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Working and Mothering in Sweden and Ukraine. The case of lone mothers.

This thesis discusses social welfare systems in Ukraine and in Sweden with focus on working and mothering reconciliation for the category of lone mothers. The theories applied in the thesis include welfare and care regimes, citizenship perspective, care culture and care packaging. Using analysis of interviews and of social policies in both countries, the author comes to some concluding remarks. Wh

Utan spaning ingen aning - En kvalitativ sociologisk studie om spanare inom polisen

ABSTRAKT Författare: Dimitrios Anastasiadis Titel: Utan spaning ingen aning - En kvalitativ sociologisk studie om spanare inom polisverksamhet Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15p Handledare: Malin Åkerström, Sociologiska institutionen, Höstterminen 2010 Problem/Bakgrund: En spanare är en polis vars arbete går ut på att, genom att uppträda som civil, övervaka och avslöja misstänkta brottslingar. Studien hABSTRACT Author: Dimitrios Anastasiadis Title: No clue without surveillance - A qualitative sociological study of undercover police Mentor: Malin Åkerström, The Department of Sociology, Lund University, S2 2010 Background: The undercover police officers major task is, by appearing as a civilian, to monitor and detect criminal suspects. The study is based on the undercover police officers behavi

Biståndshandläggning efter behov? - en studie om hur biståndshandläggare använder sitt handlingsutrymme

The aim of this study was to explore how care managers defined their mission and the needs of the elderly. Interviews were carried out with four care managers all working in a public authority in a middle-sized municipality in southern Sweden. The results were analysed using Michael Lipsky's theory of the street-level bureaucrat. The study showed that the care managers are caught between the d

Hedging with Gold Futures: Evidence from China and India

Recently the National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) and the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) introduced gold futures trading in India and China respectively. In developing markets like China and India it is important to manage risk. For the sake of choosing the optimal hedge strategy it is sufficient to understand and calculate the optimal hedge ratio. Therefore we divide our an

Organisationsattraktion och corporate social responsibility: en kvalitativ undersökning i miljöperspektiv

Studien undersöker hur svenska psykologstudenter tänker och resonerar kring miljöprofilerad corporate social responsibility och organisationsattraktion genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. 6 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med studenter på psykologprogrammet i Lund. Frågeställningen baserades på amerikanska kvantitativa tidigare studiers resultat (Aiman-Smith & Bauer, 1996; Ai

Digitala läromedel : en analys av marknadens förutsättningar

This bachelor thesis is about digital textbooks and how the market views its role and development. Educational publishers and schools are not sure how the market for digital educational materials will develop. The participants on the market are uncertain about how much to invest in production and purchasing. In order to create a description of the situation that is up to date, representatives from


With this thesis I contribute with critical and applied research that challenges empirically and theoretically the naturalization of research categories regarding gender within the different frameworks of development studies. In this study, I investigate initiatives to incorporate gender considerations into a project I collaborated within Chalatenango, El Salvador. This project was conceived withi

Gendered Political Ecology of Coffee and Maize Agro-Ecosystems in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes

This thesis is about how these small farmers in two socio-ecological systems in southern Ecuador accommodate their agro-ecologies and gender systems to national and international forces and networks, and how it relates to processes of ecological appropriation conflictive with their possibilities of wellbeing. Loja, in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes, maize growers embrace industrial production, with

Stormskador : en fjärranalytisk studie av stormen Gudruns skogsskador och dess orsaker

Ett av syftena med denna uppsats är att undersöka tre olika metoder att använda satellitdata för detektering av stormskador i skog. Undersökningen är gjord i Kronobergs län som drabbades hårt av stormen Gudrun den 8 – 9 januari 2005. Ett andra syfte undersöktes vilka variabler, förutom vind, som påverkat den spatiala spridningen av stormskador. De variabler som undersökts är; Höjd över havet, slutOne of the aims of this report is to evaluate three different methods for using satellite data in order to detect windthrows in forests. This research is made in the county Kronoberg in southern Sweden. The area was hit hard by the severe storm Gudrun 8-9 January 2005. A second aim with this report is to investigate which variables, excluding wind speed, that have contributed to the spatial patter

Tågbuller i Skåne : befolkningens exponering

Översiktliga beräkningar visar att ca 2 miljoner människor utsätts för trafikbullernivåer överstigande de riktvärden som riksdagen ställt sig bakom. Ungefär 500 000 av dessa utsätts för buller från tågtrafiken. Trafikbuller har betydelse för vår hälsa och de negativa effekterna kan vara störning av dagliga aktiviteter, stress sömnsvårigheter, koncentrationsproblem och högt blodtryck. Detta arbete Roughly 2 million Swedish citizens are exposed to traffic noise from roads, railways and aircrafts at levels higher than those approved by the government. As many as 500 000 of these are subject to railway noise. Exposure to traffic noise can have negative effects and cause irritation and disturbance of daily activities and also create general health problems such as lack of sleep, stress, concent

