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Mapping of domestic hot water circulation losses in buildings – results from 134 measurements

The hot water circulation system in a building is a system which helps prevent Legionella problems whilst ensuring that tenants have access to hot water quickly. Poorly designed or implemented systems not only increase the risk to people’s health and thermal comfort, but even result in an increase in the energy needed for this system to function properly. Results from previous studies showed that The hot water circulation system in a building is a system which helps prevent Legionella problems whilst ensuring that tenants have access to hot water quickly. Poorly designed or implemented systems not only increase the risk to people’s health and thermal comfort, but even result in an increase in the energy needed for this system to function properly. Results from previous studies showed that

No evidence that seed predators constrain pollinator-mediated trait evolution in a tropical vine

Premise of the Study: Turnover in biotic communities across heterogeneous landscapes is expected to lead to variation in interactions among plants, their mutualists, and their antagonists. Across a fragmented landscape in northern Costa Rica, populations of the euphorb vine Dalechampia scandens vary widely in mating systems and associated blossom traits. Previous work suggested that populations ar

Microenvironment and functional-trait context dependence predict alpine plant community dynamics

Predicting the structure and dynamics of communities is difficult. Approaches linking functional traits to niche boundaries, species co-occurrence and demography are promising, but have so far had limited success. We hypothesized that predictability in community ecology could be improved by incorporating more accurate measures of fine-scale environmental heterogeneity and the context-dependent fun

Inequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax

PurposeThis paper estimates tax evasion and its impact on progressivity, redistribution and the measurement of inequality, using microdata from the Spanish income tax for 2001-04.MethodologyThe approach follows Feldman and Slemrod (2007) by exploiting the relation of charitable donations with the composition of income, but introduces two methodological innovations which could be useful for further

The double-swab technique versus single swabs for human DNA recovery from various surfaces

Most crime scene DNA evidence is retrieved using cotton swabs. Since the late 90’s, the double-swab technique has been favoured by many practitioners throughout the world. However, the superiority of double-swabbing over applying single wet swabs has not been broadly verified. Here we set out to evaluate the need for the second dry swab for various surfaces, aiming at mimicking the range of surfac

Computational analysis of the impact of a micro porous layer (MPL) on the characteristics of a high temperature PEMFC

High-temperature PEM fuel cells (HT-PEMFCs) are of current interest due to their favorable characteristics in relation to PEM fuel cells operating at a low temperature (LT-PEMFCs). The benefits concern poisoning of the CO catalyst, water management, thermal management and humidity issues. The major challenge facing these fuel cells is to have the membrane performing well at high temperature. This

Methodologies for Non-aqueous Systems and Precipitating Systems as Carbon Capture Technologies : A case-study of AMP-NMP

In order to combat the effects of climate change, it is important to use a combination of solutions to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible. Carbon capture and sequestration is one such technology that can be used to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of many industrial plants. A mature technology for CO2 capture, amine-based post-combustion capture, is readily available today. How

Strategic ignorance of health risk: its causes and policy consequences

We examine the causes and policy implications of strategic (willful) ignorance of risk as an excuse to overengage in risky health behavior. In an experiment on Copenhagen adults, we allow subjects to choose whether to learn the calorie content of a meal before consuming it, and measure their subsequent calorie intake. Consistent with previous studies, we find strong evidence of strategic ignoranceWe examine the causes and policy implications of strategic (willful) ignorance of risk as an excuse to over-engage in risky health behavior. In an experiment on Copenhagen adults, we allow subjects to choose whether to learn the calorie content of a meal before consuming it and then measure their subsequent calorie intake. Consistent with previous studies, we find strong evidence of strategic igno

Åhus invaderade sandtallskogar – ett Mecka för vedväxtintresserade botanister eller en mardröm för naturvårdare?

The spread of invasive, particularily bird-sown and red-fruited, non-native woody species in open calcareous conifer forests in Sweden is discussed and examplified with a survey of pine forests by Åhus in E Scania, southern-most Sweden. The survey area is a pine forest planted ca 100 years ago on calcareous sanddunes within which an area with private homes with gardens was built in the 1960’s to 1

Experiment för hållbar mobilitet – vad innoveras det (inte) kring i svenska kommuner?

