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Your search for "*" yielded 536196 hits
The influence and impact of Japan to upbringing the human rights norms in Southeast Asia through the world of business
Japan’s influence in Southeast Asia has been enormous throughout history, whether in its military occupation, culture, or economic ties, and there is no doubt that Southeast Asia has developed under its influence. Have Southeast Asian states then developed and improved their human rights situation because of Japan? Or has Japan aggravated the situation being “blue washed”, by performing its busine
National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species : A contribution to pollinator conservation
Pollinators play a crucial role in ecosystems globally, ensuring the seed production of most flowering plants. They are threatened by global changes and knowledge of their distribution at the national and continental levels is needed to implement efficient conservation actions, but this knowledge is still fragmented and/or difficult to access. As a step forward, we provide an updated list of aroun
Implementing Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities in Utilization in an Urban Pain Medicine Practice
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a drastic expansion in utilizing telemedicine, circumventing some of the geographical barriers to accessing pain care. However, uncertainties around the impact of telemedicine across various sociodemographic groups still exist, prompting further exploration. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of sociodemographic factors in telemedicine utilizat
Inramning av situationens sociala dynamik
A homogeneous earthquake catalog for western Turkey and magnitude of completeness determination
A catalog for earthquakes that occurred in western Turkey during the period 1964-2010 is compiled for achieving homogeneity for magnitudes. Data are obtained from the International Seismological Center (ISC), where earthquake magnitudes are reported in different scales and come from a variety of sources. For establishing a common magnitude expression, namely an equivalent moment magnitude Mw*, new
We investigate temporal changes in seismic activity observed in the West Corinth Gulfand North-West Peloponnese during 2008 to 2010. Two major earthquake sequencestook place in the area at that time (in 2008 and 2010). Our aim is to analyse Greekseismicity to attempt to confirm the existence or non-existence of seismic precursorsprior to the strongest earthquakes. Perhaps because the area is geolo
Den empiriska glädjen. En vänbok till Malin Åkerström
Det finns energi att hämta i empiriska iakttagelser och det kan vara enfröjd att utvinna den energin. Så lyder budskapet i den här vänbokentill Malin Åkerström, professor emerita vid Lunds universitet.Med nedslag i vitt skilda fält och projekt vill författarna exemplifieraoch analysera det speciella samspel som äger rum mellan empirioch forskare i olika samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen. Det rör sig om
Nagorno-Karabakh: the world should have seen this coming – and it’s not over yet
7. In vivo quantification of glutathione T2 in the human brain at 7 Tesla using echo time extension with variable refocusing selectivity and symmetry
The tripeptide glutathione (L-γ-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl glycine or GSH) is an endogenous antioxidant implicated in many neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis. Its precise quantification by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy is, however, hampered by its uncertain T2. Here, we present a method for the quantification of GSH T2 in the human brain at 7 Tesla using optimized echo time e
A novel scatterplot-based method to detect copy number variation (CNV)
Objective: Most methods to detect copy number variation (CNV) have high false positive rates, especially for small CNVs and in real-life samples from clinical studies. In this study, we explored a novel scatterplot-based method to detect CNVs in microarray samples. Methods: Illumina SNP microarray data from 13,254 individuals were analyzed with scatterplots and by PennCNV. The data were analyzed w
Filling a gap of information : Case of Convergence in municipalities when local media entrepreneurs communicate local news
Professional roles are converging as it becomes usual for journalists to be recruited as communicators, and ”change side” from reviewing information to carry information. Communication departments use journalistic methods and speak of themself as an editorial rather than a communication department (White & Hobsbawm 2007). The traditional role of local journalists is changing due to this develoProfessional roles are converging as it becomes usual for journalists to be recruited as communicators, and ”change side” from reviewing information to carry information. Communication departments use journalistic methods and speak of themself as an editorial rather than a communication department (x).Second, research of interconnections between mass media and work of organizations’ communication
Accounting for long-term motivation and sustained motivated learning : Motivational currents, self-concordant vision, and persistence in language learning
Although temporal conceptualizations of motivational processes have not held center stage in motivation science, the situation is currently changing. Drawing on work in the subfield of language learning motivation, where the motivational endurance needed to master a second language has been a major concern, the aim of this article is to contribute to the body of work currently exploring motivation
Human Rights and Gender Equality in the Age of AI-based Hiring
Proteomic profiling of osteoarthritis. A computational approach to biomarker discovery.
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of osteoarthritis (OA) is critical for early diagnosis and effective treatment. OA is a leading cause of disability and poses an increasing burden on healthcare systems, particularly with an aging global population. Despite the potential of proteomics to elucidate the complex biology underlying OA, its application remains limited due to challenges including g
Michael Snow's "Powers of Two"
A review of Michael Snow's solo exhibition "Powers of Two" at Christopher Cutts Gallery in Toronto, Canada.
Multifractal properties of daily rainfall in two different climates
The multifractal properties of daily rainfall were investigated in two contrasting climates: an east Asian monsoon climate (China) with an extreme rainfall variability and a temperate climate (Sweden) with a moderate rainfall variability. First, daily time series were studied. The results showed that daily rainfall in both climates can be viewed as the result of a multiplicative cascade process fo
Förnimmelser om - kring stenarnas tid
Offentligt uppdrag, Tranströmer biblioteket, Medborgarhuset, Stockholm Maria Hedlunds stora intresse och en återkommande utgångspunkt för hennes fotobaserade konst är fascinationen för människans samlande. Genom kamerans lins studerar hon föremål, växter, stenarter och insekter. Oftast befinner de sig i ett övergångstillstånd och har förlorat sitt ursprungliga sammanhang. Hedlunds bildsviter, som Public commission, Tranströmer library, Medborgarhuset, Stockholm
Preoperative circulating tumor DNA level is associated to poor overall survival in patients with ovarian cancer
Introduction/BackgroundCirculating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which is shed from tumor cells into the blood, is a promising minimal-invasive method for cancer diagnostics and monitoring. The aim of this study was to evaluate preoperative ctDNA levels in the plasma of patients with ovarian cancer and correlate the levels to clinico-pathological parameters and patient outcome.MethodologyTumor DNA was extrac
Predictors of diagnostic conversion from major depression to bipolar disorder : A Swedish national longitudinal study
Background It is clinically important to predict the conversion of major depression (MD) to bipolar disorder (BD). Therefore, we sought to identify related conversion rates and risk factors. Methods This cohort study included the Swedish population born from 1941 onward. Data were collected from Swedish population-based registers. Potential risk factors, including family genetic risk scores (FGRS)