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En studie av den idiosynkratiska riskutvecklingen på OMX Stockholm.

This paper uses a quantitative method of analysing if the idiosyncratic risk on the Stockholm Exchange has changed over time. In order to do so we divided the risk, measured as volatility, into three different risk categories, idiosyncratic-, industrial-, and market volatility. Analysing the result received from the data of 85 listed corporations, that represents the five major sections on the Swe

On the Road to the Automobile Age Sweden 1923-1973

Europe, following the American model, became a Car Society during the Golden Age. In Sweden, mass-motorization spread faster and approximately ten years earlier than in the rest of the continent. This study aims to pinpoint factors explaining this advance. In general, living standards are considered as the determinant of private car diffusion; population dispersion is also assumed to be an acceler

Communication Protocol for Intelligent Sensors and Actuators of a Future Dialysis Machine

The thesis is done for the company Gambro which manufactures dialysis products worldwide. The idea of this thesis is to investigate weaknesses of the communication protocol which is used in one of the Gambro dialysis machines, Prismaflex and thereby investigate opportunities to improve the system by using other protocols. The thesis is divided into three major parts. They are the study of Prismafl

Blanket Retention of Electronic Communications Traffic Data and the Right to Respect for Private Life - Sweden in Focus

Detta examensarbete rör direktiv 2006/46/EG och dess överensstämmelse med den europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna. Examensarbetet använder Sverige som ett exempel, och analyserar främst lagen (2003:389) om elektronisk kommunikation och dess tillkortakommanden vad gäller brottsbekämpande myndigheters tillgång till lagrade trafikuppgifter. This thesis concerns Directive 2006/46/EC and its compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The thesis uses Sweden as an example, and mainly analyses the shortcomings in Swedish legislation on how traffic data may be accessed by law enforcement authorities, finding that the regulations under the Swedish Electronic Communications Act breaches Article 8 and 13

Is goodwill a factor of stock market risk - A study of the Stockholm Stock Exchange

The purpose of this study was to examine the connection between goodwill intensity and stock market risk and how the transition to the IFRS has effected this connection. In the end of 2010 several financial analysts expressed their concerns about the increasing goodwill intensity in listed Swedish corporations. However, in this study examining the connection between goodwill intensity and stock ma

Fighting for Funds: An Exploratory Study into the Field of Crowdfunding

Thesis Purpose: This thesis investigates users of crowdfunding platforms in order to further the insight into understanding what affects their motives and behaviour. The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as peer influence is investigated. Theoretical Perspective: This study is grounded on the limited theories surrounding crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, as well as rele

Nutritional Information for in-store baked products

Even though sensorial characteristics still play a considerable role, consumers value the presence of information for in-store baked bread. This information permits the consumers to compare between different alternatives that can lead to healthier purchases.

Influence of gender difference in reference group on

Smartphone becomes the popular item nowadays and there are some studies indicated that reference group could influence mobile phone’s purchasing decisionmaking process. Theoretically, previous studies about reference group have shown that demographic factors of consumers such as age and nationality can affect the reference group influence. However, none of them have studied the demographic differe

Getting Serious about Math: Serious Game Design Framework & an Example of a Math Educational Game

Serious games have been increasingly interesting to educators recently, but it is difficult to find good games that truly address the needs of young learners, especially in mathematics. Some games are either too simplistic or are not actual games. In the paper, an argument is made for the benefits of game-based learning (GBL) for instruction and assessment given what we know about Millenials and h

Per Aspera Ad Astra: Towards the International Fiscal Meaning of the Concept 'Beneficial Owner'

The term ‘beneficial owner’ was first internationally introduced by the OECD in the Model Convention in 1977 and since that time it serves as one of the anti-abuse rules directly provided for in double tax treaties. The concept is critical for determining the eligibility of a person for the tax treaty benefits and for the allocation of taxing rights between two contracting states with regard to di

Surrogatarrangemang i ett rättighetsperspektiv - vem har rätt till vad och vem har rätt till vem?

