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Your search for "*" yielded 533082 hits

The Kenyan Experience of Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion

Since Kenya established mobile money in 2007, the amount of usage and diffusion surged. At the same time, financial inclusion has established itself as a topic of great research and importance for policymakers. Kenya is being viewed as one of the top performers on a national level when it comes to mobile money, as M-Pesa was one of the pioneers of introducing MM. As previous literature mainly focu

Inflation and Currency Depreciation in Argentina - A Historical Institutional Perspective on Inflation in Argentina

Argentina, once among the world's wealthiest nations, has since the 1950s experienced economic turmoil marked by high inflation and currency depreciation. This thesis investigates the historical factors contributing to Argentina's persistent issues with inflation, with particular emphasis on the economic policies made since the 1940s. The study employs a historical institutionalism framewo

Increasing plasma calprotectin (S100A8/A9) is associated with 12-month mortality and unfavourable functional outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients

BACKGROUND: Calprotectin (S100A8/A9) is a pro-inflammatory mediator primarily released from neutrophils. Previous studies have revealed associations between plasma calprotectin, disease severity and in-hospital mortality in unselected COVID-19 patients.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess whether plasma calprotectin dynamics during the first week of intensive care are associated with mortality and functi

Reduced postural control in patients with chronic cervicobrachial pain syndrome

Dizziness and subjective balance disturbances are frequent complaints in cervical pain syndromes of different origins. We objectively assessed balance function with posturography using vibration-induced and galvanically induced body sway in consecutive patients with cervicobrachial pain syndrome of more than 3 months duration. Both a group of patients with MRI-verified cervical root compression (C

Early appearance of thyroid autoimmunity in children followed from birth for type 1 diabetes risk

PURPOSE: Autoantibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin (TgAb) define pre-clinical autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) which can progress to either clinical hypo- or hyperthyroidism. We determined the age at seroconversion in children genetically at risk for type 1 diabetes.METHODS: TPOAb and TgAb seropositivity were determined in 5066 healthy children with HLA DR3 or DR4 containing

Evaluation and comparison of patch materials used for pulmonary arterioplasty in pediatric congenital heart surgery

Objective: To evaluate the long-term performance of the patch materials we have used to augment the pulmonary arterial tree across a wide spectrum of diagnoses and anatomical locations. Methods: Retrospective, single-center review of 217 consecutive pediatric patients at a tertiary referral center from 1993 to 2020 who underwent patch arterioplasty of the pulmonary arterial tree from the pulmonary

Social acceptance of offshore wind energy - The role of procedural justice and trust for social acceptance of offshore wind projects on the Northeastern coast in the US

Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, such as offshore wind, is crucial to mitigating climate change. The ambitious federal targets on offshore wind set by the United States’s (US) Biden Administration will, however, increasingly impact the 129 million citizens living within local communities in coastal regions. Achieving social acceptance is therefore critical to reaching the US’

Steel Trusses in Industrial Buildings - Load Bearing Capacity and Lateral Buckling Resistance

The dissertation deals with the load-bearing capacity, in terms of stability, of a steel truss in an industrial building. It is based on previous work by Tosovic [1], in which the roof was investigated in the same type of building but the results showed that the trusses were the deficient elements. Steel trusses are a popular choice of construction for large-span buildings due to their load-beari

An oculomotor model for the interpretation of nystagmus

A model for the interpretation of nystagmus is worked out. A lesion in the vestibular system may appear as alteration in velocity of slow viz. fast phase of nystagmus, disconjugation of the nystagmus or as dysrhythmic nystagmus. The visual system, viz. the cortical and subcortical optokinetic nystagmus seems to provide the eye-head coordinates and retical error velocity to calibrate or cancel the

Can tests of physical fitness predict traumatic knee injury in youth female athletes? A prospective cohort study

Objectives To compile a battery of test including various aspects of physical fitness that could be used on the field and to assess whether any of these tests are associated with future traumatic knee injuries in youth female team sports athletes. Design Prospective cohort. Setting Sport setting. Participants Female athletes (n = 117, age 15–19 years), from Swedish sport high schools, active in so

Phototherapy for early-stage mycosis fungoides in thais

Objective: To study the efficacy of psoralen with ultraviolet A photochemotherapy (PUVA) and narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy (NBUVB), for early-stage mycosis fungoides (MF) in Thais. Materials and Methods: A retrospective medical chart review of 50 cases was performed. Demographic data, type of phototherapy, duration of treatments, clinical response, relapse, and adverse effects were analyze

Topical application of Terminalia chebula extract helps croton oil-induced dermatitis in mice

Numerous herbs have been used successfully in treating dermatologic disorders for thousands years and still widely used because it is easy to find, cheap and to avoid the side effects and complications of topical steroids. Terminalia chebula, commonly found in India and Southeast Asia, is thought to be effective for treating several diseases including inflammation and reported as an anti-oxidant.

Mapping the path to a decarbonised agri-food products : A hybrid geographic information system and life cycle inventory methodology for assessing sustainable agriculture

The development of a decarbonised food industry will depend on a sustainable agricultural system where embodied food product greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) can be associated with agricultural production. The results presented demonstrate how physically mapping agri-production provides regional carbon footprints so practice that reduces GHG emissions become strategic rather than random. Different a

Sight-singing in a group context : An eye-tracking study with experienced choral singers

Studies on music reading have provided insights into the cognitive processes in sight singing. However, there has been limited research on sight singing in a group setting. This study aims to assess how choral singers approach music reading as they perform previously unfamiliar choral scores together. We addressed (1) how singers’ gaze direction is distributed over staff systems, and (2) how their

Utrikespolitisk diskurs i tider av oro

Building on the assumption that foreign policy is a changeable and inconstant process, this study presents a descriptive analysis of the change and development of Sweden’s and Denmark’s foreign policy discourse regarding the USA, China, Russia and Turkey between 2018 and 2023. The method used in the study consists of a discourse analysis, which enables a systematic description of the change in for

Waging War on your own Democracy

This thesis studies the democratic implications of the "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission" case in the decade following 2010. The aim is to examine the complexities of campaign finance regulations in regards to issues of elite influence, corruption and transparency. The subsequent proliferation of independent expenditure committees, or Super PACs, who can spend money on camp

Oklara spelregler mellan stat och region: En studie om inblandade aktörers syn på ansvarsfördelningen för vaccinationsprocessens kostnader under Covid-19

This study tries to examine the involved stakeholders perspectives on the formal responsibility for the cost of, and the execution of the covid-19 vaccine between the Swedish state and its regions. The involved stakeholders agreed on December 8th 2020 that the state should cover these costs. Three individuals with experience from the agreement from either the Ministry of health and Social Affairs,

En känsla av att det politiska klimatet för oss längre ifrån varandra

The aim of this thesis is to examine the difference in expression of affective polarization in opinion pieces between traditional media and new media. Specifically through studying articles and posts made by elite actors as through parliament commissioners in the Swedish parliament. This is studied through the political field of immigration as it is a central field in the political dimension of cu

Vi är inte längre där – en svensk liberalism i förändring

This thesis examines how the concept of liberty has changed in the three liberal parties represented in the Swedish parliament. The starting point of the thesis is the former right-wing government Alliance for Sweden, and its election manifesto from the year 2006. The manifesto of 2006 is then compared with the manifestos of the former liberal Alliance-parties from the election of 2022. The partie