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Your search for "*" yielded 531492 hits

Whatever it is better to be than not to be

The Anselmian claim that God is that than which a greater cannot be thought in virtue of being ‘whatever it is better to be than not to be’ may be accused of incoherence or even unintelligibility. By proposing a non-relative but apparently meaningful analysis thereof, I attempt to defend it against such criticism. In particular, I argue that ‘whatever it is better to be than not to be’ can be plau

Evaluation of the impact of genetic polymorphisms in glutathione-related genes on the association between methylmercury or n-3 polyunsaturated long chain fatty acids and risk of myocardial infarction: a case-control study

Background: The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, which are present in fish, are protective against myocardial infarction. However, fish also contains methylmercury, which influences the risk of myocardial infarction, possibly by generating oxidative stress. Methylmercury is metabolized by conjugation to glutathione, which facilitates elimination. Glut

Women in evolution - highlighting the changing face of evolutionary biology

The face of science has changed. Women now feature alongside men at the forefront of many fields, and this is particularly true in evolutionary biology. This special issue celebrates the outstanding achievements and contributions of women in evolutionary biology, by highlighting a sample of their research and accomplishments. In addition to original research contributions, this collection of artic

Does DNA Methylation of PPARGC1A Influence Insulin Action in First Degree Relatives of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes?

Epigenetics may play a role in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (T2D), and increased DNA methylation of the metabolic master regulator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PPARGC1A) has been reported in muscle and pancreatic islets from T2D patients and in muscle from individuals at risk of T2D. This study aimed to investigate DNA promoter methylation and gen

Swedish version of the multi dimensional health assessment questionnaire - translation and psychometric evaluation.

Health assessment measurements for patients with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have to be meaningful, valid and relevant. A commonly used questionnaire for patients with RA is the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ), which has been available in Swedish since 1988. The HAQ has been revised and improved several times and the latest version is the Multi Dimensional Health Asse

Open compared with 2-portal endoscopic carpal tunnel release: a 5-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to extend the previously reported short-term randomized trial of open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) to compare outcomes 5 years after surgery. METHODS: In a single-center randomized controlled trial, 128 patients (25 to 60 years) with clinically diagnosed and electrophysiologically confirmed idiopat

Metaphors and Norms - Understanding Copyright Law in a Digital Society

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad är det med upphovsrätten som inte fungerar i det digitala samhället? Vad är det som gör att miljoner människor just i fallet med fildelning tycker att det är okej att bryta mot lagen? Och, sett från det omvända perspektivet, vad är det som gör att lagen inte klarar av att anpassa sig efter de nya digitala praktikerna? Varför denna inlåsning och detta tillbakablickanThis is a compilation thesis in the sociology of law, which analyses copyright law in three steps; the legal norms, the social norms and the underlying conceptions in their metaphorical representation. These three steps assist in answering the overarching question: "How do legal and social norms relate to each other in terms of the conceptions from which they emanate or by which they are construct

Effects of growth conditions on the crystal structure of gold-seeded GaP nanowires

we present results that provide fundamental insights on how to experimentally tailor the planar defect density and even the crystal structure in III-V metal-particle-seeded nanowires, where zinc blende is the stable bulk crystal structure. We have grown GaP nanowires with metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy under different conditions: pulsing of the Ga source, and Continuous growth with and without

Upregulation of miR-96 Enhances Cellular Proliferation of Prostate Cancer Cells through FOXO1.

Aberrant expression of miR-96 in prostate cancer has previously been reported. However, the role and mechanism of action of miR-96 in prostate cancer has not been determined. In this study, the diagnostic and prognostic properties of miR-96 expression levels were investigated by qRT-PCR in two well documented prostate cancer cohorts. The miR-96 expression was found to be significantly higher in pr

Kartan som spegling och produktion av rumslighet

The map is not simply a representation of existing space, or a mirror of the earth’s surface. It is rather a multi-faceted instrument expressing that the power to represent is the power to order, and that the rationality of geometrical space could influence people’s lived spaces through its role as a planning tool. These issues are discussed with three examples from Swedish modernity; the producti

Release of Ring Strain as Driving Force for Inversion of Stereochemistry - Application to the Synthesis of Ribopyranosides from Xylopyranosides

By using a Swern oxidation-epimerization-reduction sequence it is possible to selectively epimerize any position in isopropylidene-protected xylopyranosides, thus forming arabinosides, ribosides, and lyxosides. The driving force for epimerization of position 3 (xylo to ribo) is the release of ring strain by going from a 1,2-trans-acetal to a 1,2-cis-acetal.

Multiple exciton generation in nano-crystals revisited: Consistent calculation of the yield based on pump-probe spectroscopy.

Multiple exciton generation (MEG) is a process in which more than one exciton is generated upon the absorption of a high energy photon, typically higher than two times the band gap, in semiconductor nanocrystals. It can be observed experimentally using time resolved spectroscopy such as the transient absorption measurements. Quantification of the MEG yield is usually done by assuming that the bi-e

Functional variants in the B-cell gene BANK1 are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypical autoimmune disease characterized by production of autoantibodies and complex genetic inheritance(1-3). In a genome-wide scan using 85,042 SNPs, we identified an association between SLE and a nonsynonymous substitution (rs10516487, R61H) in the B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats gene, BANK1. We replicated the association in four indepen

Psychiatric and metabolic disturbances in experimental models of Huntington’s disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Huntingtons sjukdom (HS) är en ärftlig och dödlig sjukdom som karakteriseras av ofrivilliga, danslika rörelser vilket gjort att den i folkmun kallas för danssjuka. Diagnosen ställs när de motoriska problemen (ofrivilliga rörelserna) uppträder, vanligtvis i medelåldern, och dessa ökar sedan gradvis och den drabbade personen avlider på grund av sjukdomen efter cirka 15-25Non-motor symptoms and signs such as metabolic and psychiatric disturbances have been reported to occur early in Huntington’s disease (HD), a fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the huntingtin gene. However, there is a lack of understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms responsible for the early non-motor features. The hypothalamus has emerged as an

Investigation and Comparison of Multi Cylinder Partially Premixed Combustion Characteristics for Diesel and Gasoline Fuels

Partially Premixed Combustion is a concept able to combine low smoke and NOx emissions with high combustion controllability and efficiency. It is of interest to be able to utilize PPC in a large operating region in order to meet the Euro VI emission legislation without relying on NOx aftertreatment. This paper investigates the differences in PPC characteristics for three fuels; Diesel Swedish Mk