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Power to the People - Energy in Europe over the last five Centuries

Power to the People examines the varied but interconnected relationships between energy consumption and economic development in Europe over the last five centuries. It describes how the traditional energy economy of medieval and early modern Europe was marked by stable or falling per capita energy consumption, and how the First Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century--fueled by coal and st

Physiological Engineering of Xylose Utilisation by Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Xylitol production by recombinant, XYL1-expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated in fed-batch fermentation using different cosubstrates for growth, and generation of reduced cofactors and maintenance energy. Xylose was converted into xylitol with 1:1 yield. Using ethanol as cosubstrate, the yield of xylitol on ethanol and the specific xylitol productivity decreased with increasing aera

Film Formation from Dispersions - Preparation and Mechanisms

Improved environmental consciousness and harsh legislation concerning volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the 1980s led to an increase in the development in the field of polymer colloids. Solvent born coatings were replaced by polymer dispersions in aqueous solution, so called latex dispersions. As a consequence, numerous research programs concerning polymerization processes (e.g. emulsion po

A Bicompositional Dirichlet Distribution

The Simplex S^D is the sample space of a D-part composition. There are only a few distributions defined on the Simplex and even fewer defined on the Cartesian product S^D x S^D. Based on the Dirichlet distribution, defined on S^D, we propose a new bicompositional Dirichlet distribution defined on S^D x S^D, and examine some of its properties, such as moments as well as marginal and conditional dis

Quantification Methods for Clinical Studies in Nuclear Medicine - Applications in AMS, PET/CT and SPECT/CT

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom området diagnostisk nuklearmedicin används radioaktiva läkemedel som ges (administreras) till patienterna i syfte att diagnostisera ett antal olika sjukdomstillstånd. Då man tar fram nya radioaktiva läkemedel för användning inom diagnostisk nuklearmedicin handlar det många gånger om att uppskatta mängden av ett visst upptag av radiofarmakat i olika organ och vävnadAn essential part of the development of new radiopharmaceuticals for use in diagnostic nuclear medicine is the determination of its biokinetic properties. The uptake and turn-over of the radiopharmaceutical in the source organs is of great interest since this could determine whether the radiopharmaceutical would be suitable for clinical use or not. It is also important that the biokinetics and dos

The Margins of Writing: A Study of Arthur Machen and the Literary Field of the 1890s

The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the early writings of Arthur Machen (1863?1947) by focusing on three aspects of literary production: the field, the author, and the text. In all these aspects position-takings in the field, the construction of an author's identity, and textual production ? Machen's early career is informed by a particular and idiosyncratic notion of aesthetic creation, re

Rättens Dilemma: Om konflikthantering i ett mångkulturellt samhälle

Dagens Sverige är ett mångkulturellt samhälle, och bristen på stabilitet i relationerna mellan svenskar och olika invandrargrupper banar vägen för konfrontationer, som i sin tur materialiserar sig som "elände, våldsdåd och bråk". Det mångkulturella Sverige blir på så sätt en grogrund för etnokulturella motsättningar. Eftersom rätten i regel betraktas som samhällets konfliktlösande maskineri par ex