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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Machine Learning in Architecture

The development of image-based machine learning technology brings new ways of how we use and produce images. Due to the significant reliance on images and drawings, machine learning technology might achieve new potentials for the architecture discipline. My thesis explored these potentials through conducting experiments. In the first part of my thesis, I used the image-based machine learning algor

”Du är där men inte där”: En kvalitativ studie om phubbing

Phubbing beskriver fenomenet då en eller flera personer under en social interaktion tar upp sin mobiltelefon och riktar sin uppmärksamhet mot den istället för den eller de en umgås med. Phubbing har i tidigare kvantitativa studier visat sig ge upphov till negativa känslor och tycks påverka relationer och relationskvalitet negativt. Därför ämnar denna kvalitativa studie besvara forskningsfrågan: HuPhubbing describes the phenomenon when one or more people during a social interaction pick up their mobile phone and direct their attention to it instead of the person or people they are hanging out with. Phubbing has in previous quantitative studies been shown to give rise to negative emotions and seems to affect relationships and relationship quality negatively. Therefore, this qualitative study

Evaluation of overheating risks and passive cooling measures in low energy Swedish dwellings

Overheating in buildings is becoming a major concern and cause for various health issues. Existing research and previous studies on the issue were examined to acquire relevant information about the definition of overheating, its possible causes, and the heath impacts it could have on human health. The review included data on the current status of thermal comfort and overheating regulations in Swed

Grammatikens betydelse för valet mellan de och dem

Researchers do not agree on whether grammar teaching is important for students' writing. At the same time, research shows that the choice between de 'they' and dem 'them' is an increasingly common problem of language accuracy among Swedish students. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of grammar for the level of language accuracy in Swedish high sch

Improving Warehouse Picking Performance by Using Contextual Factors and Lean Practices: A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak

Problem Description: As warehouses play an important role in the supply chain and are vital for the success of a company, it is important that they operate efficiently. Thus, Tetra Pak wants to increase their picking efficiency for their production warehouse by identifying and solving bottlenecks and wastes that decreases the performance. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop a soluti

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering- Utvärdering av Kulturmejeriets Brandskydd

Denna rapport har granskat brandskyddet i allaktivitetshuset Kulturmejeriet i Lund. Granskningen har genomförts med fokus på personsäkerhet. Skador på egendom och miljö har inte beaktats i rapporten. Utifrån ett antal tänkbara brandscenarier valdes tre representativa scenarier. Dessa scenarier analyserades vidare med datorsimulering för brandutveckling och utrymning. Simuleringarna som genomfördThe following report is an evaluation of the fire protection in the all-activity house Kulturmejeriet in Lund. The evaluation was conducted with a focus on personal safety. Damage to property and the environment has not been considered in this report. Based on several possible fire scenarios, three representative scenarios were selected. These scenarios were further analyzed with computer simulati

Unblocking the Chain - Blockchain Implementations in the Digital Music Industry

The music industry has been affected by the digital revolution. This paper identifies key issues relating to copyright within the digital music industry which have the possibility to be partially or wholly solved with the help of blockchain technology. Identified issues are: the lack of reliable rights management information, issues with intermediaries and long value chains, fragmentation of right

Importance of communication strategies in online communities. Case study - Sounders

Although online communities are numerous on social media platforms like Facebook, the communication strategies can be very different. The current research analyses a single case study and its online community. Sounders is an Italian start-up focused on creating a recognized and academic path for whoever wants to undertake a DJ career. Moreover, by sharing values such as sharing and willingness, So

“De syns och hörs fastän de egentligen är gömda” - En kvalitativ studie om papperslösas situation och civilsamhällets betydelse

The aim of this study was to investigate the living situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden from a civil society perspective. The study also aimed to study how representatives from the civil society describe their work with undocumented migrants. The method used for the study was based on a qualitative approach where we conducted eight semi-structured interviews with representatives from diff