Vi vet idag att en omställning av transportsektorn är avgörande för uppfyllandet av de klimatpolitiska målen och FN:s 2030-mål. Såväl forskare som praktiker har därför framhävt behovet av att öka andelen energieffektiva transportslag som gång, cykel och kollektivtrafik. Samtidigt pågår det idag en snabb teknikutveckling inom transportområdet och idag sker mycket av innovationsarbetet genom offentl

Tjänsteinnovation i välfärdens vardag Förutsättningar för innovationsarbete i socialtjänst och skola

I den här forskningsrapporten har vi velat pröva och utveckla utgångspunkterhämtade från tjänstelogik i arbete med innovation inom välfärd. Växandeungdomskriminalitet och ökande psykisk ohälsa är bara två exempel på effekter avcsamhällsförändringar som utmanar den offentligt finansierade välfärden och får dencatt söka nya tillvägagångssätt. I detta sökande efter framgångsrika sätt att förändracväl

Transfusionsstrategi – att ge blod på rätt indikation - I Sverige ges fler blodtransfusioner än i jämförbara länder – restriktiv policy ger inte sämre vårdresultat

During the last decade, the varying use and the lack of consistent indications for blood transfusions have been questioned. Comparisons of liberal and restrictive transfusion policies, most often support a restrictive policy. This has led to an evidence-based approach to optimizing the care of patients who might need transfusion, Patient Blood Management (PBM). There is evidence that both anemia a

Isospin-violating contributions to ∈/∈

The known isospin-breaking contributions to the K → ππ amplitudes are reanalyzed, taking into account our current understanding of the quark masses and the relevant non-perturbative inputs. We present a complete numerical reappraisal of the direct CP-violating ratio ∈′/∈, where these corrections play a quite significant role. We obtain the Standard Model prediction Re (∈′/∈) = (14 ± 5) · 10−4, whi

Global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus limitation

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limitation constrains the magnitude of terrestrial carbon uptake in response to elevated carbon dioxide and climate change. However, global maps of nutrient limitation are still lacking. Here we examined global N and P limitation using the ratio of site-averaged leaf N and P resorption efficiencies of the dominant species across 171 sites. We evaluated our predictio

Preschoolers’ Understanding of a Teachable Agent-Based Game in Early Mathematics as Reflected in their Gaze Behaviors – : an Experimental Study

This study investigated how preschool children processed and understood critical information in Magical Garden, a teachable agent-based play-&-learn game targeting early math. We analyzed 36 children’s (ages 4–6 years) real-time behavior during game-use to explore whether children: (i) processed the information meant to support number sense development; (ii) showed an understanding of the teac

The pathway to pyrimidines : The essential focus on dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, the mitochondrial enzyme coupled to the respiratory chain

This paper is based on the Anne Simmonds Memorial Lecture, given by Monika Löffler at the International Symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, Lyon 2019. It is dedicated to H. Anne Simmonds (died 2010) - a founding member of the ESSPPMM, since 2003 Purine and Pyrimidine Society - and her outstanding contributions to the identification and study of inborn errors of purine and pyrimid

Starch granule stabilized Pickering emulsions : an 8-year stability study

BACKGROUND: Pickering emulsions are known to have advantages over conventional emulsions, in particular, improved and long-term stability against coalescence. This research is an eight-year stability investigation of oil-in-water Pickering emulsions stabilized by quinoa starch granules modified by octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA). Two different concentrations of starch (i.e. 200 and 600 mg mL−1 ba

Fasting and Fat-Loading Tests Provide Pathophysiological Insight into Short-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Objective: To gain insight into the pathophysiological and clinical consequences of short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (SCADD). Study design: A retrospective study of 15 fasting and 6 fat-loading tests in 15 Dutch patients with SCADD, divided into 3 genotype groups. Metabolic and endocrinologic measurements and the biochemical characteristics of SCADD, ethylmalonic acid (EMA), an