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Exploring public transport as an element of older persons' mobility: A Capability Approach perspective
This study employs Amartya Sen's Capability Approach as a guiding conceptual framework in the exploration of public transport as an element of mobility among the young-old living in Stockholm, Sweden. The aim is to shed light on the variation in mobility resources of those who perceive they can use public transport as their primary mode of transport and of those who perceive they cannot ('mobility
Tiotropium and olodaterol fixed-dose combination versus mono-components in COPD (GOLD 2-4).
Efficacy and safety of tiotropium+olodaterol fixed-dose combination (FDC) compared with the mono-components was evaluated in patients with moderate to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in two replicate, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, multicentre, phase III trials. Patients received tiotropium+olodaterol FDC 2.5/5 μg or 5/5 μg, tiotropium 2.5 μg or 5 μg, or olodate
Some Early Authorities Cited by Tajika Authors
In comparison with the spread of Perso-Arabic astrological traditions into medieval Europe, the Indian reception of the same knowledge systems, known in Sanskrit as tajika-'sastra, has received little scholarly attention.. e present article attempts to shed some light on the history of the transmission of tajika-'sastra by examining the statements of Sanskrit authors about their earliest non-India
Kinetic modeling of lipase-catalyzed esterification reaction between oleic acid and trimethylolpropane: A simplified model for multi-substrate multi-product ping-pong mechanisms.
Kinetic models are among the tools that can be used for optimization of biocatalytic reactions as well as for facilitating process design and upscaling in order to improve productivity and economy of these processes. Mechanism pathways for multi-substrate multi-product enzyme-catalyzed reactions can become very complex and lead to kinetic models comprising several tens of terms. Hence the models c
Standardization and Utilization of Biobank Resources in Clinical Protein Sciene with Examples of Emerging Applications
Biobanks are a major resource to access and measure biological constituents that can be used to monitor the status of health and disease, both in unique individual samples and within populations. Most “omic” activities rely on access to these collections of stored samples to provide the basis for establishing the ranges and frequencies of expression. Furthermore, information about the relative abu
Song divergence between subspecies of reed bunting is more pronounced in singing styles under sexual selection
Song divergence between populations of a species can lead to reproductive isolation and speciation. However, birds may have different singing styles used in distinct social contexts, and songs of each style may change at different rates over time and space. Here, we tested whether song divergence between subspecies of reed bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus, differs with singing style, by comparing son
Production of Muons from Heavy Flavor Decays at Forward Rapidity in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV
The ALICE Collaboration has measured the inclusive production of muons from heavy-flavor decays at forward rapidity, 2.5 < y < 4, in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV. The p(t)-differential inclusive cross section of muons from heavy-flavor decays in pp collisions is compared to perturbative QCD calculations. The nuclear modification factor is studied as a function of p(t) and colli
Meridional circulation of gas into gaps opened by giant planets in three-dimensional low-viscosity disks
Anisotropic protein-protein interactions due to ion binding.
Self-association of proteins is strongly affected by long-range electrostatic interactions caused by equilibrium adsorption of small ions such as protons and multivalent metals. By affecting the molecular net charge, solution pH is thus a widely used parameter to tune stability and phase behavior of proteins. We here review recent studies where the charge distribution is perturbed not only by prot
What Reaches the Antenna? How to Calibrate Odor Flux and Ligand-Receptor Affinities
Physiological studies on olfaction frequently ignore the airborne quantities of stimuli reaching the sensory organ. We used a gas chromatography-calibrated photoionization detector to estimate quantities released from standard Pasteur pipette stimulus cartridges during repeated puffing of 27 compounds and verified how lack of quantification could obscure olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) affinities.
A trajectory towards partnership in care - Patient experiences of autonomy in intensive care: A qualitative study.
The aim of this study was to describe and elucidate patient experiences of autonomy in an intensive care context from a caring perspective.
Outdoor environments at three nursing homes-qualitative interviews with residents and next of kin
The present study aimed at describing older persons' experiences of outdoor environments at nursing homes in Sweden in terms of what factors are important and in what way they are important. Twelve residents and seven next of kin from three nursing homes participated in 16 interviews. Two main themes were identified. The first theme, access to nature and surrounding life, describes the outdoor env
Ballistic modeling of InAs nanowire transistors
In this work, the intrinsic performance of InAs nanowire transistors is evaluated in the ballistic limit. A self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson solver is utilized in the cylindrical geometry, while accounting for conduction band non-parabolicity. The transistor characteristics are derived from simulations of ballistic transport within the nanowire. Using this approach, the performance is calculate
Ecosystem respiration and net primary productivity after 8-10 years of experimental through-fall reduction in an eastern Amazon forest
Background: There is much interest in how the Amazon rainforest may respond to future rainfall reduction. However, there are relatively few ecosystem-scale studies to inform this debate. Aims: We described the carbon cycle in a 1 ha rainforest plot subjected to 8-10 consecutive years of ca. 50% through-fall reduction (TFR) and compare these results with those from a nearby, unmodified control plot
Redox sensing by a Rex-family repressor is involved in the regulation of anaerobic gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus
P>An alignment of upstream regions of anaerobically induced genes in Staphylococcus aureus revealed the presence of an inverted repeat, corresponding to Rex binding sites in Streptomyces coelicolor. Gel shift experiments of selected upstream regions demonstrated that the redox-sensing regulator Rex of S. aureus binds to this inverted repeat. The binding sequence - TTGTGAAW(4)TTCACAA - is highly co
Evolution and stability of the G-matrix during the colonization of a novel environment.
Populations that undergo a process of rapid evolution present excellent opportunities to investigate the mechanisms driving or restraining adaptive divergence. The genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) is often considered to constrain adaptation but little is known about its potential to evolve during phenotypic divergence. We compared the G-matrices of ancestral and recently established ecotype
Tentative (id)entities: On technopolitical cultures and the experiencing of genetic testing
The practices around genetic testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in one major counselling centre in Austria are at the core of this article. Our study investigates how people undergoing genetic testing try to make sense of this experience that is perceived to be new and uncommon in Austria and that is thus taking place in a setting not validated through public insurance support and is
Perturbed cellular response to brain injury during aging
Old age is associated with an enhanced susceptibility to stroke and poor recovery from brain injury, but the cellular processes underlying these phenomena are only partly understood. Therefore, studying the basic mechanisms underlying structural and functional recovery after brain injury in aged subjects is of considerable clinical interest. Behavioral and cytological analyses of rodents that have
Substrate profiling of Finegoldia magna SufA protease, inhibitor screening and application to prevent human fibrinogen degradation and bacteria growth in vitro.
SufA, which belongs to the subtilisin-like serine protease family, contains a non-canonical Asp-His-Ser catalytic triad. Under in vitro conditions, SufA is capable of human fibrinogen hydrolysis leading to inhibition of fibrin network formation, thus suggesting its important role in the development and progression of Finegoldia magna infections. In addition, it has been demonstrated that SufA can