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Your search for "*" yielded 528969 hits

Clinical characteristics and primary treatment of prostate cancer in Sweden between 1996 and 2005 - Data from the national prostate cancer register in Sweden

Objective. The incidence of prostate cancer is rising rapidly in Sweden and there is a need to better understand the pattern of diagnosis, tumor characteristics and treatment. Material and methods. Between 1996 and 2005, all new cases of adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland were intended to be registered in the National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR). This register contains information on diagnos

Induction and termination of diapause in a freshwater zooplankton community

I examined production of, and emergence from, diapausing eggs, together with planktonic dynamics of three cladoceran genera (Bosmina, Ceriodaphnia, and Daphnia) for 16 months in a shallow lake. In a complementary field experiment I manipulated environmental variables potentially important as cues for induction and termination of diapause. Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia, but not Bosmina, were dependent o

Mammography Screening-Factors affecting Tumour Stage and Outcome

The aim of this thesis was to investigate screening mammography in relation to factors affecting tumour stage and outcome. The main focus was on obesity, tumour biology and breast density. We hypothesized that obese and overweight women could benefit more from screening detection than normal weight women. The favourable prognosis in screening-detected women was further investigated, and we expecte

Computationally efficient modelling of short fatigue crack growth using dislocation formulations

Abstract in UndeterminedIn an attempt to develop it computationally efficient model for simulation of fatigue crack growth of microstructurally short cracks two dislocation based models have been compared. In both models, the geometry of the boundary and the crack is described using dislocation dipole elements, whereas the plasticity is described either by discrete dislocations or by distributed d

The impact of past land-use change on floristic diversity in southern Sweden : a quantitative approach based on high-resolution pollen data

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det traditionella jordbruket i nordvästra Europa har gynnat förekomsten av många arter under tusentals år och den snabba övergången till modernt jord- och skogsbruk har lett till försämrade förutsättningar för dessa arter. Både internationellt och nationellt finns strategier för att bevara biologisk mångfald. I Sverige är dessa strategier integrerade i miljömål med ansThis thesis explores the relationship between land-use and floristic diversity over the last three millennia in the uplands of southern Sweden. A quantitative approach based on high-resolution pollen data was applied, using the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA), historical maps/aerial photographs, palynological richness and new ways to estimate past evenness at regional and local spatial sc

Sorting of Von Willebrand factor to lysosome-related granules of haematopoietic cells

The aim of this work was to investigate sorting mechanisms of von Willebrand factor (VWF) when expressed in haematopoietic cells. The processing and sorting of both the wild-type VWF and a multimerization defective propeptide-mutant (VWFm) were investigated after expression in the 32D cell line. Normal proteolytic processing was observed for both proteins, however the processing of VWFm was much s

Progression of retinopathy after improved metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Relation to IGF-1 and hemostatic variables

OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of improved glycemic control on the development and progression of retinopathy after the institution of insulin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes and to assess the relation to IGF-1 and hemostatic variables. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a prospective observational study, 45 type 2 diabetic patients were examined at baseline and 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 month

Revisiting the Past : Israeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation

Intractable conflicts are by definition difficult to resolve. This study ventures into the identity dynamics of those conflicts and argues that those identity aspects must be addressed in order to locate constituencies for change. Through the employment o theories of conflict transformation, identity and narrative, the dissertation forwards thoughts regarding the importance of inside actors formul

Highly efficient generation of induced neurons from human fibroblasts that survive transplantation into the adult rat brain.

Induced neurons (iNs) offer a novel source of human neurons that can be explored for applications of disease modelling, diagnostics, drug screening and cell replacement therapy. Here we present a protocol for highly efficient generation of functional iNs from fetal human fibroblasts, and also demonstrate the ability of these converted human iNs (hiNs) to survive transplantation and maintain their

VEGF receptor-2 (flk-1) overexpression in mice counteracts focal epileptic seizures.

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was first described as an angiogenic agent, but has recently also been shown to exert various neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects in the nervous system. These effects of VEGF are mainly mediated by its receptor, VEGFR-2, which is also referred to as the fetal liver kinase receptor 1 (Flk-1). VEGF is up-regulated in neurons and glial cells after epilep

Knee function, Physical Activity and Perceived Health after Meniscectomy in the Middle-aged

The aim of this thesis was to explore the impact of meniscal injury and meniscectomy on joint and muscle function, physical activity and perceived health in middle-age subjects and to evaluate the effect of a functional exercise program. Male and female post meniscectomy patients participated in Studies I-IV (n=45 in Studies I-III, n=99 in Study IV) and Study IV also included 94 controls. Outcome

Transmission of BSA during Cross-flow Microfiltration: Influence of pH and Salt Concentration

In many downstream processes microfiltration (MF) is used as the first step to separate the micro-organisms from the product-containing broth. The transmission of proteins through these MF membranes is of great importance, especially when a protein is the desired product. Usually, the largest fraction of the proteins retained in the membrane during the separation of micro-organisms is retained in

Grundvattenvärme : kvarteret Tärnan i Landskrona

Rapporten redovisar fältförsök, uppföljning och termohydraulisk utvärdering av en experimentbyggnadsanläggning i kvarteret Tärnan i Landskrona. En låg energiförbrukning eftersträvas genom överglasad gata m.m.