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Your search for "*" yielded 531761 hits

Evaluating VaR and ES for commodities - both conventionally and with neural networks

As commodities are becoming more popular and accessible assets for speculative and hedging purposes, the limited research regarding risk management for said asset-class justifies further contribution to the deficient output. Many previous studies have highlighted the extraordinary high volatility, with non-linear and clustering characteristics associated with commodities. Hence, incorporating vola

Without women there cannot be real peace: A study on Colombia’s feminist activisms for peace

The 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) is said to be the most inclusive peace deal in history. This study explores how feminist organisations for peace view and acted on the peace accord, the changed gender discourse, and its current implementation. By drawing on literature on women’s participation in peace p

Keep the Flame Alive! The Role of Middle Managers' Sensemaking in Organizational Change

Purpose: The main purpose of our study is to gain a deeper understanding of middle managers' sensemaking in organizational change initiatives. This involves the exploration of how middle managers interpret their role in the course of the initiative and act accordingly. Beyond that, we aim to discover how top management can influence middle managers' sensemaking, but also which other factor

Development of predictive methods revealing stability in probiotic cultures

Sen urminnes tider har mjölksyrebakterier traditionellt sett används till fermentering för att addera karaktäristiska egenskaper och förlänga hållbarheten hos matprodukter. Enligt världshälsoorganisationen WHO är probiotika ’levande mikroorganismer som, när de intas i lämplig mängd, utövar hälsofördelar hos värden’. Probiotiska bakterier kan främja tarmfloran genom att konkurrera ut skadliga bakteAlthough lactic acid bacteria have been traditionally used in food applications for long, the idea of using probiotics as a dietary supplement is relatively new. The probiotic strains used in the collaboration company’s products are freeze-dried before added to their formulations. The stability of the probiotic cultures is assessed in studies which often require long storage times before showing r

Klimat- och kostnadsanalys över stålspont och släntning

Trafikverket har tillsammans med andra aktörer inom bygg- och anläggningssektorn bland annat satt upp som mål att utsläpp av växthusgaser ska minskas med 50 % år 2030 jämfört med år 2015. I anläggningsprojekt utgör transport av schaktmassor den största delen av utsläppen. Ofta är dessutom hanteringen av massor ineffektiv då även rena massor som hade kunnat återanvändas transporteras till deponi.

The two-Higgs-doublet modelas an explanation for the muon (g−2) discrepancy

Standardmodellen (SM) ̈ar det närmaste vi kommit en theory of everything. Den beskriver individuella partikelinteraktioner perfekt, gjorde vid dess formulering nya förutsägelser ochhar konsekvent visats ha rätt. Den är även usel. Trots att SM perfekt beskriver individuella partikelinteraktioner så stämmer modellens universella förutsägelser inte ̈överens med verkligheten. Den kan inte förklara vThe general Z2-violating two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is analysed as an explanation for the discrepancy between Standard Model predictions and experimental measurements of the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment ∆aµ, with the condition that it does not provide an electron electric dipole moment |eEDM| larger than experimental bounds. Several point studies of individual 2HDM parameter space poi

Acceptability of Vehicle Mileage Taxation in Sweden A Behavioral Economics Approach to Introducing Road Policy Reforms

Vehicle Mileage Taxation is a proposed improvement to addressing external costs of driving. A key hurdle for its implementation is its acceptability by the public. Theories of psychological reactance, fairness perception and status quo bias are explored as influences on tax reform perception. Data, representative for Sweden, was collected from 407 individuals in an online survey. A framing exper

Kadmium i grundvattnet i området kring Rörums Fur

Ditt dricksvatten kan innehålla hälsofarligt kadmium från berggrunden Har du dricksvatten från egen brunn hemma? Eller har du sommarstuga på landet med egen brunn? Då bör du se till att regelbundet provta ditt vatten! Grundvatten är generellt renare än ytvatten, och i vissa fall är det så rent att det kan drickas utan föregående behandling. Men grundvatten kan också innehålla ämnen som är skadliCadmium poses a threat to both human health and the environment. In this study, cadmium levels in groundwater in the area around Rörums Fur in the municipality of Simrishamn, Sweden, and their potential sources were mapped, with the aim of getting an overview of the cadmium situation in the area. For this purpose, groundwater analysis data from various sources were compiled and compared to informa