Copyright and Abuse of Dominant Position in EU - Intersection Between Copyright Law and Abuse of Dominant Position in Situation of Refusal of License

Where intellectual property such as copyright, patent, industry property and design etc., focuses on the rewards of creative and inventive effort of IP owners and the rightsholders. Indeed, copyright of intellectual property provides and promotes an exclusive economic right to owner who creates any work, protected by the legal right under EU copyright law. The competition law promotes healthy comp

Performance of a New Tetra Recart® Package Storing Oxygen Sensitive Food

Tetra Recart® är ett innovativt, kartong-baserat förpackningsalternativ till konserverad mat. Tetra Pak® har sett en ökad efterfrågan på en mindre förpackningsvolym av Tetra Recart®, vilket har gjort att Tetra Recart® utvidgat förpackningsportfolion med en ny, mindre förpackning på 100 mL. Förpackningars dimensioner kan påverka hållbarhetstiden för det förpackade livsmedlet, där mindre förpackningTetra Recart® is an innovative, carton-based packaging alternative for canned foods. Tetra Pak® has seen an increasing demand of a smaller Tetra Recart® package size. Therefore, the Tetra Recart® package family has been extended with a new, smaller package volume of 100 mL. Package dimensions may impact the shelf life of the packed food, where a smaller package (with headspace) is suspected to hav

Human rights versus the traditional family: Implications of the European Court of Human Rights' standard of review in cases concerning Articles 8 and 12

Against the background of a conservative push against LGBTI+ and women’s rights, in which courts have already become battlefields, it is important to look at how the European Court of Human Rights, a leading human rights adjudicator both in Europe and globally, would respond to arguments made in the name of human rights but whose real purpose is to limit the rights and freedoms of women and LGBTI+

Third Party Benefit and Implications for Input VAT Deduction

Abstract The principle of fiscal neutrality is at the core of the EU VAT system. Neutrality in the EU VAT system comprises of two main elements, that is, equal treatment of taxable persons in the same situation and giving taxable persons the right to deduct input VAT for cost components. The right to deduction is an important element of the VAT system to achieve fiscal neutrality. Deductibility en

No title

This thesis is a compilation of the academic reception to La Disparition of Georges Perec, a lipogram. By analysing a width of academic articles concerning La Disparition throughout fields and eras the aim is to describe tendencies in the analytical reception, in the linguistic as well as the literary field. The articles treat many themes, amongst some are the symbolisation of the missing letter E

See one, do one, teach one: Learning within the Community of Internal Medicine Residents

Our work aims to gain a deeper understanding of how internal medicine residents learn in order to become competent specialists. This research comprises a qualitative case study and follows an abductive research approach. In addition, the study emanates from the interpretative tradition. Our empirical data were generated through 12 semi-structured interviews conducted with internal medicine residen

Perceived Sustainability of Startups: The Role of Relationship Equity and Chief Sustainability Officer

Strategic decisions on how a company should invest resources is naturally a crucial decision, but for startups this decision is even more important as each small decision will have major repercussions on the longevity of a startup. This study seeks to deepen the understanding of the perceived sustainability of a startup by a customer - since this is a growing customer decision criteria - and h

PROTECTING MUSIC BY COPYRIGHT IN THE EU - What is music and to what extent can it be protected by EU copyright law?

Before the Internet era began, the method that most consumers used to exploit copyrighted musical works such as CDs was based on the physical location of the entity that distributed them. Nowadays, they can be found on different online platforms. The aim of this thesis is to find out what music is, why it should be protected and to what extent it can be protected according to the EU copyright law.

Sweden as a tax haven - A research regarding if a tax haven can conduct high taxes and what other characteristics may be

This thesis is a research regarding if Sweden should be classified as a tax haven. To be able to classfie Sweden, four organisations have been researched, this is because there is no clear definition of the term tax haven. This research has gone through four organisations' views on tax havens and what they see as indicators in a country that could be classified as a tax haven. Have the four or