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By exploring household tools created with one purpose, this personal project also allows me, as designer, to explore my methods and processes when making decisions. The project includes, and puts focus on, agonizing parts of the design process (which is individual) and forces me to endure and learn how to handle them. The process also reveals that some parts I thought were difficult for me

Friluftsliv i Skåne - tillgängligt för alla?

Academic research affirms the positive health effect of outdoor recreation. It reduces blood pressure, obesity and stress. In 2012 the Swedish government formulated the Objectives for Outdoor Recreation Policy which aim was to strengthen the accessibility to outdoor recreation opportunities for the people of Sweden. This paper aims to examine the accessibility to outdoor recreation opportunities

Analysis of a genome-wide microscopy screen for regulators of lysosomal stability

Lysosomes are cell organelles in charge of degradation. Lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) causes the leakage of cathepsins and other digestive enzymes into the cytosol from lysosomal cavities. This usually causes the initiation of cell death. LMP can be triggered by many stimuli and this could potentially be used in new therapeutic approaches for removing cancer cells. However, excessive L

Making Sense of Multivariate Data: An Iterative Design of the Visualization and Interactions with Parallel Coordinates

Data är en stor del av dagens samhälle och genom att analysera datan kan man se trender och få ut information. De flesta problem beror oftast på fler än två variabler då en korrelation mellan bara två variabler sällan beskriver hela sanningen. Data som består av mer än två variabler kallas för multivariat data. Men hur bör man gå tillväga om man vill visualisera sådan data och vilka verktyg bör maThere exists today vast accumulations of data that we don't always know what to do with. Qlik is a company that specializes in the visualization of data and specifically in being able to offer as many different types of charts as possible to their customers. Parallel coordinates is a chart that efficiently can visualize multivariate data and this master thesis is about developing such a chart

Constructing a Skill Set of a Project Manager: Essential Management & Leadership Soft Skills in Project-Driven Industries

This study aimed to identify which management and leadership soft skills project managers in project-driven industries are required to have, to contend with complexity and change. To gain a holistic understanding, this knowledge was generated through four different research methods: literature research, interviews with twelve experts across the automotive and IT industries, interviews with five cl

Ekonomistyrningssystem- en global homogenitet? En jämförelseanalys av ekonomistyrningssystem mellan kulturella regioner

Syfte: Syftet är att identifiera likheter och skillnader för ekonomistyrningssystem mellan olika kulturella regioner. För att uppfylla syftet utformades två delmål: (1) Förklara identifierade skillnader och likheter med kultur som utgångspunkt, (2) Identifiera olika ideer om framtida forskning. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes där sekundärdata från tidigare forskning användes. En metod som Objective: The objective is to identify similarities and differences in management control systems in different cultural regions. To achieve the objective, two strategies have been formulated: (1) Explain identified similarities and differences with culture as a base, (2) Identify different ideas about future research. Methodology: A literature study was conducted in which secondary data from pre

Exploring Travel Mobility Practices and Climate Change Communication: An Analysis of Chinese Millennials in Sweden

The climate change has become a popular discourse in western countries and there is a higher awareness of global warming than previously among the current millennials generation in China, while climate change is not a mainstream social discourse in China. Situated in the case of Chinese millennials studying in Sweden, a country with a high reputation as an environmental pioneer in preventing clima

The Influence of Social Media Content on Youth Tourism: Can Culture Play a Role?

This thesis aims to investigate the influence of social media content on youth tourism by assessing the perceptions of youth travelers from four countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the cultural differences of youngsters’ attitudes towards social media use in travel planning. It uses a quantitative research approach. The da

Jämställdhetsdiskursens ambivalenser: en kritisk diskursanalys av "Utredningen om en modern föräldraförsäkring"

”The worlds most gender equal country”, a phrase often associated with Sweden. The national gender equality politics impact has been growing since the 1930s and today gender equality is considered a Swedish national value. This essay explores gender equality discourse within two public state inquiries regarding the parental insurance system. One is focusing on limiting the ability to use the syste

Online Learning for Students with Limited ICT Access and Skills

Education is by the UN stated to be the foundation to creating sustainable development. Lately, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) for educational purposes worldwide, but as many countries lag behind both in terms of uptake and usage of ICT, this limits their populations’ chances to participate. Given this, the aim of this thesis was

Cyberstalking: De rättsliga normerna kring cyberstalking i Sverige.

