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Your search for "*" yielded 531900 hits

Effect of mass-transfer limitations on the selectivity of immobilized α-chymotrypsin biocatalysts prepared for use in organic medium

The selectivity of preparations of α-chymotrypsin immobilized on Celite or polyamide and carrying out syntheses of di- and tripeptides in acetonitrile medium were studied. The study concerns the effect of mass- transfer limitations on three different kinds of selectivity: acyl donor, stereo- and nucleophile selectivities, defined respectively as the ratio of initial rates with different acyl donor

Evaluation of Alcaligenes eutrophus cells as an NADH regenerating catalyst in organic-aqueous two-phase system

A soluble NAD-dependent hydrogenase contained in Alcaligenes eutrophus was evaluated as a coenzyme regenerating catalyst in an organic-aqueous two- phase (predominantly organic) system. The horse-liver alcohol-dehydrogenase (HLADH) catalyzed reduction of cyclohexanone to cyclohexanol was used as a model reaction. The impact of different solvents (selected to span a large variety of principal prope

Alcaligenes eutrophus cells containing hydrogenase, a coenzyme regenerating catalyst for NADH-dependent oxidoreductases

Alcaligenes eutrophus cells containing a soluble NAD-dependent hydrogenase was evaluated as a NADH regenerating catalyst. In the presence of hydrogen and permeabilized A. eutrophus cells, NADH regeneration was achieved, and reductions catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase proceeded to 90-99% conversion. The operational stability of the hydrogenase was improved by

Evaluation of electron mediators for the electromicrobial reduction of chloropyruvate by Proteus vulgaris cells

Different electron mediators were evaluated for the electromicrobial reduction of chloropyruvate to chlorolactate. The reaction was catalyzed by a mediatol-dependent D-lactate dehydrogenase in whole cells of Proteus vulgaris and yielded D-(S)-chlorolactate with high optical purity (> 97% e.e.). The ideal mediatol should favor a high rate in the enzymatic reaction and a low rate in the nonenzymatic

NLO Higgs boson production plus one and two jets using the POWHEG BOX, MadGraph4 and MCFM

We present a next-to-leading order calculation of Higgs boson production plus one and two jets via gluon fusion interfaced to shower Monte Carlo programs, implemented according to the POWHEG method. For this implementation we have used a new interface of the POWHEG BOX with MadGraph4, that generates the codes for generic Born and real processes automatically. The virtual corrections have been take

Seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness study in older adults during three influenza seasons (2015-2018) in Lithuania

Background: Due to lack of knowledge about seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness (SIVE) against laboratory-confirmed influenza in patients aged ≥65 years a study to measure SIVE in patients admitted to hospital due to severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) in Lithuania during the 2015-2018 was conducted.Materials/methods: A test-negative case-control study was performed between 2015-2016 and

Monte Carlo developments and data comparison

During the last years, the improvement in predictions for LHC processes has been enormous. In this talk the following two topics are covered. First, using the FxFx merging prescription, the prediction and data comparison for a vector boson in association with multiple jets are considered at NLO accuracy. Second, we show some results for the newly developed extension of the MINLO method that allows

Ultrasound examination of lymph nodes in the hepatoduodenal ligament

Ninety patients, found to have lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament (HDL) on ultrasound examination were reviewed over a one-year period in order to define the diseases in which such nodes can be found. The patients were divided into four main groups; benign liver disease (n = 31), malignant disease (n = 26), disease of the gallbladder or the biliary tree (n = 14) and a group with various b

On crystal structure imaging of silicalite by HREM

High-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) images of silicalite (ZSM-5) along [010] were taken with a 400-kV EM with a resolution of 1.6 Å. The images contain a dark contrast in the centers of the main channels, where there are no atoms. This contrast is an artifact and is not appreciable in the HREM images which have been published so far. That this problem can be overcome by choosing the proper

Previous exposure to measles, mumps, and rubella--but not vaccination during adolescence--correlates to the prevalence of pancreatic and thyroid autoantibodies.

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to determine whether a relationship exists between previous exposure to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) by natural infection or vaccination or by new immunization with MMR vaccine, and either the presence or levels of autoantibodies against thyroid cell and pancreatic beta-cell antigens. METHODS: Antibodies against MMR and autoantibodies against thyroglobulin,

Oral contraceptive use and breast cancer risk: A cohort study of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

Background: BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers are at high risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Oral contraceptive preparations (OCPs) may reduce ovarian cancer risk, but its effect on breast cancer risk remains unclear. Methods: Combined data from three cohorts of 5705 BRCA1 and 3521 BRCA2 mutation carriers (IBCCS, BCFR and kConFab) were analyzed using age-dependent Cox regression models stratified

Autoantibodies common in patients with gastrointestinal diseases are not found in patients with endometriosis : A cross-sectional study

Objectives: Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in endometriosis, but the mechanisms behind these symptoms are yet poorly understood. Associations between endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease, and various autoimmune diseases have been reported. These diseases express characteristic autoantibodies. The aim of the current study was to investigate autoantibodies against g

Ultrasound, hepatic lymph nodes and primary biliary cirrhosis

Thirty-five consecutive patients with primary biliary cirrhosis were examined using liver biopsy, laboratory tests and ultrasonography of the hepato-duodenal ligament to investigate the possible correlation between enlarged lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament and biochemical activity, histologic activity or stage and/or humoral immunoreactivity. We found a positive correlation between the

Reduced capillary hydraulic conductivity in skeletal muscle and skin in Type I diabetes : a possible cause for reduced transcapillary fluid absorption during hypovolaemia

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Patients with Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus have a reduced transcapillary fluid absorption from skeletal muscle and skin and thus defective plasma volume regulation during hypovolaemia. Our aim was to find whether a defective capillary filtration coefficient or impaired transcapillary driving force are aetiologic factors for this reduction.METHODS: We investigated 1

Single-top t-channel hadroproduction in the four-flavour scheme with POWHEG and aMC@NLO

We present results for the QCD next-to-leading order (NLO) calculation of single-top t-channel production in the 4-flavour scheme, interfaced to Parton Shower (PS) Monte Carlo programs according to the POWHEG and MC@NLO methods. Comparisons between the two methods, as well as with the corresponding process in the 5-flavour scheme are presented. For the first time results for typical kinematic dist