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Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region

Recent warming in the Arctic, which has been amplified during the winter1–3, greatly enhances microbial decomposition of soil organic matter and subsequent release of carbon dioxide (CO2)4. However, the amount of CO2 released in winter is not known and has not been well represented by ecosystem models or empirically based estimates5,6. Here we synthesize regional in situ observations of CO2 flux f

Interplay between amphiphilic peptides and nanoparticles for selective membrane destabilization and antimicrobial effects

As a result of an increasing number of bacteria developing resistance against antibiotics, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are attracting significant interest, particularly in relation to identification of peptides displaying potent but selective effects. Much less focus has been placed on delivery systems for AMPs, despite AMPs suffering from delivery challenges related to their size, cationicity,

Need for structured healthcare organization and support for return to work after stroke in Sweden : Experiences of stroke survivors

OBJECTIVE: To explore stroke survivors' experiences of healthcare-related facilitators and barriers concerning return to work after stroke. DESIGN: A qualitative study. SETTING: Outpatient stroke rehabilitation unit at a University Hospital in southern Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: A convenient sample of 20 persons admitted to Skåne University Hospital for acute stroke care (median age 52 years), in emplo

Niraparib Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Recurrent Ovarian Cancer After a Partial Response to the Last Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA Trial

PURPOSE: In the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA trial ( identifier: NCT01847274), maintenance therapy with niraparib, a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor, prolonged progression-free survival in patients with platinum-sensitive, recurrent ovarian cancer who had a response to their last platinum-based chemotherapy. The objective of the study was to assess the clinical benefit and patient-repor

Comparison of Familial Clustering of Anogenital and Skin Cancers Between In Situ and Invasive Types

Literature on familial risk of carcinomas in situ (CISs) is limited because many cancer registries do not collect information on CIS. In Sweden CISs are collected, and we used these data to analyze familial relative risks (RRs) for concordant (CIS-CIS) types of anogenital (cervical, other female and male genital and anal) and skin squamous cell CIS; additionally RRs were assessed between CIS types

EuPRAXIA - A compact, cost-efficient particle and radiation source

Plasma accelerators present one of the most suitable candidates for the development of more compact particle acceleration technologies, yet they still lag behind radiofrequency (RF)-based devices when it comes to beam quality, control, stability and power efficiency. The Horizon 2020-funded project EuPRAXIA ("European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications") aims to overcome t

Teaching masters students how to learn on an interdisciplinary programme

We hope to design a study on the development of a course on our master’s program. The course has been developed over two years in order to address two fundamental problems in the ten year old program: students from Asian and African countries were often unable to complete the program. The hitch seemed to be writing and discussing in an independent, critical and reflective way. The aim of this semi

Att överge överskottsmålet kan leda till populism

Många vill nu överge överskottsmålet i det finanspolitiska ramverket. Men det är riskfyllt. Efter den internationella finanskrisen 2008 saknade många länder med hög statsskuld utrymme för en tillräckligt expansiv finanspolitik och tvingades till den hårda åtstramningspolitik som ligger bakom de populistiska strömningarna i Europa, skriver Fredrik N G Andersson och Lars Jonung.

Vad gör ett samhälle bättre? : en kritik av inkluderings-/exkluderingsdikotomin

Inkludering har kommit att betraktas som ett viktigt egenvärde i politiska sammanhang. Inkluderande samhällen ses som progressiva och välfungerande. Exkludering och exkluderande praktiker anses däremot påverka samhället negativt. Men kan det vara så att inkludering är bra i många sammanhang men inte i alla? Och är möjligtvis det som brukar betraktas som inkluderingens motsats, exkludering, i vissa

Are vegetables political? The traces of the Copenhagen Food Coop

The Copenhagen Food Coop (CFC) is an alternative food community in Copenhagen that provides locally grown organic vegetables and fruits to its members. It also disseminates knowledge on organic and sustainable food production, distribution, and consumption and aims to develop a participatory and inclusive community organisation. Some scholars see such alternative food networks as having great pote

A noninteracting low-mass black hole–giant star binary system

Black hole binary systems with companion stars are typically found via their x-ray emission, generated by interaction and accretion. Noninteracting binaries are expected to be plentiful in the Galaxy but must be observed using other methods. We combine radial velocity and photometric variability data to show that the bright, rapidly rotating giant star 2MASS J05215658+4359220 is in a binary system

Barcelona: Housing crisis and urban activism

Co-housing is an emerging housing form in Spain, where many pioneering initiatives are found in Catalonia and the Barcelona area. Using the La Borda project as a recurring illustration, but also drawing on other examples and developments, the chapter seeks to contextualize this nascent but noticeable interest in co-housing in and around Barcelona. Starting at the scale of the crisis-ridden Spanish

Investigations of the kinetics and mechanism of reduction of a carboplatin pt(IV) prodrug by the major small-molecule reductants in human plasma

The development of Pt(IV) anticancer prodrugs to overcome the detrimental side effects of Pt(II)-based anticancer drugs is of current interest. The kinetics and reaction mechanisms of the reductive activation of the carboplatin Pt(IV) prodrug cis,trans-[Pt(cbdca)(NH3)2Cl2] (cbdca = cyclobutane-1,1-dicarboxylate) by the major small-molecule reductants in human plasma were analyzed in this work. The

The Socio-Legal Relevance of Artificial Intelligence (report)

The report draws on socio-legal theory in relation to growing concerns over fairness, accountability and transparency of societally applied artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. The purpose is to contribute to a broad socio-legal orientation by describing legal and normative challenges posed by applied AI. To do so, the article first analyses a set of problematic cases, e.g. image rec