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This technical report gives an overview of our submission to task 3 of the DCASE 2024 challenge. We present a sound event localization and detection (SELD) system using input features based on trainable neural generalized cross-correlations with phase transform (NGCC-PHAT). With these features together with spectrograms as input to a Transformer-based network, we achieve significant improvements o

Art, pictoriality and semiotics - A reflection on Göran Sonesson's contribution to art theory

This reflection on Göran Sonesson's writings and theoretical engagement in art is also a survey of a set of semiotic concepts related to this area. As a semiotician Sonesson wrote about varying sub-genres like fine art, photography, film and architecture. The reflection is also a personal recollection - as a colleague, friend and participant in the Lund circle of semiotics - of ideas and discussio

Hybrid organizations – what’s in a name?

Judging from the steep rise in number of publications in organizational sociology and management studies about “hybrid organizations”, it would seem as if this is either something new or something that has grown in importance in the past decades. In this article, we make a thorough attempt to provide the concept a proper anchoring in sociology and organization studies. We demonstrate that hybridit

Gait Speed Reserve in the general population-based 'Good Aging in Skåne' cohort study-distribution and associated factors

Gait Speed Reserve (GSR) expresses a difference between fast and comfortable gait speed and may have an impact on everyday functioning. It was also hypothesized as a useful proxy measure of physiological reserve. However, height-normalizing values of GSR and its associated factors have not been evaluated in a general population of older adults. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the distribution o

The Inconspicuous Self: Exploring the Role of Inconspicuous Consumption within Luxury Services

Purpose: The relationship between inconspicuous consumption and consumers’ self-identities within luxury hospitality services has been largely overlooked, which calls for further investigation. Consequently, this study aims to explore the understanding of the relationship between the phenomena of inconspicuous luxury consumption of hospitality services and individuals’ self-identities. Methodolog

The Impact of Digitalization on Sales and Operations Planning and Its Influence on Supply Chain Performance

This research examines the impact of digitalization on Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) and its broader influence on supply chain performance. By adopting digital technologies, companies can streamline decision-making processes, reduce manual efforts, and enhance operational efficiency. The study aims to address the insufficient understanding of how the integration of digital technologies Impact of Digitalization on Sales and Operations Planning and Its Influence on Supply Chain Performance By Ali Mustafa Ali Ishag and Qiong María García Calatayud (2024) Imagine an orchestra playing with different music sheets—chaos, right? Now, imagine they have the same sheet, but the composer's handwriting is nearly illegible. How would they perform? Would a typed sheet work better? Then

Peptide clustering enhances large-scale analyses and reveals proteolytic signatures in mass spectrometry data

Recent advances in mass spectrometry-based peptidomics have catalyzed the identification and quantification of thousands of endogenous peptides across diverse biological systems. However, the vast peptidomic landscape generated by proteolytic processing poses several challenges for downstream analyses and limits the comparability of clinical samples. Here, we present an algorithm that aggregates p

Automation in drug product development - efficiency and quality

This work evaluates the efficiency and quality of drug substance and product automated sample preparation for liquid chromatography analysis in comparison to the manual preparation technique. Despite the potential advantages of process automation in improving efficiency, accuracy, and precision while reducing time and resources, sample preparation in the early phases of drug development in the ph

Search for singly produced vectorlike top partners in multilepton final states with Formula Presented of Formula Presented collision data at Formula Presented with the ATLAS detector

A search for the single production of a vectorlike top partner (Formula Presented) with mass greater than 1 TeV decaying into a Formula Presented boson and a top quark is presented, using the full Run 2 dataset corresponding to Formula Presented of Formula Presented collisions at Formula Presented, collected in 2015-2018 with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The targeted final stat

Design, synthesis, and evaluation of triazolyl-2-propanol derivatives as galactose mimicking inhibitors of galectin-3 protein.

Galektiner är små proteiner som finns i vår kropp och de förekommer antingen intracellulärt och i cytoplasman eller extracellulärt. De binder till kolhydrater på cellytan med hög affinitet, speciellt de som innehåller galaktos och det avgör dess viktiga roll i de olika fysiologiska processerna i kroppen. De är involverade i modulering av cellulära processer såsom programmerad celldöd när cellen ärGalectins are glycan-binding proteins that can reprogram the function of many cell types. They are involved in different positive and negative physiological functions in the human body including inflammation and autophagy. Thus, they have been suggested as therapeutic targets for tumour progression and they have been proposed as biomarkers for diagnosis. Galectins bind to the carbohydrates on the

Resurseffektivare användning av dagvattenmodeller

Ökad urbanisering och klimatförändringar har ökat risken för pluviala översvämningar i våra tätorter. Det finns idag många olika tillvägagångssätt att kartlägga vår exponering till översvämningsrisker. Det här arbetet undersöker innovativa metoder att använda enklare översvämningsverktyg för att öka resurseffektiviteten. Studien adresserar användningen av upptryckningsvolymer från endimensionella

Synthetic studies towards new substances for treatment of Chaga's disease.

I dagens samhälle präglas vår samtid av nyheter om krigsdrabbade områden och naturkatastrofer, vilket är två orsaker till att migrationen runt om i världen ökar. Människor förlorar sina hem och vissa är på ständig flykt. Detta är ett fruktansvärt öde som också bidrar till spridningen av sjukdomar som tidigare varit begränsade till vissa kontinenter. Chagas sjukdom, även känd som amerikansk trypaChagas disease, also known as American Trypanosomiasis, is a parasitic infection caused by the triatomine bugs, commonly referred to as kissing bugs. It is the deadliest parasitic disease in South America but has spread beyond this region due to migration and climate change. Approximately 70 million people are at risk of infection, and there is no cure for the chronic phase of the disease. In prev

Superporous Agarose Gels: Production, Properties, and Applications

Agarose is a well-established material in many applications of biochemistry and biotechnology. Agarose gels are used for electrophoresis of very large molecules such as DNA and agarose-based particles are used as chromatographic media for separation of all sorts of biomolecules, particularly proteins. Prominent commercial examples of agarose-based separation particles are exemplied by the brand na

Landlords and their middlemen: How intermediaries are shaping the private rental sector in Oslo

In Oslo, small-scale private landlords dominate the private rental sector (PRS). The characteristic ownership structure has given way to intermediary actors, such as letting agents and online platforms, operating between landlords and tenants. The findings of this thesis show that intermediaries in the Oslo PRS do not play the role as neutral middlemen, but on the contrary represent the market int

Utilizing AI to enhance monitoring of fishing activities via cooperative and non-cooperative methods

The fishing industry is vital for global food security, providing nutrient-rich food, supporting livelihoods, and contributing to economic growth. As the global population continues to grow, it is essential to approach fishing in a sustainable way and preserve marine ecosystems. The United Nations has recognized overfishing as a significant issue. For 2017, it was estimated that about 34% of fish

A Cross-Varietal Comparison of Audio Description: Atypical (United States) vs. Totally Completely Fine (Australia)

Audio Description (AD) is developing fast, becoming the norm for big streaming platforms. However, the research field remains largely underexplored. When comparing AD practices between countries, studies seem to focus on guidelines rather than how these are used, or not, by audio describers. Additionally, not enough emphasis is placed on cross-varietal differences of English AD, and in cases when