvesting and electronic contacting capabilities of Ru(II) Ipa rod and star complexes-first principles predictions

Homoleptic ([Ru(L)(3)](2+)) and heteroleptic (Ru(NCS)(2)(bpy)(L)) complexes carrying rigid anchor-cum-spacer ligands (L), comprised of ethynylene-phenylene spacer groups and a designated anchor group, including the isophthalic group (Ipa), have been studied computationally using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations. The results of the c

Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders

Elevated resting heart rate is associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. In a 2-stage meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in up to 181,171 individuals, we identified 14 new loci associated with heart rate and confirmed associations with all 7 previously established loci. Experimental downregulation of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster and Danio rer

A Two-Way Communication between Microglial Cells and Angiogenic Sprouts Regulates Angiogenesis in Aortic Ring Cultures

Background: Myeloid cells have been associated with physiological and pathological angiogenesis, but their exact functions in these processes remain poorly defined. Monocyte-derived tissue macrophages of the CNS, or microglial cells, invade the mammalian retina before it becomes vascularized. Recent studies correlate the presence of microglia in the developing CNS with vascular network formation,

Postprandial lipid responses to an alpha-linolenic acid-rich oil, olive oil and butter in women: A randomized crossover trial

Background: Postprandial lipaemia varies with gender and the composition of dietary fat due to the partitioning of fatty acids between beta-oxidation and incorporation into triacylglycerols (TAGs). Increasing evidence highlights the importance of postprandial measurements to evaluate atherogenic risk. Postprandial effects of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in women are poorly characterized. We therefor

Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy and physical exercise - Effects studied by automated telephone assessments in mental ill-health patients; a randomized controlled trial

OBJECTIVES: Mental ill-health has become a large health problem and it is important for caregivers to provide effective treatment alternatives. REGASSA is a randomized controlled study performed in primary care to study the effects of 12 weeks of Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) and physical exercise (PE) compared with treatment as usual (TAU) in patients with mild-to-moderate men

A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor-negative breast cancer in the general population

Germline BRCA1 mutations predispose to breast cancer. To identify genetic modifiers of this risk, we performed a genome-wide association study in 1,193 individuals with BRCA1 mutations who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer under age 40 and 1,190 BRCA1 carriers without breast cancer diagnosis over age 35. We took forward 96 SNPs for replication in another 5,986 BRCA1 carriers (2,974 indivi