Sweden has no specific law regarding cyberstalking, even though technology is a prominent part of everyday society. There is a lack of research concerning cyberstalking within the Swedish context. This study aims to examine the legal norms involving cyberstalking. Specifically how the existing legal norms are reproduced, as well as to see if the legal and social norms have an interdependence and w

Beaktande av inomhusmiljöaspekter i miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader

I detta examensarbete kommer sex miljöcertifieringssystem att jämföras med varandra för att se hur dessa beaktar inomhusmiljön i nybyggnationer för skolor, lokaler och bostäder. Dessutom kommer det att redovisas vilka krav och förordningar som dessa förhåller sig till för att uppnå en god inomhusmiljö samtidigt som man beaktar människans behov. Dessa miljöcertifieringssystem som kommer att jämföraIn this thesis, six environmental certification systems will be compared with each other, in order to analyze how these systems, take the indoor environment into account in new buildings for schools, premises and housing. In addition, it will be reported what requirements and regulations these relate to in order to achieve a good indoor environment while taking into account people's needs. The

Curse of the Good Rains - The Long-Run Impacts of Locust Infestations: Evidence from the 1986-89 Locust Plague in the Sahel

This thesis estimates the long-run impacts of a desert locust plague, which lasted from 1986 to 1989. It considers the effect of in utero exposure and during young ages for both men and women. The analysis is based on DHS surveys from the Sahel countries Senegal, Mali and Chad and data on locust infestations to derive the impact of the plague on adult education and height outcomes. The focus of th

Adolescents’ Motivation and School-Related Stress: Influences from Parents

School-related stress is the most prominent form of stress among adolescents and the interplay between students and parents regarding students’ experience of stress has long been underexplored. Two studies were conducted with a sample of Swedish 8th graders in order to gain a better understanding of the links between school-related stress, factors related to the students’ parents, and factors rela

Narcissism och görandet av stigma

Narcissister förknippas bland annat med ”narcissistisk misshandel”, en bild som sprids av YouTube-kanaler som primärt publicerar videos berörande detta ämne. En netnografisktematisk analys utfördes på kommentarsfältet tillhörande en sådan video, med rubriken ”Why do you feel it so important to know they are definitely a narcissist?”. Detta i mål om att studeras hur ”görandet” av stigma, i form av

Att läsa modersmål eller inte, det är frågan : andraspråkstalande gymnasieelevers inställning till modersmålet och modersmålsämnet

Svenskan har aldrig varit det enda språket i Sverige. Paletten av språk har ökat, och idag har ungefär en tiondel av landets invånare ett annat modersmål än svenska. I grund- och gymnasieskolan har omkring 25 procent av eleverna en bakgrund i andra länder, och om vissa kriterier uppfylls har dessa rätt till modersmålsundervisning. Att som andraspråkstalare ha ett starkt modersmål kan gynna inlärni

Studie i att utöka arealen rikkärr i Skåne - Med exempel på hur tre rikkärr kan utökas

En ny början för Skånes rikkärr Ibland när du går ute på den skånska myllan en dag i juni kan du träffa på ett sankt område med påtagligt mosstäcke och vackra orkidéer; då har du vandrat in i ett rikkärr och med tanke på orkidéerna så rör det sig med största sannolikhet om ett extremrikkärr. Vad är då ett rikkärr och varför behöver vi börja arbeta hårt med att bevara denna något gäckande naturtypRich fens contribute with numerous ecosystem services, such as the highest biodiversity found among wetlands, water purification, carbon sequestration, hydrological services, recreational and educational services are all part of services provided from rich fens. Drainage and land-use change has severely damaged or destroyed these services in many regions of Europe and Sweden; restoration plans are

Development and Evaluation of a Sustainable Paper Straw Wrap:A Packaging Design Project for Tetra Pak

The increasing quantity of disposal of single-use items has become one of the important causes of waste accumulation. Today, littering of packaging waste has many severe effects on the environment. As the EU has reported, curbing littering is a complex issue that needs to be tackled. Improving the way packaging is designed will help to deliver a lower level of littering and a higher level of recyc

Let Us Tell You a Story: Signature Stories – Strategic Messaging in an Intriguing, Authentic & Involving Way

Thesis Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the academic literature on signature stories. This will be done through three main aims. Firstly, by exploring if there are additional ways in which organizations can find and identify story heroes. Secondly, by exploring how organizations can communicate signature stories in different cultural contexts in order for them to be per

Social Capability as a Driver for Economic Growth: A Conceptual and Empirical Study on Structural Dynamics, 1991-2016

To this day, the question of what factors drive economic development and catching-up remains deeply controversial in growth literature. The concept of social capability provides a useful framework to investigate the relationship of the parallel processes of transformation, inclusion, autonomy and accountability with economic performance. Nevertheless, there are few attempts to quantify social capa