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Your search for "*" yielded 531900 hits

Value of a QALY and VSI estimated with the chained approach

The value of a quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) and the value of a statistical injury (VSI) are important measures within health economics and transport economics. Several studies have, therefore, estimated people's willingness to pay (WTP) for these estimates, but most results show scale insensitivity. The 'original' chained approach (CA) is a method developed to mitigate this problem by combini

An Inv(16)(p13.3q24.3)-encoded CBFA2T3-GLIS2 fusion protein defines an aggressive subtype of pediatric acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

To define the mutation spectrum in non-Down syndrome acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (non-DS-AMKL), we performed transcriptome sequencing on diagnostic blasts from 14 pediatric patients and validated our findings in a recurrency/validation cohort consisting of 34 pediatric and 28 adult AMKL samples. Our analysis identified a cryptic chromosome 16 inversion (inv(16)(p13.3q24.3)) in 27% of pediatric

Identification of modifications procuring growth on xylose in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains carrying the Weimberg pathway

The most prevalent xylose-assimilating pathways in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae, i.e. the xylose isomerase (XI) and the xylose reductase/xylitol dehydrogenase (XR/XDH) pathways, channel the carbon flux through the pentose phosphate pathway and further into glycolysis. In contrast, the oxidative and non-phosphorylative bacterial Weimberg pathway channels the xylose carbon through five steps

Parametric Model-Based 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Multiple Views

Human body pose and shape estimation is an important and challenging task in computer vision. This paper presents a novel method for estimating 3D human body pose and shape from several RGB images, using detected joint positions in the images and based on a parametric human body model. Firstly, the 2D joint points of the RGB images are estimated using a deep neural network, which provides a strong

Influence of water activity on the competition between β-glycosidase-catalysed transglycosylation and hydrolysis in aqueous hexanol

Five different β-glycosidases (Pyrococcus furiosus β-glucosidase, Sulfolobus solfataricus β-galactosidase, Caldocellum saccharolyticum β-glucosidase, almond β-glucosidase and Escherichia coli β-galactosidase) were evaluated as transglycosylation catalysts in hexanol containing various amounts of water. All enzymes catalysed both hydrolysis and transglycosylation of the glycosidic substrates (penty

Economic logics in the construction industry

Construction is claimed to be fragmented, contract focused, short sighted and characterised by price competition. These are typical aspects of what is considered the traditional market approach where each company is seen as autonomous and transaction oriented towards others. During the last few decades, numerous theoretical approaches have questioned these assumptions. Studies also on construction

Hydroxynitrile lyase-catalyzed synthesis of cyanohydrins in organic solvents Parameters influencing activity and enantiospecificity

(S)-Hydroxynitrile lyases from Hevea brasiliensis, Manihot esculenta, and Sorghum bicolor and (R)-hydroxynitrile lyase from Prunus amygdalus have been used as biocatalyst for the enantiospecific addition of hydrogen cyanide to aldehydes in organic solvents. The effects of the reaction parameters on the enzymatic reaction rate and product enantiomeric excess (e.e.) are presented. The reaction rate

Pitch profile of the Glottal Whistle

This paper presents a previously unreported method of laryngeal vocal sound production that is capable of producing pitches even higher than the whistle register (M3). Colloquially known as the glottal whistle (here referred to as M4), this method has a wider range than M3 and features frequent instances of biphonation, which is of interest for those involved with contemporary and improvised music

Top quark induced backgrounds to higgs production in the W W (*) → l l ν ν decay channel at next-to-leading-order in QCD

We present the complete next-to-leading-order (NLO) contributions to the pp→e+νeμ-ν̄μbb̄+X process in the four-flavor scheme, i.e., with massive b quarks, and its contribution to the H→WW(*) →llνν measurement in the 1-jet bin at the LHC. This background process includes top pair, single top, and non-top-quark resonant contributions. The uncertainty at NLO from the renormalization and factorization

T -odd asymmetry in W+ jet events at the LHC

W bosons produced at high transverse momentum in hadron collisions can have polarization along the direction perpendicular to the production plane, which is odd under naïve T reversal where both the three-momenta and angular momenta are reversed. Perturbative QCD predicts nonzero polarization at the one-loop level, which can be measured as parity-odd components in the angular distribution of charg

Rödlistade mossor och värdefulla lokaler i Skåne

Nationally Red-listed bryophytes in the county of Skåne, southern-most Sweden] The status and present as well as past distribution of the 85 bryophyte taxa that have been reported from the county are described and briefly summarised and localities with revcent recerds of several Red-listed species are listed, mapped and described. The number of Red-listed species per 5x5 km grid-square, and all kn

Etiological diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency using an original flowchart of immune and biochemical markers

Approximately 70-80% of cases of primary adrenal insufficiency are classified as idiopathic. An effective protocol for the etiological diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency is needed to ensure correct patient management. With the aim of developing an algorithm for the etiological diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency, we studied 56 Italian patients with nonsurgical primary adrenal insuff