Transport of bioavailable organic carbon into the Baltic Sea

The transport of terrestrial carbon through riverine systems to coastal water may have a negative impact on the oxygen concentration. However, information on seasonal variation and the impact of composition of the catchment area on bioavailability is lacking. This paper covers the January and April samplings, which are a part of a yearlong study. To examine the seasonal variation in composition an

Sensorless method of detecting plunger position in solenoid actuators

This thesis investigates if it is possible to measure the plunger position in a Ledex 282352-023 solenoid actuator without the use of external sensors. To do this, various different methods, all based on comparing the current response to the applied voltage were evaluated from different categories such as calculation time, reliability and distinct position levels. The method that performed best in

Prediction of Caregiver’s Next Action in Digital Healthcare

Digital healthcare has proven to be increasingly important as the pressure on primary healthcare is enhanced, with a growing elderly population that lives longer. The importance of an effective digital healthcare with high quality is consequently increasing. By creating a reliable model, using machine learning algorithms, that can predict the next action for a caregiver in digital healthcare, not

TrustNet: Trust-based Moderation Using Distributed Chat Systems for Transitive Trust Propagation

This thesis introduces TrustNet, a flexible and distributed system for deriving, and interacting with, computational trust. The focus of the thesis is applying TrustNet as a tool within distributed chat systems for implementing a subjective moderation system. Two distributed chat systems, Secure Scuttlebutt and Cabal, are discussed, the latter having been extended with a proof of concept implement

BACK & FROM Furniture set

Collective memory is a psychological and sociological concept. This theory provides a reference for defining the characteristics of a community from the perspective of memory. Further research also shows that its internal connection to culture and community. This has many similarities with user research in product design. By focusing on typical or iconic products, objects, or the interacting proce

En öppen drogscen: Polisens arbetssätt kring den synliga narkotikahandeln i Upplands Väsby.

The concept of an open air drug market can be defined as a widely known area wherein public trade and use of narcotics is prevalent. This phenomenon contradicts the legislation in place regarding drug use and distribution in Sweden. This case study analyses an open air drug market located in the outskirts of Stockholm. The study specifically reviews the crime prevention methods used by law enforce

Multilevel governance for local climate action: Examining multilevel climate governance in the Indian cities of Rajkot, Thane and Nagpur

Numerous studies have discussed the importance of multilevel governance for enhancing climate action at the urban level. However, there remains limited knowledge on the proliferation of multilevel climate governance in the Global South. Addressing this gap, this study aims to explore the implementation of multilevel climate governance at the urban level through a case study analysis of three India

Evaluation of alternative packaging for solid oral dosage forms

Aluminum blisters are a widely used packaging type in the pharmaceutical industry, including Elanco Animal Health Inc., a major player in the animal health business. Excellent barrier properties and convenience of usage to the consumers make it an ideal solution. Unfortunately, due to lack of innovation since its invention in the 1960s, there have been certain shortcomings in it use; like lack in

The Dynamics Behind Economic Shrinking and a Case of Recent Disappearance

The present research aims at finding the underlying factors that contributed to the recently observed disappearance of economic shrinking in Ethiopia, defined as negative rates of GDP per capita growth. Within the framework of the Theory of Shrinking (Broadberry & Wallis, 2017) it sheds light on structural, technological and demographic change, the occurrence of warfare as well as institutiona

Propelling the Commercialization of ‘Novel Cements’: An investigation of demand-side factors to accelerate decarbonizing technologies within the cement industry

Accounting for approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions, the cement industry is one of the greatest contributors to climate change, despite the lack of focus on this sector in popular discourse. Deep cuts in this sector are challenging to achieve due to necessitated alteration of material components and formulation of the traditional product in addressing non-energy related ‘process emissions’. Te

Progress towards a new type of β4GalT7 inhibitors

Vår kropp är uppbyggd av biljontals celler, men utan kommunikation och samarbete dem emellan skulle kroppen och dess livsviktiga processer inte fungera. Denna kommunikation äger till stor del rum på cellernas yta, det så kallade cellmembranet, som alltså inte bara fungerar som en barriär mellan cellerna. Här finns nämligen flera olika molekyler och proteiner som sköter en stor del av kommunikationProteoglycans are important macromolecules located on the human cell surfaces. They have many different and important roles in communication between cells. These roles are especially important for cancer development and the survival of tumor cells and these proteoglycans are, therefore, interesting to study. The proteoglycans are made up of a protein core to which glycosaminoglycan chains are boun