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Structure and Interactions of the Extracellular Matrix Protein PRELP

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bindväv är ett samlingsnamn för vävnader som ger form och struktur i olika organ i kroppen. I brosk och ben utgör bindväven hela eller stora delar av organet, medan i andra organ, t.ex. muskel, är bindväven endast en liten del. Bindväv karaktäriseras av ett nätverk av proteiner och polysackarider (extracellulär matrix), som omger och produceras av en relativt liten andeThis thesis describes the structure and interactions of a novel extracellular matrix protein - PRELP (proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein). The amino acid sequence of PRELP showed that it belonged to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein family in connective tissues. The main part of PRELP is composed of 10 LRRs flanked by disulfide bridges at the amino- and carboxy-terminal end

Low-level analysis of microarray data

This thesis consists of an extensive introduction followed by seven papers (A-F) on low-level analysis of microarray data. Focus is on calibration and normalization of observed data. The introduction gives a brief background of the microarray technology and its applications in order for anyone not familiar with the field to read the thesis. Formal definitions of calibration and normalization are g

Thermal analysis of plate condensers in presence of flow maldistribution using refrigerant R134a

Flow maldistribution in plate heat exchangers causes deterioration of both thermal and hydraulic performance. The situation becomes more complicated for two phase flows during condensation where uneven distribution of the liquid to the channels reduces heat transfer due to high liquid flooding. The present study evaluates the thermal performance of falling film plate condensers with flow maldistri

Development of Transgenic Potatoes to Attain Novel Starch Qualities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stärkelse är en miljövänlig och naturlig produkt som kan framställas ur växtriket. Stärkelse har många användningsområden inom livsmedelsindustrin såsom förtjockningsmedel och fettersättning men har även många icke livsmedelsindustriella användningsområden bl. a. i pappers-, kosmetika-, lim-, textil-, oljeborrning- och läkemedelsindustrin. Med kemiska, fysikaliska samt Starch is a plant-derived polysaccharide with many uses in different food and non-food applications. In this thesis, the production of two novel potato starch qualities, amylopectin and high-amylose, and the modifications and the characteristics of the produced plants and starches are described. The novel potato starch qualities will find uses in e.g. the paper, adhesive, textile and packing indus

Competing on Manufacturing How combinations of resources can be a source of competitive advantage

Popular Abstract in Swedish En central fråga av både teoretisk och praktisk betydelse är varför vissa företag är mer framgångsrika - vilket ofta uttrycks som att de har större konkurrensfördelar - än andra. Speciellt uppkommer frågan då vissa fabriker inom samma företag år efter år uppvisar ett bättre ekonomiskt resultat än andra. Fokus i denna avhandling är att förstå varför så sker inom ett utvaThe most central question in the strategic management literature is why some firms are more successful than others, often expressed as an aim to understand sources of competitive advantage. In this thesis, an empirical observation is made that a number of manufacturing plants belonging to the same firm show sustainable differences in financial success, and the question is why. The main theoretical

Corporate governance and entrepreneurship at the organisational level in a frame of property rights

This doctoral dissertation has aimed to contribute to a modern theory of the firm that balances a disciplining view of the firm with an enabling view of the firm. This has been approached through exploring how corporate governance mechanisms influence entrepreneurship at the organisational level, in a frame of property rights. As such, the research model that guides the dissertation depicts a mode

Load demand pricing - Case studies in residential buildings

Since the liberalisation of the Swedish electricity market in 1996, the competition between utilities has increased, and the generation capacity has gradually been adjusted to suit the demand. Consequently, the earlier excessive electricity production capacity has been reduced. However, if the gap between the generation capacity and demand will be too narrow, this may result in notable power short

Problem Gaming in an everyday perspective (Research Panel)

In this panel we take a critical look at problem gaming. We question existing approaches that tend to draw on concepts from clinical psychology and we introduce everyday life and the general wellbeing of youth as an alternative perspective.