Äger varje person rätt att bli förälder? Även om inte staten kan sägas vara skyldig att erbjuda behandling för att avhjälpa barnlöshet kan människor, efter känsla, resonera kring denna frågas rimlighet. Oavsett inställningen är en intressant följdfråga; i så fall till vilket pris? När man talar om surrogatarrangemang är det ofta just pris som på något sätt kommer på tal. Inte pris som i valutameniIs everyone entitled to a right to parenthood? People may have a sense of what should be potential common rights even in cases where the government cannot always be considered liable to offer help, as in supporting those suffering from infertility. As a supplementary question one can ask: into what considerations could the right to parenthood extend? When it comes to surrogate motherhood, amounts

Luftflaskor i varma miljöer – En undersökning om uppvärmning av kompositflaskor till

With this work we have investigated how the air in the air cylinders of portable breathing apparatuses is heated during work in hot environments equal to those of interior fire extinguishing. The laws, regulations and standards concerning breathing apparatuses have been reviewed. We describe the theoretical relationships between heating and cooling as a result of air outtake and compare these to e

Semantiska problem vid översättning till svenska av en modern spansk roman. Riña de gatos – Madrid 1936 av Eduardo Mendoza

Denna magisteruppsats utgår från min översättning av en del av romanen Riña de gatos [kattbråk] – Madrid 1936 skriven av Eduardo Mendoza (2010). Inledningsvis presenteras en källtextanalys och analys av förutsättningarna för översättningsarbetet och av de strategier jag valt. Huvuddelen av uppsatsen behandlar utvalda problemområden som aktualiserats under översättningsarbetet. Fokus ligger inom de

Inherent hinders in International Law – a case study of obstacles for coherent human rights protection in Europe

Den här uppsatsen handlar om aspekter av generell internationell rätt som begränsar ett enhetligt skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna i Europa. Genom att diskutera och förklara fall från EU-domstolen och Europadomstolen så visas de begränsande aspekterna i internationell rätt genom de bägge domstolarnas agerande. EU-domstolen hade sedan tidigare, tydligt och med emfas, slagit fast att EU-rättenThis thesis deals with the inherent hinders in international law, which are obstacles to a coherent human rights protection in Europe. By looking at cases from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights respectively, the inherent hinders are presented through the differences in attitudes demonstrated in case-law from the two courts and discussed in light of the potential

Nollenergihus- en fallstudie om tillämpning i Sverige

Environmental problems are a discussed subject in the world. The reason for this is that natural disasters are becoming more and more visible. EU is working to reduce the Union's contribution to the greenhouse effect. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gases with 20% by 2020 and 20% of the energy used should come from renewable energy sources. The EU’s Energy Performance of Building Directive (E

Singles’ Relations. Seven life stories against the background of normative nuclear familism

In this thesis, I draw attention to what at first glance might look like the opposite of family life – those living by themselves – people who at times are stereotyped as deviants even in research. The aim is two-fold. Firstly, I am interested in how those living by themselves arrange and construct their social connections, such as friendship, family or kinship and work life. Secondly, I am intere

Marrying from 'Asia' to Singapore: gendered and ethnicized citizenship

This thesis is to look into media representation on issues that involve female marriage migrants, in particular, in relation to citizenship, in Singapore, one of the most popular destinations of marriage migration in Asia. Categorized and labeled as “foreign brides” in Singapore, these foreign-born women have long suffered from biased or one-dimensional representation in the local media, particula

A new index of welfare - An econometric approach on a new index of welfare generated with principal component analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to generate a wider measurement of welfare by carefully chosen variables in mainly three different areas: economic, socio-economic and environment in order to generate a welfare index which describes the world yesterday, today and tomorrow. Method: With the Principal Component Analysis 14 variables from 115 coun-tries are studied and verified and analyzed wit