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Your search for "*" yielded 531899 hits

To commit or not commit

Title: To commit or not commit: An examination of employee commitment towards organizational CSR initiatives Course: BUSN39 Business Administration: Global Marketing Authors: Luis Ibbeken & Oliver Åkerman Key Words: Employee´s CSR commitment; employee´s CSR communication; organizational culture; internal CSR; internal communication; training & education; leadership; IKEA; home furnishi

Strategies for computing the condition number of a matrix

The main objective of this thesis is to present the article "An estimate of the condition number of a matrix", written by Cline, which describes an algorithm for obtaining a reliable order of magnitude estimate of the condition number of a matrix in O(n^2) operations. In addition, the thesis introduces an iterative process for estimating the condition number in the 2-norm with arb

Rules - Sometimes less is more

The Aviation industry is ultra-safe. Rules and procedures have been attributed as a contributory factor for attaining this high level of safety. The complexity of the aviation system has risen dramatically in the last few decades due to the development and introduction of modern aircraft and on-board technological innovations. Every day pilots encounter situations they did not expect. During those

Norm critical pedagogy in the second language classroom

English as a second language (ESL) classrooms in Sweden constitute multicultural and social platforms where different language backgrounds and attitudes meet and where norms intersect, are contested and negotiated, creating possibilities for some, but limitations for others. The Swedish National Agency for Education promotes norm critical pedagogy (NCP) as a means to tackle degrading treatment and

The Role of Influencers in Generating Customer-Based Brand Equity & Brand-Promoting User-Generated Content

Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine influencer marketing’s effect on customer-based brand equity and customers’ willingness to post brand-promoting user-generated content. Methodology An integrative mixed method approach, with qualitative pre-study for scale development and a quantitative (n=222) main study, has been applied for testing the communication forms effect on the concepts.

The Evocation of Customer Emotions and its Effect on Purchase Behaviour in the Second-hand Retail Environment

Second-hand retailing has seen a considerable upswing in recent years. Customers rethink their attitude towards a more mindful way of consuming which makes second-hand shopping increasingly popular. This research study took the Stimulus-Organism-Response framework as a foundation leading to its first-time application in second-hand retailing. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationsh

Utvecklingsstadier i perception av grammatik: en studie av inlärares perception av grammatiska strukturer i svenskan

Den här studien undersöker utvecklingsstadier i andraspråksinlärares förståelse, perception, av grammatiska strukturer i skrift i svenskan. Perceptionen mäts genom ett grammatikalitetstest, där informanterna antingen godkänner eller underkänner samt korrigerar meningar. Det förra betraktas här som passiv perception och det senare som aktiv perception. Studien utgår från Pienemanns processbarhetshi

Exploring the Needs, Expectations, and Realities of Mental Healthcare for Transgender Adults: A Grounded Theory Study on Experiences in Sweden

Transgender persons experience a disproportionate representation in adverse mental health conditions globally. In Sweden there are tangible efforts to improving mental healthcare overall, but as a minority population, transgender persons still struggle with meeting their mental healthcare needs. While social factors such as stigma and discrimination act as catalysts for this burden, there is an ab

Don't Fear The Reaper? The Effects of Stress on Visual Attention and Threat-Processing

In the current study, the aim was to investigate whether attentional bias—an automatic and nonconscious pre-attentive process of filtering sensory information for emotional relevance—could be induced in normal students, by manipulating levels of stress. In a within-subject experimental design where each participant completed 3 word search puzzles, it was predicted that the ratio at which participa

UNHCR och colombianska asylsökande – En policyanalys av UNHCR:s policy för asylsökande från den colombianska ursprungsbefolkningen och asylsökande afrocolombianer

Den colombianska konflikten har resulterat i att miljontals colombianer har tvingats överge sina hem. Syftet med den här studien har varit att undersöka och analysera hur väl UNHCR:s policy beskriver situationen för asylsökande från den colombianska ursprungsbefolkningen och asylsökande afrocolombianer. Syftet har även varit att ta fram de mest lämpliga lösningarna för dessa asylsökande. Materiale

Forbidden oxygen in the Milky Way disk

Syre är det tredje vanligaste grund ämnet i rymden efter väte och helium. Det förekommernaturligt i tre stabila isotoper; nämligen syre 16,17 och18. Syre 16 är den dominerandesyre isotopen och den huvudsakliga produkten vid kärnbr änning av helium och neon. Dessareaktioner kan ta mellan 3 och 106 år och sker vanligen i det inre omr ådet av massiva stjärnor med exempelvis åtta gånger solens massa. Oxygen is produced inside massive stars and dispersed into the interstellar medium mainly through type II supernovae explosions. This element, which is the third most abundant one in the Universe, plays an important role in tracing the Galactic chemical history and evolution. This study aims at determining oxygen abundances from a sample of 714 F and G dwarf stars located in the solar neighborhoo

One-Handed Recessed Mount for Fixed Dome Cameras

Denna rapport beskriver en produktutvecklingsprocess med målet att förbättra det nuvarande utbudet av infällda fästen för övervakningskameror i inomhustak. Ett infällt fäste är ett tillbehör som används när kameror, eller andra produkter, skall monteras i innertak när ett så diskret resultat som möjligt är målet. Målet var att designa en lösning som kan monteras snabbt, enkelt och med bara en handThis master thesis report describes a product development process with the aim to extend the existing range of mounts for surveillance cameras mounted recessed in ceilings. A recessed mount is an accessory for mounting cameras, or other devices, in ceilings when a discreet finish is wanted. The goal was to design a solution that can be mounted fast, easy and with the use of one hand only. The comp

Religionsfrihetens avgränsningar i regeringsformen

Detta arbete syftar till att finna och definiera gränserna för religionsfriheten i svensk rätt såsom den förekommer i regeringsformen. Detta görs genom att kontrastera de varierande skydd som genom lagen bereds åt andra rättigheter som ingår i kollektivet av rättigheter som i lagen kallas för 'opinionsfriheter'. Detta görs i stort sett uteslutande genom att studera regeringsformen tillsammDetta arbete syftar till att finna och definiera gränserna för religionsfriheten i svensk rätt såsom den förekommer i regeringsformen. Detta görs genom att kontrastera de varierande skydd som genom lagen bereds åt andra rättigheter som ingår i kollektivet av rättigheter som i lagen kallas för 'opinionsfriheter'. Detta görs i stort sett uteslutande genom att studera regeringsformen tillsamm

Vem orkar vara på biblioteket? En studie om hur folkbibliotek arbetar med att särskilt uppmärksamma personer med utmattningssyndrom, en psykisk funktionsnedsättning.

A section of the Swedish library act stipulates that libraries are to pay specific attention to people with disability. Exhaustion syndrome is a mental disability that in recent years has started to grow rapidly in numbers. This master thesis is mainly aiming to study whether public libraries are welcoming and functional places for people with exhaustion syndrome but it also has a wider scope stud

Platsmarknadsföring i Malmö - En studie över Malmö stads arbete för en inkluderande platsmarknadsföring

This essay aims to investigate how the city of Malmö works towards creating an inclusive place branding. By studying theories regarding place branding, with focus on theories concerning the people living and working in the city, the essay aims to answer how these theories can be connected to and used in Malmö’s work. To be able to answer these questions, several documents from both the city of Mal