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Stilguider för webben - Hjälpande eller stjälpande?

Det finns idag mycket kunskap om vad som anses utgöra en grund för en bra design i ett användargränssnitt för webben. Olika privata och offentliga organisationer har försökt samla delar av denna kunskap i s.k. stilguider för webben i syfte att användas som en bas vid utveckling av produkter och tjänster för att på så sätt definiera en enhetlig känsla och ett gemensamt utseende i ett gränssnitt.

Habermas in the garden : broadening the scope of social movements for sustainability

This thesis explores the potential of broadening the scope of social movements for sustainability. The implicit assumptions of the causal mechanisms for strategic social change propose limits to what transformative social action can be, and risk overlooking untapped resources for change. To address these limitations I use Habermas’ critical social theories on public engagement, systemic rationalit

”Vi löser aldrig några brott” : en studie om gärningsmannaprofilering i Sverige

The purpose of this study is to examine how offender profiling is being used in Sweden and how investigators working at different police departments perceive it as a method. To get ahold of empirical data I conducted a total of four interviews. To fulfill my purpose I first had to describe the offender profiling in Sweden with help of the interview with a representative for Gärningsmannaprofilgrup

Räcker en trovärdig berättelse? En granskning av förhållandet mellan målsägandens trovärdighet och den övriga bevisningen i våldtäktsmål

I våldtäktsmål utgör ofta målsägandens berättelse en stor del av bevisningen eftersom bevisning i den här typen av mål kan vara svår att få fram. Därmed blir målsägandens trovärdighet av stor betydelse för utgången i målet. Redan i NJA 1980 s. 225 slog Högsta domstolen (HD) fast att det för än fällande dom inte räcker att målsäganden är mer trovärdig än den tilltalade. Efter detta mål har praxis uIn rape cases, the victim’s story often represents a crucial part of the evidence, since it can be difficult to produce other types of evidence in such cases. Therefore, the victim’s credibility is of great significance for the outcome of a case. Already in NJA 1980 p. 225, the Supreme Court (HD) stated that in order to accomplish a conviction it is not sufficient for a victim to be more credible

Experience the Swedish Buffet: Lessons from a Holistic Leader Development Program

Abstract Title: Experience the Swedish Buffet: Lessons from a Holistic Leader Development Program Seminar Date: May 29th- 30th, 2012 Course: BUSN49 Degree Project Master Level in Managing People, Knowledge & Change Authors: Liga Lagzdina & Kalliopi Christopoulou Advisor: Sverre Spoelstra Department of Business Administration School of Economics and Management Lund University, Sweden

Korn för en evighetsskörd. En analys av Lewis Jonssons predikningar

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sermons and speeches of Lewis Jonsson (1874-1918.) He was vicar of Höör and Munkarp parishes between 1913 and 1918. Lewis Jonsson came from a small village, Sebbarp, in Skåne. As a young boy he studied in Gothenburg, where he lived during term time with his sister and her husband. He started studying for the priesthood at Lund University and graduated in

What about a Human Rights Based Approach? - a case study of the legal situation of victims of child trafficking in Nepal

This paper aims to establish to what extent a human rights-based approach could contribute to an improvement of the enforcement of the rights of children who are victims of trafficking in Nepal. A Minor Field Study based on interviews was conducted in Nepal in order to gather data about the structure of the current legal treatment of children who are victims of trafficking and to what extent poten

Etymology of Hebrew nouns : Re-examining the origins of the language of Israel

Which sources most influence the language spoken in Israel? Is it the same language as the Hebrew of its ancestral heritage? Which periods in history brought about the changes of contemporary lexicon? These are the questions addressed in the current essay, which presents the inspection of nouns appearing in a recent newspaper, and their categorization according to the different periods in the his

Foreigner talk eller foreignness? - Västerlänningars språk i japansk skönlitteratur

The present study seeks, with a corpus of eight Japanese works of fiction, to identify if the speech patterns of Westerners in Japanese literature have their origins in the simplified register referred to as “foreigner talk”, i.e. the register used to address non-native speakers with low linguistic competence, and also if foreigner talk is commonly used in Japanese literature for addressing non-na

Fully developed fires in “low-energy” and “energy-efficient” buildings

Buildings use approximately 40% of the total amount of the consumed energy in EU and USA. New design approaches and materials are used to reduce the energy consumption for space heating, ventilation, lightning and other domestic necessities. There is a need to investigate effect of these design features on the fire safety. Increased compartment size can contribute to the fire duration and non-unif

Fire safety education for staff members - case study

Changing people's attitude towards fire safety is the most important goal in this research. Looking closely how the fire safety education effects the peoples response in unannounced evacuation drill was the aim of the study. Constant changes in the process of the training made the improvements possible and weaknesses were identified. The staffs' attitude towards fire safety changed to the

Population aging and enrollment ratios in tertiary education: does population aging elevate the enrollment ratio in OECD countries?

