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p-Harmonic Functions on the Semi-Riemannian Lie Groups SU(n) and SU(p,q)
The goal of this thesis is to construct p-harmonic functions on the Lie groups U(n), SU(n), U(p,q) and SU(p,q) equipped with the semi-Riemannian metric g(Z,W) = Re trace ( Z W^t ). To do this we present a method which relies on the notion of eigenfunctions. We define these functions and find examples of them defined on the relevant groups. To our knowledge, these eigenfunctions have not been p
Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek : Teologi efter Nicaea
Plattformsarbetare och egenanställda i svenska rätt : En analys av arbetstagarbegreppet
De senaste åren har den digitaliserade gigekonomin och de nya arbetsformerna plattformsarbete och egenanställd etablerats i Sverige och övriga EU-länder. Gemensamt är att själva arbetet fragmentiserats och består av korta uppdrag åt ett flertal uppdragsgivare som förmedlas via en digital delningsplattform eller app. Den som utför en arbetsprestation gör det antingen som anställd eller som företaga
Airborne DNA reveals predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi
Fungi are among the most diverse and ecologically important kingdoms in life. However, the distributional ranges of fungi remain largely unknown as do the ecological mechanisms that shape their distributions1,2. To provide an integrated view of the spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi, we implemented a globally distributed standardized aerial sampling of fungal spores3. The vast majority of oper
A machine-learning approach clarifies interactions between contaminants of emerging concern
Humans and biotas are exposed to a cocktail of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), but mixture regulation is lagging behind. This is largely attributed to inadequate experimental data of mixture risk; revealing intricate interactions among CECs in mixtures with random combinations remains a formidable challenge. Here, we propose a new framework comprised of 5,720 lab tests of mixture risk for
Reimagining the Capitalocentric Present : Unpacking Fantasies of Ethical Consumption: Introducing new Consumer Ethics, and Establishing Sustainable Visions
In this conceptual paper we reimagine the Capitalocentric present. To do so, we (1) critique corporate fantasies about ethical consumption; (2) offer alternative relational ethics of consumption, with special attention to concrete neo-animist practices to imagine alternative futures to the Capitalocentric present, and (3) invite imaginative theorization as a bridge between present and future.In this conceptual paper we reimagine the Capitalocentric present. To do so, we (1) critique corporate fantasies about ethical consumption; (2) offer alternative relational ethics of consumption, with special attention to concrete neo-animist practices to imagine alternative futures to the Capitalocentric present, and (3) invite imaginative theorization as a bridge between present and future.
An experimental and theoretical investigation into the use of H2 for the simultaneous removal of ArO+ and ArOH+ isobaric interferences during Fe isotope ratio analysis with collision cell based Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Hydrogen in a hexapole collision cell is used with varying success in multi-collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry to reduce the plasma derived interferences 40Ar16O+ and 40Ar16OH+ that are isobaric with 56Fe+ and 57Fe+ respectively. The reactions of ArO+ and ArOH+ with H2 in the hexapole of a multi-collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer were studied practically and
Application of nontraditional stable-isotope systems to the study of sources and fate of metals in the environment
Caring for the Liminal Dead : Lutheran Emergency Baptism and Stillbirth, ca. 1530–1720
This chapter addresses perinatal mortality in early modern Lutheran Sweden by examining the interplay between religious and medical birth practices and fetal and infant concepts and imagery. Early modern European birth intervention strategies aimed at securing baptism: the spiritual survival of unborn individuals. Lutheran doctrine demanded a complete live birth before baptism, yet emergency solut
Social participation and loneliness in older adults: the moderating role of views of social change
Our study aims to investigate the relationship between social participation and loneliness among Chinese older adults and examine how their views of social change moderate the strength of this relationship. The cross-sectional nationwide data from the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey (CLASS) was used. Results show that increased online participation and community participation were associate
The eGFRcystatin C/eGFRcreatinine-ratio is associated with maternal morbidity in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and may indicate optimal timing of delivery
A low eGFRcystatin C/eGFRcreatinine-ratio is characteristic of a group of serious kidney disorders called ‘Selective Glomerular Hypofiltration Syndromes’. This study examines if such a low ratio can also be used to evaluate the risk for women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy to develop severe maternal morbidity. All women discharged from the perinatal ward at the Skåne University Hospital
Towards Declarative Specification of Static Analysis for Programming Tools
Static program analysis plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and security of software applications by detecting bugs and potential vulnerabilities in the code. Traditionally, these analyses are performed offline, either as part of the continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline or overnight on the entire repository. However, this delayed feedback disrupts developer productivity,
Byggledning : Produktion
Lyckat experiment banar väg för nytt grundämne
Scientists have found an alternative way to produce atoms of the superheavy element livermorium. The new method opens up the possibility of creating another element that could be the heaviest in the world so far: number 120.
Researching collaborative civil defence in a complex world
Following dramatic changes in the international security environment, civil defence has reemerged as a central priority of governments, which requires collaboration among many stakeholders across sectors and levels of authority. Conditions for achieving such collaboration is a long-standing topic in different literatures, yet this is still a nascent topic in the study of civil defence and prepared
Aqueous two-phase systems for starch microsphere formulation and encapsulation of live bacteria : A phase behaviour perspective
The human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is home to a large community of microorganisms that contribute to human health. Delivering live bacteria to the gut for therapeutic purposes can thus be highly beneficial. However, delivering live biotherapeutic products or probiotic bacteria to the GIT presents challenges because the cells must remain viable during production, storage, and administration. En
Developing Policies for a Smart and Inclusive Circular Transition in Europe
The transition towards a circular economy (CE)relies on a supporting policy framework. TheEU is currently recognised as a global leader inclimate action and has adopted a comprehensivepolicy package to reach the objectives set outin its Circular Economy Action Plan. This paperexamines current and planned CE policies, theirkey impact on industries – with a focus on es-tablished manufacturing indust
Co-incineration of multiple inorganic solid wastes towards clean disposal : Heat and mass transfer modeling, pollutant generation, and machine learning based proportioning
The co-disposal of solid waste by industrial kilns is presently attracting increasing attention. In this study, we investigate the co-disposal of solid waste, i.e. converter ash (CA), sintered ash (SA), blast furnace bag ash (BA), and municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWIFA), under simulated blast furnace ironmaking conditions. The results show that it is feasible to use blast furnace t
On the Role of Informal vs. Formal Context of Language Experience in Italian–German Primary School Children
This study focuses on the contexts of language experience in relation to language dominance in eighty-seven Italian–German primary school children in Germany using the MAIN narrative task. We compare current language experience in the heritage language (Italian) and the majority language (German) in both formal and informal settings, and we examine the respective impact on micro- and macrostructur