Glacifluviala avlagrings- och erosionsformer i sydöstra Skåne : en sedimentologisk och geomorfologisk undersökning

Weichselisens avsmältningsskede i Skåne var mycket komplicerat, vilket har föranlett en stundtals svårtolkad glacialmorfologi. I de norra och centrala delarna av Skåne retirerade isen mot norr och nordost, samtidigt som södra Skåne och Danmark berördes av lobformade isframstötar från en baltisk isström från söder- och sydost. Sedan länge har forskning pågått för att finna lösningen på isens rörelsThe deglaciation of the Weichselian ice sheet was very complicated and the resulting landscape has been perplexing different researchers throughout the 20th century. In the northern parts of Scania, the ice sheet receded towards north and northeast, while a dynamic ice stream with fast flowing ice influenced southern Scania and Denmark. The earlier researchers have mainly focused on striae, the di

Skatteflyktslagens förhållande till skatteavtalen - Ett problem med flera dimensioner

Summary When tax treaties are being applied in Swedish law, they are being applied after that the taxable income has been determined according to Swedish law. Usually the tax treaties are dividing the right to tax among the parties of the treaty; this means that the taxation right for one state usually is restricted. Due to treaty abuse, the question arises, how to counter this abuse. The commen

"We are an open and tolerant society that promotes the celebration of diversity..." - A quantitative study of social capital in Australia

This thesis explores the effect of the Australian government passing the legislative and administrative act, The New Agenda for Multicultural Australia, on the social capital in Australia. The Agenda was passed in 1999, and aimed at creating a more trustful and inclusive society among one of the most diverse population in the world. By using educational, informative and labour market strategies th

Är det dags för ett titelbyte? Arbetsterapeuters åsikter om sin yrkestitel

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad medlemmarna i Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuters mellersta skånekrets anser om sin yrkestitel ”arbetsterapeut”. Studien genomfördes i form av en elektronisk enkät som skapades i ”Google Docs”. Frågorna innehöll fasta svarsalternativ samt öppna frågor, vilka besvarades av sammanlagt 133 personer. Svaren på de öppna frågorna analyserades med inspiration av

The introduction of Migration Courts in Sweden - a shift of power in the asylum process

2006 genomfördes en reform av den svenska asylprocessen. Det tidigare systemet hade utsatts för stark kritik, och särskilt överklagandeinstansen, Utlänningsnämnden, hade blivit en symbol för en godtycklig, och samtidigt restriktiv asylpolitik. I och med reformen ersattes Utlänningsnämnden av tre Migrationsdomstolar och en Migrationsöverdomstol. Det uttryckliga målet var att öka öppenheten och rättIn 2006 a reform of the Swedish asylum process took place. The former system had been the object of strong criticism, and especially the appellate body, the Aliens Appeals Board, had become a symbol of an arbitrary, and at the same time restrictive asylum policy. In the reform the Aliens Appeals Board was replaced with three Migration Courts and one Migration Court of Appeal. The outspoken aim was

Kunskapsbemästraren, värdebäraren och den kategoriserade. - Representationer och (re)produktioner av medborgaren inom ramen för den skolpliktiga eleven.

This essay examine how the citizen is represented and (re)produced in the framing of the pupil expressed in the mandatory school system’s policy documents. The purpose is to examine the potential meaning of a citizen and how the citizen is given shape in the framework of the pupil in the material. The policy documents consists of essential school laws and national curriculum. The essay is based on

Online behaviours, offline implications: A window into the use of the Internet for health among immigrant women in Malmo

In a country as „connected‟ as Sweden, it is hard to imagine a setting in which the Internet does not play a significant role in people‟s everyday lives. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the use and/or awareness of online health information and services among female immigrants in Malmö, Sweden. The data collected is based on semi-structured interviews with 11 female immigrants of 7 differe

Medborgerligt deltagande i stadsplanering - En fallstudie av Bo01

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka det medborgerliga deltagandet i planprocessen till Bo01, Västra hamnen. Fallstudien är uppbyggd som en least likely crucial case study då uppsatsen utgår från att projektets snabba tillkomst fick negativa implikationer för det medborgerliga deltagandet. Genom att utgå från delar av Kristian Sjöviks demokratiska processvärden, deltagande, ansvar och öppenhet samt två d