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FEM-analys av gummidämpare
Tredimensionell datorstudie av knäleds rörelsemönster
Implementering av Lanczos algoritm i FEM-kod
Styvhetseffekter av vingmurar. En studie utförd med BRIGADE - Ett nytt dimensioneringssystem för broar
Växelverkan mellan struktur och fluid - Programmering för lösning och kopplade problem i CALFEM
Finite Element Formulation for Shells and Thin-Walled Beams. Linear and geometric non-linear analysis
Design av vibrationsdämpare genom finit element-simulering
Patterns of Nordicity: A case study on the existence of a Nordic profile in the OSCE
This thesis explores the state of regional cooperation, particularly in the field of security, among Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (Norden). The author examines correlation between a set of socially constructed factors and the creation of a common Nordic profile in a regional security organization, the OSCE. Formally, Norden is divided in the EU and the non-EU members, but unofficia
“A Dagger Through the Skull and Nothing to the Wallet“
“A dagger through the skull and nothing to the wallet“ is a common expression for the situation in the squatter societies of Rio de Janeiro. It is used equally amongst the residents of the slums or “favelas” as they are called, as well as used by the recently implemented pacifying police force that work there. In Rio de Janeiro there are 17 murders committed everyday. The majority of those murders
State Aid and the Financial Crisis - A Special View from Iceland
European State Aid Law is rapidly becoming one of the most important area of law within the European Union. Since the beginning of 1970 the Commission and the Court have had to deal with more and more State Aid cases as it grew in correspondence with its growth. There has not been an extensive work done on State Aid until this Millennium with the works of Kelyn Bacon and Mark Heidenhain right up t
”Vi ska inte vara den där vita fläcken på kartan” - En fallstudie om etableringen av underhållsbehandling i Blekinge län
Läkemedelsassisterad rehabilitering vid opiatberoende (LARO) är i Sverige en kontroversiell behandlingsform. Tillgång till behandlingen har ökat under det senaste decenniet och idag erbjuder alla landsting LARO. Landstinget Blekinge är det sista landstinget som startade ett lokalt LARO-program. Denna fallstudie studerar den etableringsprocess som mynnade ut i en beroendeenhet som erbjuder LARO ino
Hur mycket är en våldtäkt värd? En studie om normerna kring straffvärdets betydelse
This report contains the result of a survey made to investigate the social norms in collation to the law and its sentencing. Two crimes, rape and heavy tax crime were in focus and chosen based on its similar punishments and different victimization of the state and a rape victim. The result shows that the victim is a big part of how we see different kind of crimes and how moral and emotional feeli
Picking up Threads: Intertextuality in the Postcolonial World of Lloyd Jones's Mister Pip
Finanskrisen, en studie om Irland och Island
This essay concerns the financial crisis with a focus on Iceland and Ireland. We try to describe the events leading up to the crisis, the causes behind it and what factors were the most important. Furthermore we try to analyze what variables affect the GDP-gap prior to and after the crisis in the two countries. The reason we chose the two countries are their many similarities and the crucial diffe
En jämförelse mellan bemanningsanställdas och direktanställdas upplevelser av arbetsengagemang, kreativt organisationsklimat och organisatorisk kreativitet
Studiens syfte var att jämföra om upplevd organisatorisk kreativitet, kreativt organisationsklimat samt arbetsengagemang skiljde sig åt beroende på om man var bemanningsanställd och inhyrd av ett kundföretag eller om man var direktanställd av ett företag. Vidare var syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan de tre variablerna. En webbenkät skickades ut till tio företag iThe study´s purpose was to investigate if perceived organizational creativity, creative organizational climate and work engagement differed depending on whether one was employed by a temporary work agency and hired by a client company or if one was employed directly by a company. Furthermore, the aim with this study was to investigate the relationship between the three variables. A web survey was
Gränssnittsanalys av järnvägsentreprenader
Inom järnvägsbranschen är kommunikationen mellan entreprenör och konsult beroende av beställaren. Beställaren avgör genom sin budget för projektet hur mycket kontakt parterna kommer att ha. Detta riskerar att leda till effektivitetsbrister och missförstånd. Konsulten tar fram stora mängder dokument. Är alla handlingar nödvändiga? Skulle entreprenören ha nytta av andra dokument än de som normalt fr
Commuting patterns, infrastructure and the location of economic activity. A study of sector concentration and municipality specialisation in Sweden.
This thesis investigates the impact of commuting and the quality of infrastructure on the degree of sector concentration and municipality specialisation in Sweden. Data on seven sectors and 286 Swedish municipalities for the years 2001 and 2003 is used in the empirical study performed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The robustness of the results is tested with respect to changes in the variabl
The Land of Milk and Honey: A case study of Argentinean trade with a focus on primary commodities
Argentina is a country enriched with an abundance of natural resources. This great wealth of primary commodity goods has turned the region into one of the world’s most prominent exporters of agricultural goods like soybeans, wheat and oil. However, there is more to the story than just milk and honey. In light of the fluctuating nature of primary commodity prices, countries with high primary commod
Employer attitudes towards people with a psychological disability
Only ten percent of people with disabilities in Sweden hold a salaried employment and one of the main barriers in hiring these individuals is employer attitudes. Using a correlational approach, the aim of this study was to investigate employer attitudes towards hiring people with a psychological disability. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed to headhunters and employers with hiring respon