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Your search for "*" yielded 531035 hits

Joint channel estimation and peak-to-average power reduction in coherent OFDM: a novel approach

A new peak-to-average power reduction approach for OFDM has been addressed. Two-dimensional pilot-symbol assisted modulation (2D-PSAM) is employed in coherent OFDM for channel estimation and it is based on inserting known symbols spreaded out throughout the 2D time-frequency grid. We show that these scattered symbols can also be employed to perform distortionless peak power reduction, with a negli

Metabolic engineering and random mutagenesis for improved xylose utilisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

In this thesis I have summarised my work on the analysis and improvement of xylose utilisation by recombinant S. cerevisiae. A metabolic flux model was developed and used to analyse the intracellular fluxes in the recombinant xylose utilising S. cerevisiae TMB 3001 cultivated in chemostat at various dilution rates and xylose/glucose concentrations. Xylose uptake increased with xylose concentration

The patient with bladder cancer. From symptoms, through treatment, with special reference to psychosocial consequences of radical cystectomy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste 20 åren har större hänsyn tagits till den enskilde patientens önskningar och behov innan en behandling har påbörjats. Detta har skett parallellt med en snabb teknisk och medicinsk utveckling. Samtidigt som nya behandlingsmetoder tagits fram, har det också blivit angeläget att utvärdera effekten av dessa, vilket även inkluderar hur den enskilde individenFactors determining patient`s and doctor`s delay in diagnosis of bladder cancer were type of initial symptoms, level of health service first consulted and number of steps in the referral system. No correlation was found between psychosocial factors and patient`s delay. In retrospective studies after cystectomy for bladder cancer, patients with continent cutaneous diversion of urine had fewer stoma

Modeling of the acoustical field due to a jet engine with ground effect

The principal noise source for a jet engine is associated with the jet exhaust. The acoustical field that is generated by a jet engine before the take-off is considered. The turbulent jet and the mixing of the hot exhaust gas with the cold surrounding air forms an acoustical source. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations describe both flow field as well as sound generation. The acoustic theory u

Polymer Gels and their Interactions with Ionic Surfactants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Polymergeler och deras interaktioner med joniska surfaktanter. Olika typer av hydrofoba polymerer och hydrophobmodifierade polymerer tvärbinds kemisk till geler. Dessa geler tillhör gruppen responsiva geler, vilket betyder att gelerna ändrar sin volym under yttre påverkan. Gelernas volymändring studeras vid tillsats av olika joniska surfaktanter, vid tillsats av saltThe response on chemically crosslinked gels and polymer solutions on the addition of ionic surfactants and/or addition of salt at different temperatures have been studied. All polymers studied are water soluble and slightly hydrophobic or hydrophobically modified. Because of their hydrophobicity the polymers have a strong tendency to associate, both with themselves and with surfactants. Another i

Cooperation in Planning of Production and Working Environments Supported by Computer Graphics

A methodology for studying change processes in working life combining computer-aided planning and cooperation in project groups is evaluated. The methodology is applied and studied in a planning workshop with representatives from manufacturing industries—managers, production engineers, supervisors as well as shop floor workers—and from health-and-safety agencies utilizing the methodology for plann