This study examines possibility of positive contribution of population aging to enrolment ratios in tertiary education of 32 OECD countries from 1970 onward. It estimates an equation with fertility, life expectancy, GDP per capita, schooling age population for tertiary education and expenditures to education. In the equation, the variables reflect demand, supply and constraints on education identi

Hälsorond och psykosocial arbetsmiljökartläggning( PAK)

I samhället har ohälsan och sjukskrivningarna bland de anställda under de senaste åren ökat markant. Det man idag vet är att det finns en mängd olika faktorer som påverkar människan i arbetslivet. Några av dessa faktorer kan vara arbetsmängden, påverkansmöjligheter, arbetsinnehåll och den fysiska arbetsmiljön. Syftet med denna studie har varit att se om Hälsoronden och PAK enkäten visar på samma e

En studie av hur vår tjänst Hälsospiral upplevs och bedöms av deltagande arbetsgrupp

Syftet med denna studie var att med en enkätundersökning undersöka hur deltagare vid en arbetsmiljökartläggning och hälsoundersökning enligt Hälsospiralen, genomförd av företagshälsovården Hälsoborgen, upplever och uppfattar denna. En arbetsgrupp med 16 undersköterskor inom kommunens vård- och omsorgsförvaltning erbjöds ett år efter genomförd Hälsospiral att medverka i undersökningen. Vid studien

"Ett osystematiskt svammel" Eller Dagboksromanen och konkret prosa i Hans Alfredsons Gummitummen

Ett försök att placera in den folkkäre underhållaren Hans Alfredson i en litterär medvetenhet. Genom en undersökning av Alfredsons berättarteknik i dennes dagboksroman Gummitummen, placeras boken in i sin litterära samtid, nämligen det konkreta sextiotalet. Uppsatsen fokuserar på att kartlägga hur Alfredson angriper dagboksromanens konventioner genom att applicera de generiska koder jag har kommit

The Returns to Education: An Empirical Study of Urban China, 1988-2007

This paper uses data from a recently-released survey pertaining to individuals in urban locations in 2007 to estimate rates of return to education in China. In doing so, previous estimates in the empirical literature are updated by five years. The key issue under consideration is whether the private incentive to spend time and money on education has increased over the course of China’s economic tr

MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS: GENDER TROUBLE AT WORK? - A popular culture study of gender in management consulting -

The main purpose of this thesis is to add to the conceptual understanding of gender in management consulting, as portrayed through the lens of popular culture. It is further aimed to highlight the reciprocal relationship between popular culture research and the study of organization/ management consulting studies. Thereby, we hope to contribute to the existing literature that treats gender in mana

Desertification in China : desertification in China, causes and preventive actions in modern time

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Klimatförhållandena i norra Kina samt Mongliet gör dessa områden benägna att drabbas av mark-försämring, vilket i sin irreversibla form ofta hänförs som ökenspridning. Litteraturstudien fokuserar på både tidigare erfarenheter, så som vad olika åtgärder har haft för konsekvenser- bra som dåliga – och även vad olika sätt att sköta marken på har medfört, samt även aThe climatic conditions in northern China and Mongolia make these regions prone to desertification. The results showed that there is quite a lot of disagreement in this matter, as to whether it exists at all and if so what the major explanatory factor is. Some argue that the desertification is due to climatic/natural factors (almost) alone, others that human activities is the major cause, and some

The effect of prophylactic platelet transfusions on point-of-care coagulation parameters in conjunction to central venous catheter insertion—what effect do transfusions have and are they necessary?

Introduction: Platelet transfusions are often used when thrombocytopenic patients are facing a central venous catheter (CVC) insertion, but their use has been up to debate. Point-of-care devices such as thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and platelet aggregometry (Multiplate) better reflect in vivo haemostasis than routine coagulation tests. Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of platelet tran